March 2015
RFP Name
The County plans to contract with a qualified firm to (**insert a brief description of services to be provided**).
(**insert when the services will start, any interim deadlines, and when the services will be completed and the deadline for submission of the final report if required in the scope of work.**)
The desired outcome for this service is ______
Scope of Work will include but may not be limited to the following:
(**insert a detailed description of the overall work to be performed. This section is very important and will be the main basis of the final agreement**)
A. The Proposal shall include a “Not to Exceed” price of $______or less for services rendered.
B. The “Not to Exceed” Fee shall include all reimbursable travel costs, phone, project printing, etc.
C. Payment will be made upon acceptance of ______(the report submitted?). The County has the right to correct an incorrect invoice before paying.
All proposals submitted for evaluation must include the following information:
(**The following are “sample” criteria. These may be added to, deleted, or altered as needed to fit your specific RFP. County Ordinance requires the fee to be at least 30% of the scoring criteria.**)
20%Firm's Qualifications and Team. Provide a brief description of your firm, the scope and nature of services routinely provided by your firm on projects of this nature and its capabilities. Include resumes of those principals, partners and other key project staff members who will be directly involved in the overall effort.
30%Relevant Experience. Provide detailed relevant experience of three projects similar in scope and size which shall include the following: name of client, contact person and their current phone, brief description of service performed, date of services, and final contract amount and any other pertinent information regarding experience. The County has the option to contact any or all of your clients.
10%Proposed Approach. Describe how your firm will approach each task of the project. Give a description of the methodology to be employed in completing the tasks and deliverables of this RFP. Proposers are encouraged to submit innovative ideas, new concepts, and optional features. However, Proposers must address the needs and minimum requirements stated in the Scope of Work of this RFP.
10%Project Schedule. Indicate time for key tasks of this RFP.
30%Proposed Fee. See section IV concerning fee. Salt Lake County may adjust scoring to a proposal through a preference system.Please refer to the preference attachment.
Proposals are to be submitted through BidSync by the date and time posted. No responses will be accepted after that date and time.
Questions shall be submitted through Bid Sync at Questions are due prior to the question date and time specified in Bid Sync. If a question/answer changes the RFP document, the change will be released in an addendum. Do NOT contact the Agency, Division, Department, or other County officers or employees.
- Scoring Proposals
The proposal will be evaluated, scored, and ranked by a Selection Committee. Each member of the committee will be provided a score sheet to complete the proposal evaluation utilizing the point system listed below. Committee Members individually score the proposals and rank them 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. according to their total score.
- Costs
All costs associated with the preparation of the proposal, as well as any other related materials, will be borne by the Proposer. All proposals become the property of Salt Lake County. Salt Lake County reserves the right to stop the selection process at any time if it is considered to be in the best interest of the County. Salt Lake County also reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted.
- Written Agreement Required
The selected Proposer must agree to all requirements in the RFP scope of work unless an exemption is stated in the proposal. The selected Proposer must also be willing to enter into a written agreement with County and agree to all the terms set forth in the Standard Form RFP Agreement, attached to this RFP. If you wish to alter the RFP including exhibits, attachments, and addenda and/or any of the terms of the standard Agreement, THE EXCEPTION must be specifically identified in your proposal with reasonable alternatives presented. Proposer understands that deviations from the standard form agreements are made at the county’s discretion.Proposers are advised that County is not bound by the terms of the RFP until a written agreement is fully executed and any activity taken by Proposer prior to a written agreement being fully executed is done at the Proposer’s sole risk.
- Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA):
County is a governmental entity subject to the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act (“GRAMA”), Utah Code Ann. §§ 63G-2-101 to -901. Generally, GRAMA only protects against the disclosure of trade secrets or commercial information that could reasonably be expected to result in unfair competitive injury. All documents submitted in response to this RFP will be treated as public records in accordance with GRAMA, unless a claim of business confidentiality has been properly made and approved by County.
- Copyrighted Material Waiver:
In the event that the proposal contains copyrighted or trademarked materials, by submitting its proposal the Proposer grants the County the right to use, reproduce, and publish the copyrighted or trademark materials in any manner the County deems necessary for conducting County business and for allowing public access to the responses under GRAMA or otherwise, including but not limited to photocopying, County Intranet/Internet postings, broadcast faxing, and direct mailing.
- Restrictions On Communications
From the issue date of this solicitation until a Proposer is selected and the selection is announced, Proposers are prohibited from communications regarding this procurement with agency staff, evaluation committee members, or other associated individuals EXCEPT the Procurement Officer overseeing this procurement. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in disqualification.
- RFP Cancellation
This RFP may be cancelled at any time prior to the execution of a written agreement if deemed in the best interests of County. This includes cancellation of the RFP after an award has been made, but prior to the execution of a written contract. Proposer is not entitled to recover any costs related to the preparation of the proposal due to cancellation of the RFP or withdrawal of an award prior to the execution of a written agreement.
- Firm Pricing
All prices, quotes, or proposals are to remain firm for 60 days after the closing date, unless a different period is stated in County’s RFP. Any proposal that does not offer to remain firm for the required period may be considered to be non-responsive.
- Receiving Proposals
Contracts and Procurement will administer receipt and opening of all proposals. After the closing time, only the identity of each Proposer will be made public.
- Protests
Pursuant to Salt Lake County Code of Ordinances § 3.20.150, a protest in regard to the RFP document must be submitted in writing prior to the RFP closing date. All other protests must be submitted in writing within five (5) business days after notification of the award is posted on Bid Sync. A protestor may file only one (1) protest after the RFP closing date. Protest letters must specifically and completely state the facts that the protestor believes constitute error in the RFP document or the award.
- Free and Competitive Selection
Any agreement or collusion among prospective Proposers to fix a price or limit competition will render the proposal void, and such conduct is unlawful and subject to criminal sanction. By submitting a proposal, the Proposer hereby certifies that no one in its firm or company has either directly or indirectly restrained free and competitive selection, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action unauthorized by County Purchasing Ordinances or applicable law.
- Environmentally Responsible Procurement Practices
In compliance withExecutive Order #2013-4, County has implemented environmentally responsible procurement practices.
- Debrief Meetings
Debrief meetings with the selection committee members will not be allowed, however, a Proposer may discuss the RFP process with the Procurement Officer at any time.
- Reasonable Accommodations
Reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals may be provided upon receipt of a request with 5 working days’ notice. Please contact Contracts and Procurement at 801.468.2556. TTY users shall call 711.