24th September 2014


Present: Sharon Erskine, Audrey Forrest, Arthur Oliver, Alana MacRaild, Eileen Lea, Angela Coll, Alex Purdie, Sharon Hendry, Margaret Stevenson, Susan McFadyen

Apologies: Sue Clarke, Fiona Duncan, Alan MacRaild, Laura Stephenson, Liz Marion

Discussion and Agreed Actions

Apologies were noted and those present introduced themselves. / Action
Minutes of the June meeting were approved with the amendment that the “Home Sweet Home” play was at Dunoon Senior Citizens Club, not Sandbank.
Matters arising:
Questions raised at Cowal Locality Public Partnership Forum:
Raise concern that anecdotal evidence tells us that all suspected fractures which present at Cowal Community Hospital are put in a temporary plaster and sent home with an appointment at Inverclyde for 9am the next day.
Disabled Access
Raise concern that the doors of upstairs meeting rooms at Cowal Community Hospital are very heavy and difficult to open and are not disabled friendly.
The questions have been raised and Viv Hamilton will respond. / Susan to feedback responses to CHWN at January meeting.
Sharon E
Homestart Majik
Current caseload is lower but more complex.
Struggling to find a venue for the next volunteer training course (8-12 volunteers, 2 day course at a weekend) – partners offered suggestions for venues.
Working closely with Health Visitors.
Accepting referrals at the moment – contact via email
Within Argyll and Bute Homestart cover Cowal, Bute, Kintyre and Islay.
Looking for trustees – involves a meeting once a quarter, parenting experience preferred. Contact Sharon if interested.
Kirn Gala Committee
Looking for committee members, contact Margaret if interested
Looking at fundraising. Noted that Liz Marion is taking up a new role with AVA which it is believed will involve fundraising support to third sector organisations.
Scottish Fire and Rescue
Verina Litster has moved on to a new role. Eddie Renfrew has retired.
Home Fire Safety Visits are available free to all – not income related. Alex will send the electronic form and contact details to Susan for distribution. If referring people for HFSV can a member of referring agency attend as a joint visit so that client sees a familiar face.
Alex noted that you are supposed to check your smoke detector every week; some detectors are high up and difficult to reach so there is a risk of falls/injuries when checking. He demonstrated alarm testing sticks with a plastic hand and pointing finger on the end; looking to apply to HWNs and ADFs for £5000 funding for these in Argyll and Bute.
Considering a “Live Safe Live Well” roadshow for 2015 with stalls and service users attending – ideas and comments to Alex -
The fire service occasionally has vacancies for retained firefighters; idea to try and fill these vacancies with the unemployed – meeting with DWP to see potential financial effects on people on benefits living in small villages, also linking into Skills Development Scotland.
NHS Highland Health Improvement Team
Health Improvement Team updates will be sent by email from now on.
Healthy Working Lives are willing to train managers to train within their organisations with regards to reducing stress.
Interloch Transport
Lottery application was successful resulting in over £500K of funding – big boon to the organisation – looking to get new vehicles, fund running costs and fund staff posts.
Sandbank Senior Citizens Club
The club started back at the beginning of September. Arthur thanked Susan for helping to organise a computer class for senior citizens which is running on a Monday – 6 people are attending. The class is being provided by Citizens Online using the AVA office in Dunoon.
ACUMEN is a charity acting independently from statutory services. The collect views, experiences and stories of people who use mental health services and unpaid carers by organising regular meetings and other events. They raise community awareness, feedback to mental health service providers, provide information, visit link clubs and other groups offering support and information and organise Argyll and Bute Link Club conventions. It is free to become a member of ACUMEN, contact Audrey – 07714 766188
Currently running bi-monthly meetings in Lochgilphead – reference group and carers group alternate months – can help with transport and costs for attending.
Audrey is also a WRAP (Wellness and Recovery Action Program) facilitator. ACUMEN supports the development of WRAP.
Sharon H
Cowal Hospice and Therapy Services (CHATS)
2 new MacMillan nurses have started. / Susan will ask Lana if Homestart could use a room at CCH as a future venue.
Susan to circulate information about Liz’s new role when received.
Alex to send to Susan.
Susan to distribute to network.
Susan to circulate.
Angela to send information to Susan. Susan to circulate.
·  “Pathways” Long Term Conditions Support Group - Fred Hill
·  Kirn Gala - Margaret Stevenson
·  Social Inclusion & Networking Group (SING) – Aily Thomson/Richard Gault
·  Ardentinny Nature and Discovery Trail – Eileen Connell/Val Kennedy
·  Bus Trips for Older People – Gwen Harrison
5 / AOB
project / score / decision / amount allocated
Pathways / 66 / ACCEPTED / £500.00
Kirn Gala / 71 / ACCEPTED
with reduced funding, one off funding only / £687.84
SING / 65 / ACCEPTED / £1000.00
Ardentinny Nature and Discovery Trail / 68 / ACCEPTED / £1000.00
Bus Trips for Older People / 42 / REJECTED / n/a

Next Meeting Date Tuesday 27th January 2015 2pm

Conservatory, Cowal Community Hospital

Dates for 2015/16:
Wed 13th May 2015
Wed 24th June 2015
Wed 23rd Sept 2015
Wed 27th Jan 2016

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