Award Applications
Spring/Fall 2013
Must be submitted to the Dean of Students Office by March 24th
Chapter President:
Vice President:
Financial Vice President/Treasurer
Recumbent/Membership Vice President:
IFC/Panhellenic Delegate:
Office in Charge of Programming:
Chapter Advisor:
Corporative Board President:
This is one application package for all Fraternity/Sorority awards. Please complete this if you wish to apply for awards.
· Scholarship Award
· Philanthropy Award
· Community Service Award
· Campus Involvement
· Chapter of the year
· Membership recruitment excellence award
· Panhellenic and IFC scholarship Trophies
Alumni/Alumnae Relations
The chapter hosted one of the following events specifically for alumni/alumnae during Spring 2013 or Fall 2013 (check all that apply):
Homecoming event (mixer, luncheon, tea, etc.)
# of alumni/alumnae in attendance:
Anniversary/ Founder’s Day Event
# of alumni/alumnae in attendance:
Other (please describe):
# of alumni /alumnae in attendance:
The chapter maintains a relationship with the following alumni/alumnae association(s):
Chapter Pride
Once per week, the chapter does the following to publicly demonstrate pride in their chapter. (Check all that apply):
All members wear letters on the same day.
All members wear badges on the same day.
All members gather for a meal in a public place (dining hall, student center, etc.).
Chapter sets up a table or display in a central location on campus.
The chapter does not have a weekly “pride” event.
Other. Please describe:
Please describe all Sisterhood/Brotherhood events held by the chapter during the year (continue on the back of this page if necessary):
# of Brothers/Sisters present:
Description of activity:
# of Brothers/Sisters present:
Description of activity:
Facility Management
The chapter has a (circle one):
House No Facility
If “No Facility” was circled, please leave the rest of this page blank.
Maximum capacity of the house:
Number of residents required for corporation to “break even.”
Number of residents: Fall Spring
Building Corporation meetings with collegians in attendance were held on the following dates:
Briefly describe how the chapter facility was updated and or improved this year:
Please list the names and titles of your building corporation officers:
§ A copy of communication that went to alumnae/alumni in the Spring/Fall of 2013 (newsletter, e-mail, Evite, invitation to an event, etc.)
§ A letter or note from the alumni/alumnae association with which your chapter maintains a relationship outlining the activities you did together this year.
IFC/ Panhellenic Presence
IFC and Panhellenic secretaries will provide documentation to support your chapter’s attendance at meetings. Attendance at IFC/ Panhellenic meetings during the Spring and Fall of 2013 was:
Perfect – 100%
Good – The chapter was at most (75% or more) of the meetings
Poor – The chapter was at only about half of the meetings
Non-existent- The chapter does not maintain a presence in Panhellenic
Does any member of your chapter hold a leadership position within the IFC/ Panhellenic Council (committee chair, director, vice president, executive office, etc.)?
Yes No
If “yes,” please list the member(s) and his/her office(s):
Public Relations – Continued
How did the chapter publicly announce and/or celebrate significant chapter events? Some examples of this might include (check all that apply):
Chapter anniversary
Chapter visitors
Academic Achievements
National or International awards
What is the address of the chapter’s website, MySpace page or FaceBook page?
How often is the site updated?
Weekly Monthly Annually Other:
Does a chapter member maintain the site or does the chapter use an outside person to do that?
Chapter Member Outside Person or Company
Name of the person who maintains the site:
Leadership – Attachments
Please attach the following documents:
§ Publicity materials for events open to non-members
§ An article or advertisement about the chapter published in the campus, local newspaper or other media outlet
§ Screen shots of the chapter’s webpage, FaceBook page or MySpace page
§ The chapter’s written public relations plan, including PR goals, strategies and tactics
§ Materials used to promote informal recruitment events
Pledge/ New Member Orientation
Spring ’13 new member class GPA:
Fall ’13 new member class GPA:
Spring 2013 New Member Class Statistics:
# pledged: # initiated: Length of Program: weeks
Target (goal)______
Date of All Chapter Retreat:
Number of members in attendance: New Members Initiated
Cumulative new member class GPA:
A total of ______sisters/brothers altered membership status.
Fall 2013 New Member Class Statistics:
# pledged: # initiated: Length of Program: weeks
Target (goal)______
Date of All Chapter Retreat:
Number of members in attendance: New Members Initiated
Cumulative new member class GPA:______
A total of______sisters/brothers altered membership status.
Member Development
Please list the following information for all the educational programs the chapter participated in this year. Continue on the back of this page or print a second copy of this page if necessary.
Program Title:
Date of Program: Number of chapter members in attendance:
Was this a program done just for the chapter or was it a campus program that the chapter members attended?
Chapter Program Campus Program
Program Title:
Date of Program: Number of chapter members in attendance:
Was this a program done just for the chapter or was it a campus program that the chapter members attended?
Chapter Program Campus Program
Program Title:
Date of Program: Number of chapter members in attendance:
Was this a program done just for the chapter or was it a campus program that the chapter members attended?
Member Development
Did officers from your chapter attend Regional Training (leadership school, National/International convention etc.)?
Yes No
If “yes,” pleas list the following information:
Date of Training:
Officers in attendance (name, office) :
Academic Achievement
Spring 2013 Academic Statistics:
Chapter Cumulative GPA:
All - Panhellenic/IFC GPA: Chapter Rank of
All Women’s GPA:
All Men’s GPA:
All – Undergraduate GPA
Fall 2013 Academic Statistics:
Chapter Cumulative GPA:
All - Panhellenic/IFC GPA: Chapter Rank of
All Women’s GPA:
All Men’s GPA:
All – Undergraduate GPA
Scholarship – Attachments
Please attach the following documents:
§ Agenda used for all – chapter retreats.
§ Copies of academic improvement programs for those members who are below the minimum GPA requirement.
§ The chapter’s written academic achievement program including a plan for academic support and incentives for success.
Community Service and Philanthropy
An event in which an organization raises monetary or material (clothing, supplies, toys, food) for a not for profit organization.
What are examples of philanthropy?
· Donating clothes, shoes, hygiene products, furniture etc to an organization such as the Goodwill.
· Donating canned foods to a food pantry.
· Donating money directly to a charity or non-profit agency.
· The cost of supplies required to create gifts for the community such as gift baskets, cards, bookmarks, apples to teachers, etc.
What does NOT count as philanthropy?
· Donating blood.
· If you are paying money to participate in another chapter’s philanthropic activity. The chapter hosting the event will be able to count the total proceeds raised as philanthropy for their chapter.
· The money raised while ringing bells for the Salvation Army.
Community Service
A hands-on activity in which a chapter has direct interaction with people they are helping.
What are examples of community service?
· Doing a Habitat for Humanity work project.
· Doing housework or yard work for an elderly person (i.e. leaf raking with SVS).
· Visiting residents of a nursing home.
· Tutoring elementary children (i.e. Child Abuse Prevention—CAP).
· Volunteering at any agency listed on the SVS website.
· Picking up trash around the community or on-campus.
· Working with a girl scouts or boy scouts troop.
· The time spent with members of the community delivering gifts you made or purchased for them.
· Ringing bells for the Salvation Army.
What is NOT Community Service?
· Activities completed for class credit or as a class assignment do not count as community service.
· Activities done on-campus for other leadership positions (i.e. Homecoming Steering Committee or Student Body President) do not count as community service.
· Donating blood is not considered community service.
· The time spent setting up for or operating a philanthropic event cannot be counted as community service.
· The time spent creating or preparing gifts (i.e. cards, gift baskets, artwork) that are donated to members of the community does not count as community service.
· The time spent going door-to-door collecting cans for a canned food drive.
· Hours worked for housing and residence.
Run/Walk—there is a lot of confusion about these events, so here are some clarifiers:
If your chapter hosts a run/walk:
· To raise money for a charity it would be a philanthropic event.
· Members who run/walk in the event could not count this as community service.
If a national organization was sponsoring a run/walk :
· Individuals from a chapter helped set up for the run/walk that would count as community service.
· Individuals paid money to run/walk in the event, it would count as philanthropy.
· The hours spent actually walking or running in the event would not count as community service.
What philanthropy or service projects did your chapter participate in that were sponsored by other Fraternities or Sororities?
Event/Project: Date:
Sponsoring Fraternity/Sorority
Description of event:
Event/Project: Date:
Sponsoring Fraternity/Sorority
Description of event:
Event/Project: Date:
Sponsoring Fraternity/Sorority
Description of event:
Event/Project: Date:
Sponsoring Fraternity/Sorority
Description of event:
Community Service Hours Reporting FormChapter: ______
Name of Individual / Organization / Date / # of Hours
Suzy Patterson / CAP Mentor Program / 9/17/2010 / 1
Signature of Person Reporting: ______
Contribution to MSU and local community
What campus activities did your chapter participate in as a whole? Check all that apply:
Greek Week
Parent’s Weekend
Athletic Events
Other. Please describe:
Did your chapter co-sponsor a service project or campus program with another campus group during the Spring/Fall of 2013? Simply participating or attending does not count – your chapter needs to have taken a leadership role in putting the event together to be considered a co-sponsor.
Yes No
If “yes,” please provide the following information for each event. Continue on the back of this page if necessary.
Event Title:
Co – Sponsor:
Benefiting (agency, specific population, etc.):
Description of Event:
Number of individuals attending:______
How was event publicized:______
Event Title:
Co – Sponsor:
Benefiting (agency, specific population, etc.):
Description of Event:
Number of individuals attending:______
How was event publicized:______
Event Title:
Co – Sponsor:
Benefiting (agency, specific population, etc.):
Description of Event:
Number of individuals attending:______
How was event publicized:______
Volunteer Service and Support
How many advisors does your chapter have?
For which areas? Check all that apply:
New Member
Public Relations
Chapter Life
Member Development/Programs
Other. Please Describe
What opportunities for training have your advisors taken advantage of this year? Check all that apply:
Attended National/International Convention.
Met with a leadership consultant or National/International office.
Participated in campus-sponsored advisor training.
Met as a board to set goals and review chapter progress.
Attended a regional conference, such as AFLV.
Attended Regional Training.
Other. Please describe.
Service Attachments
Please attach the following documents:
§ Chapter roster as of March 24th. Next to each member’s name, please list his/her activities outside the chapter.
§ List of members who hold a leadership position in another campus organization (chair, director, vice president, executive board, etc) including the name of the organization and his/ her leadership role.
Bonus Round!
This packet has asked for a lot of information, but that doesn’t make it the sum total of your chapter’s accomplishments. What do you want to share that the packet didn’t ask you about already? Did you win campus awards? Do you have a great chapter tradition to share? What are you most proud of?