ESA Colorado State Council
68th Annual Convention
May 16, 17, 18 2014
Ft Morgan, Colorado
Executive Board Luncheon
May 16, 2014
The luncheon was held at the First Christian Church in Ft Morgan. Hosted by Beta Epsilon. Kim Kummer, IC Representative from Kansas was with us.
Friday Night Mixer “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”
Welcome by Gertie Chapin and Cindy Powers, Co Convention Chairs. They introduced Beta Epsilon #357 Host Chapter.
Introduction of our Guests CSC President Joan Snyder. Kim Kummer is our IC Representative this year. Kim is from Kansas and is serving on the IC Board as Parliamentarian. Joan also introduced our special guests from Easter Seals; Katie Dockery Director of WINGS, Kiersten Rogers of the Explorer’s Day Program, and Lynn Robinson, CEO.
Invocation – Chaplain Pam McGee.
Easter Seals -Rebekah Martinez, Easter Seals Chair
- Katie Dockery, Director of WINGS spoke about this program that is up in Loveland. It is a 6 hour day program that has recently started. They have a big focus on an art program. The pictures from the art program are sold to raise money for them.
- Kiersten Rogers, Explorers Day Program in Lakewood explained about the program that she is involved with. They also have a big focus on art projects that they sell to raise money.
- Lynn Robinson, CEO reported that ESA has donated $2,300 this last year and in the last 10 years we have donated over $21,000.
- Theta Eta presented the 3 Representatives with 25 to 30 blankets for the camp.
Presentation of Awards “Home Run Hits” by Cathy Westlake, Senior Past President assisted by Kim Kummer, IC Rep.
Easter Seals Awards Rebekah Martinez, Easter Seals Chair
- Easter Seals Awards – Hours Donated
- 1st Place – Kappa Iota #5442, Golden
- 2nd Place – Zeta Tau #2064, Colorado Springs
- 3rd Place – Zeta Rho #1774, Aurora
- Easters Seals Awards – Monies Donated
- 1st Place – Zeta Tau #2064, Colorado Springs
- 2nd Place – Zeta Rho #1774, Aurora
- 3rd Place – Gamma Chi #3668, Loveland
Membership Awards Vickie Martinez, Vice President
- Membership Growth – Chapter
- 1st Place – Kappa Zeta #5571 Colorado Springs, 18 Members
- Honorable Mention – Alpha Omicron #770 Salida, 1 Member
- Honorable Mention – Alpha Nu #5315 Akron, 1 Member
- Honorable Mention – Chi Kappa #5129 Denver, 1 Member
- Honorable Mention – Epsilon Chi #1836 Rangely, 1 Member
- Honorable Mention – Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora, 1 Member
- Honorable Mention – Kappa Iota #5442 Golden, 1 Reinstate
- Membership Growth – Individual
- 1st Place – Kelli Strong Kappa Zeta, 11 Members
- 2nd Place – Joy Kelly Kappa Zeta, 2 Members
- 2nd Place – Barbara Stafford Kappa Zeta, 2 Members
Publicity Awards Chloe McClantoc, Publicity Chair
- Publicity – Star Reporter
- 1st Place – Shirley Telinde, Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
- 2nd Place – Nancy Carry, Chi Kappa #5129 Denver
Golden Lamp Awards Leslie Stevens, Golden Lamp Editor
- Golden Lamp Award - Chapter
- 1st Place – Theta Eta #2830 Denver
- 2nd Place – Kappa Iota #5442 Golden
- Golden Lamp Award – Council
- 1st Place – Juanita Larson Denver Alpha Council
- 1st Place – Yvonne Farrell Denver Epsilon Council
- Golden Lamp Star Reporter
- 1st Place – Karen Taylor Theta Eta #2830 Denver
- 2nd Place – Angie Zimbleman Kappa Iota #5442 Golden
- Comfort Foods Recipe Contest Winners:
- TOP CHEF – Shirley Telinde
- 2nd Place – Rita Martin
- Consolation – Joan Snyder
ESA Foundation Judy Barker Counselor. Judy was not at convention no report given.
Educational Awards Kathy Garrison, Educational Director
- Educational
- 1st Place – Epsilon Epsilon #1896 Denver
- 2nd Place - Beta Alpha #5416 Aurora
- 3rd Place –Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
- Gold Link Award
- Gladys Jean Dinwiddie, Alpha Phi #327, Golden
- Anita Miller, Alpha Omicron #770, Salida
- Jeanie McLain, Beta Alpha #5416, Aurora
- Chloe McClantoc, Chi Kappa #5129, Denver
- Bea Gilbert, Delta Theta #1898, Denver
- Dorothy Collins, Epsilon Chi #1836, Rangely
- Kathy Garrison, Epsilon Epsilon #1896, Denver
- Margie Quenoy/Bev Zion, Eta Lambda #2421 Cortez
- Neoma Scott/Lee Jordanger, Gamma Chi 3668, Loveland
- Anne Heathman, Kappa Iota #5442, Golden
- Bea Kauffman, Theta Eta #2830, Denver
- Marlene Hewitt, Zeta Rho #1774, Aurora
- Susan Bloss, Zeta Tau #2064, Colorado Springs
Convention Bids Vickie Martinez, Vice President
- 2015 Beta Zeta #3149 Canon City
- 2016 Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
- 2017 Lamplighters with Joyce Fuller in charge.
Introduction of Candidates Rita Martin President Elect. Rita did a guess the candidate by using several pictures of the candidates. As each candidate’s pictures were displayed on the screen they gave a brief autobiography.
Colorado Hope for Heroes Alice Robinson proposed that we help Phyllis Minch in her endeavors to continue to go on Honor Flights. Each trip costs the Guardians @ $800 out of pocket. Alice suggested we give love dollars from the chapters and possibly find some sponsors for her. Kelli Strong told us about Teen Ward who is a member of Kappa Zeta. Teen is going into the Peace Corp on June 9th. She will be in Zambia Africa. Kelli gave suggestions on items to send. She will be giving her address to Pam McGee, Chaplain for distribution via email.
Book Club Report Pam McGee gave a report on how she plans to choose the next book for book club.
Convention Registration Winner Stephanie Bearden, Registration Chair reported that Phyllis Vrbas is the winner of Registration.
Presentation of Scrapbook Georgia DeLong, Scrapbook Chair presented what she has completed for Joan’s scrapbook. Scrapbook will be displayed at Fall Board.
First General Assembly
May 17, 2014
President Joan Snyder called our 68th Colorado Convention and called the First General Assembly to order at 8:20 am.
Lamplighter President Pat Bernhardt presented the flag ceremony. She led us in the pledge of allegiance. President Joan Snyder led us in the opening ritual.
Thought of the Day Pam McGee, State Chaplain
Introduction of Officers and Guests Joan Snyder, CSC President introduced the state appointed and elected officers and Kim Kumar from Kansas, IC Parliamentarian.
Leadership/Officers Workshop “Chapter Tool Kit” was presented by Mary Humphrey Junior Past President. She reviewed the overall packet that was given to each member. She reviewed the Leadership Workshop Chapter Resources. Kathy Ellingson presented the ESA Dues = Benefits and Tax Facts. Kathy Garrison presented the Parliamentary Tidbits. Pat Bernhardt presented the ESA Foundation Turn-Around Fund. Kelli Strong presented a slide show of opportunities for recruitment.
Rules of Convention BettyZaskar, Parliamentarian
Attendance Report Kathy Ellingson, Recording Secretary
20 Chapters
5 Councils
6 Guests
96 Active Members
16 Lamplighters
4 First Time Convention Goers counted in the member count.
MinutesKathy Ellingson, Recording Secretary moved that the minutes from the Spring State Board Meeting be approved as corrected and approved by the minutes review committee and posted on the Colorado Website. Joan Snyder stated that no second is required coming from a committee and the minutes were approved by a voice vote.
Treasurer Report Joanne Klemovich Treasurer
Balance as of March 6, 2014 $9,837.41
Debits 3,504.80
Credits 1,379.00
Balance as of May 14 2014 $7,711.61
Correspondence Marjorie Satterfield, Corresponding Secretary read a letter from BJ Clark that was sent to Joan Snyder.
“Heart to Heart Connection”Kim Kummer, IC Parliamentarian. Kim presented ideas about events for recruitment. Tool Kits are posted on the ESA website. We broke out into groups and then Rebekah Martinez, Mary Humphrey, Vickie Martinez, and Kelli Strong presented ideas they came up with for events.
Educational Funds Report CoChairs Nancy Cameron and Pat Bernhardt
- Colorado State Leadership and Education Fund CD balance of $6,216.81.
- Savings Account
Balance of May 1, 2013 $1,251.47
Interest earned 24.25
Disbursements Alliance to Domestic Violence 100.00
Balance on April 30, 2014 $1,175.47
By Laws and Standing Rules Betty Ziska Parliamentarian
Presently reads:
Section 9. The Treasurer's duties shall be:
E. The ESA Foundation dues shall be paid to ESA Foundation by March 1 each year.
This needs to be removed since Colorado State Council is now Life Active.
(Subsequent section numbers will need to be changed)
Motion to delete Section 9 item E – Motion passed by voice vote.
Section 22. The Golden Lamp Editor’s duties shall be:
A. Publish the Golden Lamp to meet all deadlines.
B. The Golden Lamp will be distributed via email and available on the Colorado web site. A paper copy shall be mailed to each active Chapter President and Council President, who have paid their State dues, and do not have Internet access. Complimentary copies will be mailed to Colorado State President, the IC President, and the IC News Bulletin Chairman for qualification to the IC News Bulletin Award.
C. Submit by State Convention in May the working fund balance and general accounting books to the State Treasurer for audit.
Change item B to read:
B. The Golden Lamp will be distributed via email and available on the Colorado web site. A paper copy shall be mailed to each active Chapter President and Council President, who have paid their State dues, and do not have Internet access. Complimentary copies will be emailed to Colorado State President, the IC President, and the IC News Bulletin Chairman for qualification to the IC News Bulletin Award.
Motion was made and seconded, asked for discussion.
Leslie Stevens, Golden Lamp Editor, Kappa Iota #5442 Golden proposed the following amendment:
Item B proposed amended changes to read:
B. The Golden Lamp will be distributed via email notification and available on the Colorado web site. A paper copy shall be sent to any active Chapter President and Council President, who have paid their State dues, do not have internet access and have submitted a subscription form, each year, with their preferred method of delivery. Complimentary copies will be emailed to the Colorado State President, the IC President and the IC News Bulletin Chairman, and any complimentary notification issues the Colorado State President so designates. Printed copies of the current year's Golden Lamps can be submitted to the IC News Bulletin Chairman, by June 1 each year in a presentable folder for qualification to the IC News Bulletin Award.
Reason for changes:
The term emailed suggest that each individual will receive a copy in their inbox, where actually, there is only a notification that the Lamp is ready for viewing on the web site. If we emailed each edition to each individual, that could be hundreds of emails each edition. This would be a huge time burden on the Editor and needs to be stated in the By Law, so member's do not think they will receive an actually copy of the Lamp in their inbox.
By changing "EACH Chapter or Council President" to "ANY Chapter or Council President", it clarifies that certain obligations are needed to be met.
The State President meets several people at Leadership and IC Convention during her year, and she should be allowed to send her State Newsletter to those who she wants to stay in touch with. As long as it is a free copy, this is not any more of a time issue for the Editor, but should be stated in the By Law, so that printed copies are not requested for those issues. Without a subscription form submitted each year, by each President, the Editor will not know how they want their editions sent. The Editor should not have to search each year, for who is President, how they want their delivery, email or physical address, etc. et al.
As per IC Guidelines, a folder with all the year's News Bulletins in printed form, must be sent in a folder, by June 1, for entry into the IC. News Bulletin competition. By adding "CAN be submitted", this leaves the competition entry up to the Editor, based on expense or funds available. If we want to make it mandatory, then we need to change the By Law to account for the funds necessary to do this.
(Amendment was voted down due to lack of response from members. Leslie then made an amendment to original change to clarify items from member questions)
B. The Golden Lamp will be distributed via email notification and available on the Colorado web site. A paper copy will be sent to any active Chapter President and Council President, who have paid their state dues, any member who has paid the current subscription fee and submitted a subscription form. Complimentary copies will be emailed to the Colorado State President, the IC President and the IC News Bulletin Chairman and if desired submitted for the IC News Bulletin Award via appropriate guidelines.
C. Submit by State Convention in May the working fund balance and general accounting books to the State Treasurer for audit.
Motion made by Nancy Cameron, seconded by Alice Robinson, motion carriedby voice vote.
Presently reads:
Section 3. The above dues are due and payable December 1 each year; and if not postmarked on or before that date, chapters will not be in good standing in the State Council and will not be allowed to participate in the State Convention activities, (i.e., voting, contests, awards, etc.).
Changed to read:
Section 3. The above dues are due and payable December 1 each year; and if not postmarked on or before that date, chapters and/or councils will not be in good standing in the State Council and will not be allowed to participate in the State Convention activities, (i.e., voting, contests, awards, etc.).
Reason for change: Councils were omitted, council’s dues are payable December 1 each year in order to participate in the State Convention activities, (i.e. voting, contests, awards, etc.)
There was no discussion passed by voice vote.
Introduction of 2014-2015 Candidates Rita Martin President Elect
- Parliamentarian
No candidate on the Ballot. Joan Snyder asked for nominations from the floor.
Kelli Strong Kappa Zeta #5571 nominated by Kathy EllingsonGamma Chi #3668
JoAnn Singley Epsilon Epsilon #1896 nominated by Joan Schlaefer Epsilon Epsilon #1896
- Treasurer
Pat Marty, Alpha Phi #357 Golden
- Recording Secretary
Anita Miller, Alpha Omicron #770 Salida
- Corresponding Secretary
Betty Ziska, Chi Kappa #5129 Denver
Vice President
Kathy Ellingson, Gamma Chi #3668 Loveland
Kathy Garrison, Epsilon Epsilon #1896 Denver
- President Elect
Vickie Martinez, Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
- President
Rita Martin, Chi Kappa #5129 Denver
No other nominations from the floor. Joan Snyder closed nominations. Rita reviewed the balloting procedures.
Balloting for 2016 Convention Site Vickie Martinez announced there were no other bids for 2016 Convention. Zeta Rho #1774 will be hosting CSC 2016 Convention.
President Joan Snyder dismissed the voting delegates to cast their votes, then the rest of the assembly. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55am.
Awards Luncheon “Back to the Basics”
Welcome - Beta Epsilon
Invocation – Pam McGee
Dream Home
- Colorado Springs Vickie Martinez announced that the Colorado Springs Dream Home tickets sold out yesterday and the drawing is tomorrow. Vickie announcedall of the games managers. Alice Robinson gave an overview of the Colorado Springs Dream Home interview that will be on Channel 11 Sunday morning.
- Denver Nancy Cameron and Mary Humphrey reported that the 4th Annual St Jude Dream Home Giveaway will be November 13, 2014. The house is located in Green Valley Ranch. Tickets go on sale September 3. We’ll sell 12,500 tickets @100 each. Total of 16 Games Managers in the state. Rebekah Martinez, Betty Ziska, Alice Robinsonand Ruth Wilbanks are the 4 new games managers.
Presentation of Awards Cathy Westlake introduced Brenda Lee who sang “Sweet Nothings” for us.
Philanthropic – Mary Guida Philanthropic Chair
- Philanthropic Monies
- 1st Place – Theta Eta #2830 Denver
- 2nd Place – Beta Alpha #5416 Aurora
- 3rd Place – Chi Kappa #5129 Denver
- Philanthropic Hours
- 1st Place – Beta Alpha #5416 Aurora
- 2nd Place – Zeta Omicron #4016 Cedaredge
- 3rd Place – Kappa Iota #5442 Golden
ESA forSt Jude – Lori Havelick Junior Chair
- St Jude Monies
- 1st Place – Gamma Chi #3668 Loveland
- 2nd Place – Sigma Rho #5014 Loveland
- 3rd Place – Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
- St Jude Hours
- 1st Place – Beta Alpha #5416 Aurora
- 2nd Place – Kappa Iota #5442 Golden
- 3rd Place – Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
Disaster Fund - Mary Humphrey Junior Past President
- Disaster Fund Individual
- 1st Place – Cathy Westlake
- 2nd Place – Joan Snyder
- 3rd Place – JoAnn Singley
- Disaster Fund Chapter
- 1st Place – Zeta Tau #2064 Colorado Springs
- 2nd Place – Epsilon Epsilon #1895 Denver
- 3rd Place – Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
- Disaster Fund Council
- 1st Place – Denver Alpha Council
- 1st Place – Denver Epsilon Council
Cathy Westlake, Senior Past President presented the following awards:
- Distinguished Athenian Award - Kathy Garrison
- DESA/ELAN Recognition – Danielle Freels
- Outstanding Pledge
- 1st Place - Shelley Steele, Sigma Rho #5014 Loveland
- 2nd Place – Susie Morris, Sigma Rho #5014 Loveland
- 3rd Place – Erin Kettleson, Kappa Iota #5442 Golden
- Pioneer Woman – Loydette Knight, Zeta Rho #1774 Aurora
Saturday Night Banquet “Celebrate”
Installation of 2014-2015 Colorado State Council Officers Nancy Cameron, CSC Past President 1993-1994 and Kim Kummer, IC Parliamentarian
Welcome – Beta Epsilon
Presentation of 2014-2015 President – Joan Snyder
Introductions – Rita Martin 2014-2015 President
Invocation – Pam McGee
Presentation of Awards “Celebrate Sisterhood” Cathy Westlake and Kim Kummer
- Service Awards – Individual
- 15 years – Kathy Ellingson
- 15 years – Hellen Hagel
- 15 years – Shirley Hoskins
- 15 years – Peggy Kelly
- 20 years – Stephanie Bearden
- 20 years – Cheryl Beavers
- 20 years – Vickie Martinez
- 20 years – Barbara Retherford
- 20 years – Nancy West
- 20 years – Rhonda Westcott
- 25 years – Gail Solaas-Frazier
- 25 years – Patricia Marty
- 25 years – Alberta Simmons
- 25 years – Betty Ziska
- 30 years – Gloryann Boone
- 30 years – Jan Bowland
- 30 years – Nancy Carray
- 30 years – Patty Ehrlick
- 30 years – Paula Kopetzky
- 30 years – VivianneLorenzini
- 30 years – Debbi Strong
- 30 years – Karen Taylor
- 35 years – Cindy Chapin
- 35 years – Elizabeth Condos
- 35 years – Bea Gilbert
- 35 years – Bobbi Hawkinson
- 40 years – Candie Patino
- 40 years – Cindy Powers
- 40 years – Janet Starlin
- 40 years - Peggy Strandvold
- 40 years – B.J. Schmidt
- 45 years – Linda Noell
- 50 years – Yvonne Farrell
- 50 years – Deanna McAnich
- 55 years – Nancy Cameron
- 55 years – Marlene Kopsa
- 55 years – Maxine Vasey
- 65 years – Wuanita Berkman
- 65 years – Betty Foster
- Service Award – Chapter
- 55 years – Theta Eta #2830 Denver
- 70 years – Beta Epsilon #357 Fort Morgan
- Fifth Degree of Pallas Athene
- Jan Bowland
- Marie Trujillo
- Loydette Knight
- Jeanie McLain
- Outstanding Chapter
- 1st Place – Theta Eta #2830 Denver
- 2nd Place – Gamma Chi #3668 Loveland
- 3rd Place – Zeta Tau #2064 Colorado Springs
- Outstanding Woman
- 1st Place – Patricia Riley, Beta Alpha #5416
- 2nd Place – Sandy Alexander, Kappa Iota #5442
- 3rd Place – Kathy Garrison, Epsilon Epsilon #1896
Champagne Reception Hosted by Rita Martin CSC President 2014-2015