KASA Baltimore College Preparatory School and Family Compact


Tony V.Edwards, Principal Clifton Williams, Assistant Principal Danielle Lee, Assistant Principal

Parent/Caregiver Pledge

Parents/caregivers are asked to support the following in order to maximize student achievement and assist in providing a positive school experience

I will:

·  structure and monitor my child’s homework time.

·  attend school events.

·  join the PTO and support its functions.

·  establish daily routines for my child such as bedtime, homework and hygiene.

·  become aware of school and teacher expectations for my child.

·  be certain that my child attends school regularly and on time.

·  Encourage my child to read every night

·  provide current personal information for emergency purposes.

·  model responsible behavior and encourage positive attitudes toward school.

·  volunteer and visit school.

·  provide learning opportunities outside of school.

·  attend parent/teacher/student conferences

·  ensure my child wears the proper uniform daily

As a KASA parent/caregiver, I will do my best to honor this pledge


Staff Pledge

Teachers and staff are asked to support the following in order to increase student achievement and assist in providing a positive school experience

I will:

·  provide a safe and orderly environment in my class-room.

·  provide students with clear, consistent, and challenging guidelines for behavior and achievement.

·  set high expectations for my performance in the classroom.

·  provide necessary resources and support services.

·  Align instruction with the Common Core Standards and BCPS curriculum guides.

·  model good citizenship and professionalism

·  promote family involvement in the learning process.

·  communicate student achievement and progress regularly and in multiple ways.

·  be available to meet with parents/caregivers to discuss student performance.

·  participate in professional development initiatives.

·  offer coach class at least weekly

·  provide effective and differentiated instruction for students

As a KASA staff member, I will do my best to honor this pledge


Student Pledge

Students are KASA are asked to support the following in order to maximize their achievement and assist in providing a positive school experience

I will:

·  attend school regularly and arrive on time.

·  follow the school’s Code of Conduct for Positive School Behavior

·  do my best each day.

·  complete my class assignments and homework.

·  demonstrate responsibility by taking important school items home to my parents/caregivers and returning all required paperwork.

·  accept responsibility for my choices and for the consequences that come with my choices.

·  ask my teacher for help when I need it.

·  demonstrate good sportsmanship and good citizenship by respecting myself, my classmates, and all adults.

·  help other students whenever I can.

·  pay attention to instruction and participate in class.

·  come prepared with materials and ready to learn every day.

·  arrive with a positive attitude

·  wear the appropriate uniform daily

As a KASA student, I will do my best to honor this pledge
