AP English Language and CompositionName: ______

Reading Quiz- “Preface”, Will in the World

Directions: Answer each of the following questions by choosing the best possible answer from the multiple choices.

___ (1) In the opening paragraph, Greenblatt uses all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Parallelism

B. Parenthesis

C. Periodic Sentence

D. Chiasmus

E. Rhetorical Questions

___ (2) According to Greenblatt’s Preface, the key to Shakespeare’s theatrical success was not so much the nature of the subject as it was:

A. the style of his writing

B. the originality of the metaphors

C. the intensity of the connection to the audience

D. the cost

E. the reputation of the acting troupe

___ (3) The word “Dogged” as it appears in the second line of the fourth paragraph most closely means:

A. determined

B. old

C. important

D. effective

E. inconsistent

___ (4) In the fifth paragraph, Greenblatt uses all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Climactic Sentence

B. Repetitious Phrasing

C. Hyperbole

D. Compound-Complex Sentence

E. Litotes

___ (5) As it is used at the end of paragraph five, “provincial” most closely means:

A. holy

B. simple

C. mysterious

D. honorable

E. ancient

___ (6) The author claims that Shakespeare’s greatest endowment was his

A. imagination

B. command of the language

C. focused determination

D. ability to create original ideas

E. passion

___ (7) The third sentence in the last paragraph (beginning, “The poet who…) contains:

A. parallelism

B. period

C. example

D. climax

E. all of the above

___ (8) The tone of the Preface is most properly characterized as

A. callous and pedantic

B. reverent and academic

C. ponderous and emotional

D. listless and knowledgeable

E. capricious and uncertain

(9) Tell me what you are most looking forward to about our study of Shakespeare.

(10) Tell me what you are dreading the most about our study of Shakespeare.