POST #273





1. Application must be completed and returned to the School Counselor by

April 1st.

2. See Attached Rules.


Father’s Name:

Mother’s Name:


Father’s Occupation & Employer:

Mother’s Occupation & Employer:

Number of Brothers:


Number of Sisters:



Class Rank: of

Grade Point Average:

What school do you plan to attend next year?

What is your intended major or field of study?

Why did you pick this field of study?

List your school and community activities:

List any special honors, awards, or leadership positions which you have received or held:

Write a brief explanation of reasons for applying for this scholarship and why you feel you would represent the American Legion and Auxiliary well.

List family members who have served in the Armed Services of the United States.

Are any relatives members of Rejda Post 273 in Brainard?

Have you participated in any of the following Legion programs:

Baseball (if male) ______Oratorical Contest ______

Memorial Day Activities (band, putting/retrieving Flags at Cemeteries)____

Helped at Legion Activities (e.g. Pancake Supper/PotatoBake)______

Did you apply to attend Boys’ State?______Girls’ State______Junior Law Cadet? ______





This Scholarship will be funded by contribution from The American Legion and The American Legion Auxiliary of Rejda Post #273, Department of Nebraska for Graduates of East Butler High School.


The scholarship, to be called the Rejda Post College Entrance Scholarship, will be in the amount of $300.00 to apply toward payment of tuition for the first year in an accredited college, junior college, business school or trade school. The amount of the cash award may be increased or decreased by Rejda Post #273. The Post will notify the East Butler High School each year when it offers the Scholarship as to the amount of the cash award.


Candidates for the Scholarship must be members of the graduating class of East Butler High School and have demonstrated commendable academic achievement. They must also have outstanding personal qualities, fine moral integrity, and good reputation. The recipient of the Scholarship must show a genuine desire to continue his or her education for a definite purpose and show promise of leadership.

Members of donor organizations will be gratified if the recipient prepares for the teaching field or for another profession of services to the State of Nebraska.

It is desirable to encourage more young people to seek college training, therefore, this award will not, under ordinary circumstances, be made to someone already honored by a larger scholarship.


The recipient of the Scholarship and one alternate will be selected from the candidates by a committee of four persons, consisting of the Superintendent of East Butler Public Schools, the Principal of the East Butler High School, one member from the American Legion and one member of the American Legion Auxiliary of Rejda Post #273. The representatives from the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary will be selected by their respective organizations. Deadlocks within the committee on the selection of the recipient will be resolved with the assistance of an additional faculty member, selected by the committee, from the faculty of East Butler High School.


The Scholarship will be payable to the college of the recipient’s choice in two equal payments each at the beginning of the first and second terms and must be used during the academic year immediately following high school graduation.

The recipient of the Scholarship must show to the committee a letter of acceptance from an accredited school, meeting the criteria outlined in FUNDING, by July 15 following the award or the Scholarship will pass to the Alternate Recipient automatically.

If the Primary Recipient fails to attend the first term but enrolls and attends the second term then one-half of the total scholarship will be awarded. The Alternate Recipient, if all conditions are satisfied, will receive the amount of the Scholarship for the term that the Primary Recipient did not attend.

The Recipient must remain enrolled in and attend the school for the entire term or return to Rejda Post #273 the prorated amount not used.

The Certificate of Award, Rejda Post #273 College Entrance Scholarship, will read as follows:

“In consideration of your character, as evidenced both within school

and without, of your achievement in learning, and of your high potential

for future leadership in Nebraska, the American Legion and Auxiliary of

Rejda Post #273 of Brainard, Nebraska take pleasure in awarding you

$ to be used in part or full payment of registration expenses

at any accredited college, junior college, business school or trade

school in the academic year .”

(Below in fine print, on award certificate)

“The recipient must show a letter of acceptance from an accredited

college, junior college, business school or trade school to the

selection committee by July 15 following graduation or forfeit the

cash award to the alternate.

Upon registration for the first term of the academic year, one-half will

be paid directly to the school by Rejda Post. The remaining one-half

will be paid in a like manner on registration day for the second term

of the academic year.

In the event that half or all of this award remains unused through the

academic year following graduation, the unused funds revert to the

donor organizations.”

(A Certificate of Award to the Alternate shall read the same as the first paragraph above, but after the words “take pleasure in” shall substitute “selecting you as Alternate for the Rejda Post College Entrance Scholarship in the academic year


NOTE - Whenever the word “College” or words “College or Junior College” are used in these rules and on the Certificate of Award it is intended to mean “University, College, Junior College, Business School or Trade School.” The Certificate of Awards presently being used differ somewhat in wording as compared to the above however it is the intention that the meaning be as stated above until the present supply of certificates is exhausted and new certificates are printed.

(Revised 3/14/95)