James D. Hendrix II

November 7, 2012

Ms. Melanie Zynel

English 1020

Is Rap Poetry?

Is Tupac “2Pac” Shakur seen as literally creative as William Shakespeare? Is Christopher “Notorious B.I.G” Wallace perceived to be a proficient writer as Langston Hughes? Why is it that we as a society view poetry as a high level of literature, while rap to be fundamental. What creates such a distinction between the two or is there even a distinction? It has become common in society that poetry takes certain sophistication, while being a rapper is straightforward and usually lacks professionalism. Rap is steadily scrutinized and is said to be not nearly as intricate as poetry. Whether it’s from having a bad influence on people, or the use of explicit lyrics, it always seems as if rap is being seen in a negative viewpoint. What society fails to see is the resemblance that they both bring. Rap is poetry through both incorporating a stylish method of speaking or writing, conveying messages, using rhythm,as well as both being a unique style of literature.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary poetry means, “composition in verse or some comparable patterned of language in which the expression of feelings and ideas is the given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm.”(Oxford) The Free Dictionary defines rap as “type of rhythmic talking often with accompanying rhythm instrumentals.”(Dict.) It is evidentthat there are similarities in just defining both but when listening to the two it has become oblivious that they are identical. Many people think that poetry differs far from rap because of music and instruments added it may take away from just the meaning of the words. Rap as an acronym defined by the Free Dictionary is “Rhythm And Poetry” showing that rap has 2 main focuses. As many people think commonly that there is a distinction between the two, there are many rappers that believe different. According to an interview about the release of Jay-Z’s new book “Decoded” he stated,

“I hope readers take away from this book that rap is poetry. It’s thought-provoking; there’s thought behind it. There’s great writing in rap as well. You never hear rappers being compared for like the greatest rap writers of all time…Rakim, I mean, listen to some of the things he wrote, if you take those lyrics and you pull them away from the music and put ‘em up on the wall somewhere and someone had to look at them, they would say, ‘This is genius! (Interview)

Jay-Z speaks of this thought that people will not see the advanced thinking in rap, and it constantly deteriorates the image of rap, as well as diminish the intelligence these rappers that try to broadcast through their lyrics. Another example is KRS-One in his song named “Poetry” which clearly shows his opinion on rappers being poets saying:

I am a poet, you try to show it yet blow it

It takes concentration for fresh communication

Observation, that is to see without speaking

Take off your coat, take notes, I am teaching. (Bradley)

Society often makes people believe that rappers never can show meaning and intelligence in their work, which is utterly inaccurate. Rappers would be the first to tell you otherwise, and they feel as if they are rappers as well as poets.

Stylish speaking is clearly a way both rap and poetry tries to appeal to its audiences. Rap takes advantage of using stylish ways of communicating to its audience using devices such as auto-tune, as well as using slang words to gain attention. Specifically, the main way of appealing to its audience is through rhythm talking, which poetry also capitalizes on this tactic in some of their poems. There are different forms poetry that incorporates the rhythmic form such as ballad, and lyric. For example, Maya Angelou wrote in one of her most famous poem “Phenomenal Women”:

“It's in the reach of my arm,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.” (Angelou)

It’s clearly visible Maya uses a rhythmic writing to help draw in the audience, similar to the way rappers would to help construct their raps. This tactic of using rhythm and rhyme is one of the most effective ways for audiences to remember information that is presented.

What is the purpose of developing something if it has no purpose or message conveyed to the audience intended for? Both rap and poetry share this similar quality in their works of trying to get a message across whether if it is to party and have fun, or a serious issue that surround our world that needs attention. Rappers as well as poets both use their work as a way of expression of how they feel. As they express their feelings through their words, they find the proper use of wordage to help show their purpose clearly and concise. With expressing their thoughts they persuade their audience to feel similar and become aware of how they feel. A prime example is Tupac Shakur in his song “Changes” in which he says, “I see no changes. All I see is racist faces. Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races we under.”(Shakur) He shows his discomfort with racism and the inequality displayed in the world while influencing us a people to make changes in our everyday life to change the current condition. Another example being from the poet Aleksandr Blok in “Don’t Fear Death” he states:

“Don't fear death in earthly travels.
Don't fear enemies or friends.
Just listen to the words of prayers,
To pass the facets of the dreads.” (Blok)

Blok expresses his comfort with accepting death and knows that the day will come when death will approach. He urges us as people to accept that fact and not be afraid of death. So as people may think that rap serves no purpose, they must find the reason in their raps as well as poems even if the purpose may not relate to you directly.

Rhythm takes a big role in conducting both raps and poems. Rhythm uses is only applied to music but poets find a way to incorporate rhythm as well. Stated earlier in the definitions of rap and poetry it is evident that rhythm is a part of their meaning, whether if it is in a way of talking or rhythmic words being spoke. Rhythm is a key aspect of raps especially in the instruments included in developing the background music. Rhythm is defined in the dictionary as “movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat, accent, or the like (Dict.). Rap uses the rhythm to help boost the flow of the rap, as well as rhythmic words that helps makes the message more memorable. Poems use rhythm to help give intensity to their ideas that are composed in their work. Rhythm included in poems helps poets become more creative as well as makes poems sound better. Both rap and poetry use a great deal of rhythm in their delivery, and know it not always what you say but how you say it. Poets naturally give off a smooth and calm rhythm to help soothe the audience’s ear to listen to what is being spoken. Rappers capitalize on using rhythm in their raps to give the verses more flow, and helps create a more verbally pleasing sound. Rhythm enhances both the works of poets as well as rappers to take their works to the next level.

As many people may think of rap being in its own category of work, both rap and poetry is classified under a type of literature. Literature is defined as “a body of written works of a language, period, or culture” (Dict.). Both rap and poetry would be classified under this definition by both using a body of written word in their work. Poetry has many different types of styles in formatting their poems such as epic, epigram, elegy, sonnets, and etc. Raps use the format of different styles of poems such as lyric, blues, epigram, and ballad to help develop their verses. For example, Tupac Shakur is noticed for being one of the all-time greatest rappers but few people know that he is also recognized for his poetry. With his poetry and raps being so similar and both being highly praised there has been positive consequences of this. Three universities offer classes about Tupac Shakur’s lyrics in his raps as well as poems as a literature class. University of Washington, University of California-Berkeley, and University of Howard all offer a course dealing this topic. The University of California was the first to introduce this course in 1998 about the history of Tupac Shakur’s literature. Shortly after University of Washington created this course “The Textual Appeal of Tupac Shakur”, which relate his works to literature and analyze his work to get a deeper meaning of his words. (Xfinity)Tupac is prime example of his raps being literature and has helped change the aspect as of rap being considered as literature, as well as rap being considered as poetry.

Now some people may feel as if rap has no comparison to poetry, and it would be downgrading to poetry in the same category as rap. Though sometimes rap may speak positive messages it is not that image in ever rap written or constructed. Verses may sometimes be very unprofessional as well as explicit causing may to lose interest in rap as a whole. Those people believe poetry isclassy and is more dignified with not having to result to sexually explicit words to gain attention. But as some rap may be explicit and graphic there are also poems that have followed these footsteps as well. For example, in the poem “What Do Women What” by Kim Addonizio she writes:

“I want a red dress.

I want it flimsy and cheap,

I want it too tight, I want to wear it

until someone tears it off me.

I want it sleeveless and backless,

this dress, so no one has to guess

what's underneath.” (Addonizio)

Though it may seem as if rap has differentiated itself from poetry by the addition of occasional explicit lyrics, it has only mimicked what poems have done for centuries.

So by assuming that rap is not poetry you fall victim to society’s common thought. Thinking that rap is just a way of entertainment and music you negatively understand what rap is. This perspective has offended many rappers and they fail to see the effort of their written work showing there are equally intelligent as poets in a literal way. Rap and poetry both show a stylish method of speaking or writing, convey a message, rhythm, as well as both being classified as a type of literature. There is more to rap then just rhyming words and musical instruments together. It has a background that has been developed over time and has changed its meaning, but rap is nonetheless is poetry well as least a form it.


1.). Oxford English Dictionary . Oxford University Press, Print. <

2.). The Free Dictionary. Print. <

3.)"Rap Is Poetry" . . Print.

4.)Bradley, Adam. "Is Rap Poetry?." Yale Press. N.p.. Web. 16 Nov 2012. <

5.)Angelou, Maya .Phenomenal Women. Print. <

6.)Shakur, Tupac. Changes. Print. <

7.)Blok, Aleksandr. Don't Fear Death. Web. <

8.). "Oddest College Courses." .Xfinity. Web. 16 Nov 2012. <

9.)Addonizio, Kim. What Do Women Want. Print. <