i3 Learning Community Meeting

August 31 – September 1, 2011


i3 Project Representatives

i3 Learning Community Meeting Participant List, Page 1

Robert Balfanz

Co-Director, Everyone Graduates Center and

Research Scientist at the Center for Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University

Monica M. Beglau

Executive Director

eMINTS National Center

University of Missouri

(573) 884-7202

Karla Ver Bryck Block

Director of VISTA Operations

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA

(703) 993-5893

Alison Gould Boardman

Assistant Research Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
School of Education

(303) 818-9226

Chris Brandt

Senior Researcher

American Institutes for Research

(630) 649-6649

Jie-Qi Chen

Professor and PI

Erikson Institute

(312) 893-7132

Jonathan P. Costa, Sr.
Director, School/Program Services –

(860) 567-0863

Susie Crafton

Chief Development Officer

IDEA Public Schools

(956) 377-8224


Professor, The Ohio State University


Danielle Eisenberg

Director, Evaluation, Assessment, and Strategic Partnerships

KIPP Foundation

(216) 374-6847

Carole Gallagher
Senior Research Associate
WestEd, Assessment and Standards
Development Services

(415) 615-3211

Rachel Goldklang

Program Manager

KIPP Foundation

Heather Harding

Vice President of Research and Public Affairs

Teach for America


Audrey Hooks

Chief Human Assets Officer

IDEA Public Schools

Weslaco, Texas

(956) 975-0248

Kelly Hunter

InterimExecutive Director

Children's Literacy Initiative

2314 Market Street, 3rd Floor

(215) 561-4676 ext. 141

Deborah Kasak
Executive Director
National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform
(217) 351-2196

Cathleen Kral

Multi-Sites Coordinator for RAISE i3 Project

South Wellfleet, MA

(781) 828-4462

Frank LaBanca

Director, Center for 21st Century Skills

Jim Lindsay

Senior Researcher

American Institutes for Research

(630) 649-6591

Nancy A. Madden

President & CEO

Success for All Foundation

(410) 616-2330

Jennifer McCray

Assistant Research Scientist and

Director, Early Mathematics Education Project

Erikson Institute

(312) 893-7249

Peter F. Mulhall


Center for Prevention Research and Development

Institute of Government and Public Affairs

University of Illinois

Kristin E. Porter

Senior Research Associate, MDRC

(510) 844-2251


Acting Executive Director


Janet Quint

Senior Research Associate


(212) 340-8816

Emily M. Rodgers
Associate Professor

College of Education & Human Ecology
The Ohio State University
(614) 292-9288

Elma Ruiz

CSR Director

Denver Public Schools

(720) 404-2763


Chief Scientist for Reading Research

American Institutes for Research


Co-Director, Strategic Literacy Initiative Program


(510) 302-4255

Robert E. Slavin

Director, Center for Research and Reform in Education Johns Hopkins University

Chairman, Success for All Foundation

(410) 616-2310

Donna R. Sterling

Professor of Science Education

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA

(703) 993-2022

Ila Deshmukh Towery
Director, External Evaluation
The New Teacher Project

(617) 625-6694

Sharon Twitty

SLOPE Project Director


(559) 930-4544

Steven M. Yanni

West Creek Hills Elementary School
(717) 732-0142

Marykate Zukiewicz

Research Analyst

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc

Princeton, NJ 08543-2393

(609) 945-3360

Meeting Hosts/Facilitators

Elizabeth Devaney


Forum for Youth Investment
Tacoma, WA
(617) 429-0427

Kimberly Ann DuMont

Program Officer

William T. Grant Foundation

(212) 752-0071

Robert C. Granger


William T. Grant Foundation

(212) 752-0071

Jim Kohlmoos


Knowledge Alliance

Washington, DC

(202) 518-0847

Charlie Kurose

Research Associate

The Spencer Foundation

(312) 274-6524

Michael McPherson


The Spencer Foundation

(312) 274-6519

Colin Ong-Dean

Associate Program Officer

The Spencer Foundation

(312) 274-6512

Vivian Tseng

Senior Program Officer

William T. Grant Foundation

(212) 752-0071

Nicole Yohalem

Director of Special Projects

The Forum for Youth Investment

(202) 207-3344


Courtney A. Bell

Research Scientist


(609) 273-6328

John Q. Easton

Director, Institute of Education Sciences

U.S. Department of Education

(202) 219-1385

Barbara D. Goodson

Leader, Technical Assistance Team

Dillon-Goodson Research Associates

(617) 595-7045

Bridget Hamre

Associate Director

Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning

University of Virginia

(434) 982-4855


U.S. Department of Education

Institute of Education Sciences

Jefferson Pestronk

Director of Special Initiatives

Office of Innovation and Improvement

U.S. Department of Education

(202) 453-7448

Cristofer Price

Principal Scientist

Abt Associates Inc.


Stephen W. Raudenbush

Lewis-Sebring Distinguished Service Professor

Department of Sociology and the College

Chairman, Committee on Education

University of Chicago

(773) 834-1904

Jim Shelton

Assistant Deputy Secretary

U.S. Department of Education

Peggi Zelinko


Teacher Quality Programs

Office of Innovation and Improvement

U.S. Department of Education

(202) 260-2614

i3 Learning Community Meeting Participant List, Page 1