Natalya Kravchenko
Taurida National V.I.Vernadsky University, Simferopol, Ukraine
On the background of developing and deepening global environmental crisis, one becomes aware of the value of the state environmental protection for the life, attempts to implement the main objectives of the Concept of Sustainable Development, changing attitudes to traditional energy (taken measures to curb fossil fuel use). Modern power, based largely on fossil fuels can not guarantee sustainable development in the long term. On the background of the general instability and the search for ways out of the developing energy crisis, as well as awareness of the value of a favorable ecological environment in recent decades the world has witnessed increased attention to renewable energy sources (RES).
Understanding the ecological importance of environmental protection is increasingly becoming a determining factor in solving many complex problems at the government level, government agencies, and large companies. This approach is manifested in the fact that even countries that do not experience shortages in energy resources stimulate the development of renewable energy.
World vastly different from each other in terms of emissions, leading to accelerated accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While residents of the richest countries account for only 15% of the world's population, they are responsible for nearly half of all CO2 emissions. A carbon emission per capita in the United States is five times higher than in China and more than 15 times - India. In Ethiopia, the average rate of carbon emissions of 0.1 tones of carbon dioxide, compared with 20 tones in Canada. The global carbon budget due to energy emissions into the atmosphere should be an annual 14.5 GtCO2. At present the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere are being doubled.
The European Union is firmly committed themselves to the use of solar, wind and biomass - the Strategy development and use of renewable energy, according to which the energy balance of the EU countries the share of renewable energy should be increased from 4% in 1991 to 20% in 2020. (Up to 25% by 2030), and the production of electricity from renewable energy sources increases to 21% in 2010
Greening Trends of modern power found its reflection visible and in the use of transport fuels. It is known that transport - the main polluter of the environment consumes up to 60% of world oil production. In recent years, the transition to new sources of fuel: liquefied natural gas, liquid hydrogen, biofuels (ethanol, ethanol, biodiesel).
However, the importance of biofuel projects on the national economy is also hard to overestimate. Ukraine consumes more than 11 million tons petroleum products per year, of which about 50% are imported fuel in the gas balance of the share of imported energy resources is about 80%. In Ukraine today there is no full-fledged market biodiesel and bioethanol. However, Ukraine has already built a dozen biodiesel refineries with a total capacity of more than 250 tones per year.
Today, Ukrainian refineries are in a very competitive disadvantage relative to European businesses: imported fuel dictates a fashion to the standards of Euro 4 and Euro 5, while at the same time, technological backwardness of Ukrainian refineries preclude release of such products at least the next 5 years. In many developed countries, cars are transferred to the environmental standards for fuel: Euro-6 is scheduled for the introduction of the EU in 2014
Many other trends noted in the area of greening of world energy - upgraded technology, developing the legal framework, accepted the special state program for the development of renewable energy, is carried out extensive educational outreach. The latter proved to be extremely important in achieving tangible progress in the restructuring of the energy policy in Denmark, France, Spain, Britain, Germany and other countries.
In many countries (U.S., Canada, Japan, EU, India) adopted the Programme on Hydrogen Energy and Hydrogen Fuel. They invest billions in investments in fuel cells, hydrogen cars and hydrogen fueling stations, solar-hydrogen and wind-hydrogen technologies (70-80's leader in hydrogen power was the USSR).
Also in the U.S. and EU plans to introduce energy-saving technology provides the following activities:
1. Organic waste (household, wood pulp, animal waste and poultry waste sewers, "green" - greens, cabbage, garden and park, etc.) Process using microorganisms in the biogas and bioethanol (an alternative to gasoline) that will cover up to 10% of energy demand.
2. Produce electricity using nuclear fusion power plants that run on an isotope of hydrogen - deuterium (with the addition of tritium). Unlike nuclear, thermonuclear energy is virtually no radiation threat.
3. Agriculture is fully translated into the low-energy "bespluzhnye" technology (in the West they were called no-till, that is, "without plowing - to a depth of 5 sm). For example, if the Ukrainian average per hectare wheat consumes 120 liters of diesel fuel, the technology no -
4. till - no more than 20 liters, it means 6 times lower.
Taking a course for the revival of our economy, it is necessary to take into account the current trends of ecological, humane, social life, to use international experience in restructuring the economy, as well as mechanisms for regulating all economic sectors, including energy.