Central Oregon Farm Fair and Trade Show

February 5-6, 2014

Program Agenda

Wednesday, February 5:

9:30 SWCD Annual Meeting

Debbe Chadwick, Jefferson County SWCD District Manager

9:45 FSA Annual Meeting

Josh Hanning, Oregon State FSA District Director

10:00 Commercial Use of Mustard Green Manures in NW Agriculture

JoeGies,Gies Farms

10:30 Fall Fertilizer on Grass Fields – Does N Source and Timing Matter?

Marvin Butler, COARC Director

10:50 Nitrogen Movement in Soil & Kentucky Bluegrass, 2nd Year

Don Horneck, HAREC Extension Agronomist

11:25 Basin Water Outlook & NUID Report

Jeremy Giffin OWRD, Mike Britton, NUID

Noon Lunch served by Wilbur-Ellis

1:30 Farm Bureau - Young Farms and Ranchers Organize

Kevin Richards, Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee Chairman

1:40 Online Pesticide Recertification Opportunities*

Katie Ralls, COARC Education Coordinator

2:00 Progress in Understanding Ergot in Grass Seed Production*

Jeremiah Dung, COARC Plant Pathologist

2:30 Ventenata Encroachment into Crops – Why You Should Care*

Fara Brummer, Extension Livestock & Rangeland

3:00 Volunteer Wheat &Medusahead Control in Kentucky Bluegrass*

Gustavo Sbatella, COARC Weed Scientist

3:30 Oregon Wheat Grower’s League- Central Oregon Meeting

Kurt Feigner-OWGL Central Oregon President

5:00 Central Oregon Wheat Grower’s League Banquet- Inn at Cross Keys

Tri-tip dinner, $25/person. No host social hour, dinner begins at 6:30.

Door prizes, including Blazer tickets and a weekend trip to Newport.

RSVP to Sally or Marilyn at the OWGL Office (541) 276.7330 by January 30th.

Thursday, February 6:

9:00 Pitch Fork Rebellion—What is New on the Political Front?

Paulette Pile, Oregonians for Food and Shelter

9:40 Healthy Microbes and Healthy Soils

Rich Affeldt- Central Oregon Agronomy

10:10 Microbial Activity- Agriculture vs. Native Soil

Anne Taylor- Soil Microbiology, Research Associate OSU

10:40 COARC – Questions to Ask, Things to Know

Marvin Butler & COARC Executive Council

11:15 Jefferson County Smoke Management Update

Kristie Fisher, Program Coordinator

11:40 Jefferson County Seed Growers Association Meeting

Kip Light & Mark Hagman- Co-Presidents

Noon Lunch served by CHS

1:30 Honey Bee Research Update – Plus Role of Leafcutters, Masons and Native Bees

Ramesh Sagili, Honey Bee Extension Specialist

2:15 Hay Market – Where it has Been, Where it is Headed

John Szczepanski, US Forage Export Council

3:00 Aero Air and the Madras Air Museum – What they Bring to Madras

Glen Newton, Operations Manager

3:30 Adjourn

*Pesticide Recertification Credits given.