My Best Shoes




The story tells about the different shoes you might wear on various days of the week.
--- Conversation Questions---
(1) /

Recall the shoes in the story.

(Answer) / Tie shoes, tap shoes, play shoes, old shoes, new shoes, sun shoes.
(Follow Up) / Recall which shoes were your favorite.
(2) / Estimate how many shoes you have.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Guess how many shoes your mom has.
(3) / Imagine something you like to do and what kind of shoes you wear.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Suppose you were playing dress up. What kind of shoes would you wear?
(4) / Compare old shoes and new shoes.
(Answer) / New shoes are clean, shiny and bright. Old shoes are dirty, and scuffed.
(Follow Up) / What are tap shoes?
(5) / Explain the word tiptoe.
(Answer) / To walk on your toes.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever walked on your tiptoes?
(6) / Name what happened when the girl did not tie her shoes on Monday.
(Answer) / She fell.
(Follow Up) / Do you know how to tie your shoes?
(7) / Name the shoes she wore to dance class.
(Answer) / Tap shoes.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever worn dance shoes?
(8) / List things you can do in play shoes.
(Answer) / Race, run, skip, hop, jump, and stop.
(Follow Up) / Describe your play shoes.
(9) / List what your old shoes look like.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / List a place you wear your old shoes.
(10) / List places you wear sun shoes.
(Answer) / Sand, water, grass, land.
(Follow Up) / What do you call it when you wear no shoes?
1. / Write about your favorite shoes. What color are they? When did you get them? Where do you wear them?
2. / Write about something you like to do in bare feet.
Trace your shoe or foot.
3. / List all the different shoes you can think of in three minutes.
4. / Draw a picture of your favorite pair of shoes.
1. / Have a shoe on the desk. Ask students if they have a favorite pair of shoes. When would they wear that shoe? Say let’s read about different shoes and when to wear them.
2. / Have a shoe in the bag. Ask students to feel and guess what type of shoe it is. Say let’s read about some different shoes.
3. / Have a foot traced on paper. Say today let’s read about bare feet and different types of shoes you might wear.

Book: My Best Shoes

Author: Marilee Robin Burton / Illustrator: James E./ Ransome
ISBN: 0-688-11756-2 / # of Text Pages: 22 Book Level:
Building Oral Vocabulary
1 / tie / 10 / shoes / 13 / new
Prediction Questions
2 / What will happen if she doesn’t tie her shoes?
10 / Where will she wear old shoes?
16 / Where did she wear sun shoes?

This resource is made available by KYREADS-Barren County School system, an AmeriCorps program, funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community and Volunteer Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.