Mechanical Engineering (ME) Program
This form is provided for the purpose of informing students about the academic milestones that they will be expected to reach in order to earn their Ph.D. degree as well as when they are expected to complete these milestones. Advisors are expected to work with each student to customize the list of responsibilities included in the agreement. Students are expected to reach each milestone within the specified time period in order to make satisfactory progress through the program. Students who are not making satisfactory progress may lose funding, be placed on academic probation, or be dismissed from the program. If a student has ongoing concerns or grievances related to his or her Milestones Agreement, the student may obtain third party consideration of those concerns by following UT Arlington’s policies and procedures regarding academic grievances as described in the Graduate Catalog( ).
Upon entering theME program,allstudentswill beassigned an advisor.Theadvisorwill beamember of the programdepartment. The ME graduate advisor will be the primary advisor for each student until he/she finds a dissertation research supervising professor. The supervising professor is then responsible for the timely progress of the student’s dissertation research, while the ME graduate advisor will continue ensuring his/her progress towards all the other degree requirements of the program.
Academicadvising includesthefollowing elementsthataredesigned toensurethatstudentsremain in good academicstanding and makesatisfactory progressthrough theprogram. GraduateAdvisors, Supervising professors and graduate studies committeesareresponsible for thefollowing:
•Ensuring thatfor every semester,reviewsbetween studentand advisorand/orsupervising committeeoccur. Theresultsof this reviewwill beincluded in the program’sannual doctoral progressreport.
•Provide information on program requirements, general advisement and information about choosing supervising professor.
•Providing suggestionson courseselection
•Reviewing thestudent’sDegreePlan todetermineif thestudentismaking progress consistentwith theexpectationsoftheprogramandreaching milestonesaccording tothe timelineprovidedon thisform;working withtheDoctoral StudiesCommitteeand student todetermineifmodificationsarenecessary
•Clarifying thetimetableforcompleting anyremainingcourserequirements,examinations, and otherrequirements
•Providing thestudentwithassistancein understanding therequirementsfor successful completionof dissertation
•Providing thestudentwithassistancein assembling adissertation committee
•Providing thestudentwithexperiencesand information thatwilloptimizethestudent’s careeropportunitiesand success
Requirements for allFull-Time Students in theMEProgram
Milestone / ExpectedTimeof AchievementReviewofstudent’sprogresswithsupervising professor and ME graduate advisor / Every Fall and Spring Semester
Successful completion of oral and/orwritten qualifying exam / Within 1st year (ME_DR)
Within 1st year (ME_DB)
Courseworksuccessfullycompleted / Within 3 years (ME_DR)
Within 4 years (ME_DB)
Dissertation Committeeappointed and approved byGraduateOffice / 2nd semester of 2nd year (ME_DR)
2nd semester of 3rd year (ME_DB)
Research protocolsand/orIRB approval (asapplicable) / 2nd semester of 2nd year (ME_DR)
2nd semester of 3rd year (ME_DB)
Dissertation proposal completed and approved / 2nd semester of 2nd year (ME_DR)
2nd semester of 3rd year (ME_DB)
Studentadmittedto doctoral candidacy / 2nd semester of 2nd year (ME_DR)
2nd semester of 3rd year (ME_DB)
Dissertation completed,successfully defended,and approved by Committee / At the end of 3rd year (ME_DR)
At the end of 4rd year (ME_DB)
Studentcompletesand filesall paperworkrequired for graduation / At the end of 3rd year (ME_DR)
At the end of 4rd year (ME_DB)
Dissertation accepted bythe University / At the end of 3rd year (ME_DR)
At the end of 4rd year (ME_DB)
Exitinterviewcompleted and submittedtoSurvey of Earned Doctorates / At the end of 3rd year (ME_DR)
At the end of 4rd year (ME_DB)
DegreeCompletion ChecklistforStudents
•Maintain activestudentstatusbyregistering for courseseveryfall and spring semester
• CompleteMilestones AgreementFormwithyour advisor nolater thanthelastclassdayofthe
Spring semester
• Completeall requiredorganized coursework
• Scheduleand successfullycompleterequired qualifying exams
• Form your dissertation committeein consultationwith your advisor and dissertation Chair
• Haveyourcommitteeapproved byprogramGSCandGraduateOffice
• Prepareand successfullypresentyourdissertationproposal
• Applyfor AdvancementtoCandidacy
• Enroll in required dissertation hoursand complete your dissertation
• Successfullycompleteyourdefenseofyour dissertation
• Submitrequired documentation totheGraduateOfficefor completion and graduation
Possible consequences if milestones are not completed in a timely manner: Student may lose his/her eligibility for financial support.
I haveread thisformand havehadtheopportunityto discusstheinformation contained in itwithmy advisor.I understandtheacademicmilestonesthatIamexpected toreach inorder tosuccessfullycompletetheME program,aswell astheexpected timelineforcompleting these milestones.
Student’s SignatureDate
Advisor’s SignatureDate
Supervising Professor (if identified)Date