Academic Council on Organization and Policy- Draft minutes – 3/9/16 – Alexandria, VA

Introductions –Susan Sumner, David Shintani, Tracy Hoover, Bryan Garton, Sarah Pfatteicher, Kelly Millenbah, Donald Viands, Cynda Clary, Penny Diebel, Karen Jones ( Cindy Akers), Elaine Turner, John Stier, Wendy Fink, Ian Maw, Bryan Garton, Chase Crawford ( APLU), and Gary Blair (CARET).

Minutes of the November 17, 2016 ACOP meeting were approved, seconded, and minutes passed.

APLU Antimicrobial Resistance Task Force- Chase Crawford provided an update on the APLU antibiotic resistant task force report. Numerous federal agencies (FDA, USDA, and CDC) along with Animal and Human Health industry partners, academia, and commodity groups developed a report that was released in December of 2015. The Task Force is moving forward with discussions with other agencies, special interest groups, and academic and federal partners to secure feedback and develop next steps in the process. Three broad recommendations evolved under the categories of outreach, research and education. Outreach will involve the support from commodity groups, veterinary medicine, and work to get the word out to producers via Extension and industry communication. Research will work with the FDA, USDA, and PCAST to engage basic to applied research in the area, and Education will involve the development of learning outcomes and eventually curricula to be shared with a wide audience of leaners from youth ( 4-H , FFA), the collegiate level ( Animal Science and other disciplines) to veterinary medicine, pharmacy, human health. Reminders were shared to remember small farms, minor livestock species, and non-land grant colleges/universities in the process.

All recommendations are leading to the development of a University Research Organization (URO) which will consist of multiple partners who work in various animal, environmental, and human health sectors to reduce antibiotic use and resistance without compromising production. The AAVMC and APLU will be engaged and help lead this effort. The URO may begin in the northeast as a multistate research initiative has identified antimicrobial resistance as a priority objective in the region. Chase Crawford will share a participant list of those involved to this point. We also requested a webinar on the status and update on the Task Force later this summer so we can engage with university leaders who will be asked to provide comment and feedback on the report.

Budget Committee Report - Cynda Cary reported recommendations of the budget subcommittee. This group was asked to review the APS operational budget and amount of reserve accrued. See amended APS/BAA 2016 budget handout. It was recommended that during the business meeting on the 10th that Wendy provide an overview on how APS institutions are assessed based on student enrollment numbers and how this contributes to the APS budget. Further discussion yielded the request to bring forth suggestions at regional meetings on how to spend some of the reserve. Sarah moved APS strive to maintain a reserve of 12-18 months of operating expenses in our budget. Seconded by Cynda. Motion passed.

Cynda moved to provide $7000 from our budget to partially support Chase Crawford’s salary for 2015-16 on the APLU antibiotic resistance taskforce. Motion seconded and passed.

Regional Meetings – David reported on the regional meeting subcommittee charge. It was recommended that we consider inviting western and eastern Canadian universities to join the Western and Northeastern Regions, respectfully. This is to be a topic of discussion in regional meetings. Ian will be traveling with Jay Ackridge and Eddie Gouge to meet with Canadian APLU and Veterinary Schools later this spring and will share this idea with them.

New Associate Dean Mentoring – It was identified as a definite need and it was recommended we revisit the visioning document to determine a plan for mentoring new associate deans. What does a new associate dean orientation program look like? Do we bring back the new dean/director workshop? Do we offer programs or topical updates via webinar? Tracy and Elaine offered to help Bryan with the idea.

Winter Meeting Agenda – ACOP reviewed the proposed agenda for the Winter meeting. Discussion followed on FAEIS and the scope, value, and purpose of FAEIS. This will be highlighted in the business meeting tomorrow.

NSF INCLUDES Proposal – Wendy and Ian led discussion on the NSP INCLUDES(Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science) proposal. Ideas/letters of intent are due on March 14th within APLU. Discussion occurred on the role APS and institutions could play in co-submission of a letter of intent/proposal. This will be shared at the business meeting on the 10th. David and Penny shared ideas for the collaborative submission.

Liaison reports-

  • Policy Board of Directors – Elaine did not have a report as the next meeting is March 23, 2016.
  • Budget and Advocacy Committee – John shared funding lines in the President’s budget – many lines are flat, some have minor increases. HEC and eXtension are eliminated. John asked for APS ideas to share with legislators in budget discussions. CARET reps have fact sheets on research and extension. It was suggested that we develop a fact sheet or provide comment on how funding can support academic programs – e.g. why is tuition for graduate students not allowed to be included in grant proposals from USDA. We need to engage NIFA in conversations on what they need and what we can help provide.
  • Committee on Legislation and Policy - Susan reported that there is discussion/a proposal to designate additional land grant colleges/universities. Funding to support such an action needs to be resolved.
  • Lead 21 – Susan noted that the last class graduated recently and the new class ( N=90) is being selected. The new cohort will begin in June. Lead 21 has paid back the debt that accrued and has revised the content and programmatic activities of all three sessions. There is a slight increase in tuition.
  • FSLI – Ian noted the program is doing well and the budget is solid.
  • ESCOP Diversity Task Force – Cynda noted the recommendations were helpful and focused on building a faculty pipeline, helping underrepresented minority faculty consider administrative positions, and mentoring. Some comments focused on females and that there is not a problem as they are beginning to populate faculty ranks. However, this is not the case in upper administration.
  • Regional Chairs – no news to report.
  • Updates from OSTP and NAS meetings – Wendy will provide an update at business meeting .

Joint COPs meeting – July 18-20, 2016 – San Antonio, TX

APS Business meeting –March 10-11, 2016 - Draft minutes

Susan called the meeting to order – Introductions of attendees

  • Mark Stewart – President, Agriculture Future of America. Mark provided an overview and update on AFA. He shared new initiatives and programming ideas. One recommendation from APS was to expand sessions and content to include environmental and natural resource sciences.
  • Matt Schnarr and Laura Belazis – Campus Kitchens. Matt and Laura provided an overview of campus based efforts to address hunger and food waste on campuses and surrounding communities.
  • National Academies of Sciences workshop – Building an Agricultural Workforce – Wendy and those in attendance who participated in the February 10-11, 2016 workshop provided an update. Next steps include engaging CEOs, Deans and other leaders. It was recommended that we know who will be notified on our campuses so we can reach out to offer support and advice on the process and the roles our programs play in workforce development.
  • USDA Update – Siva Sureshwaran- Suresh provided an update on FY 2016 NIFA educational programs and the budget. He encouraged participation in the grant proposal submission process, noting this high acceptance rate for some grants. Suggestions were provided to help USDA collect key metrics on participants and outcomes from grants.
  • FAEIS Update – Peter Ziegler from FAEIS shared an overview and update on new directions in FAEIS. Some improvements include new and efficient data collection and analysis. He emphasized the need to share curricular/major changes with FAEIS as well as participation in the survey. It was suggested FAEIS hold a webinar so academic leadership and staff who help collect the data on campuses can be informed about FAEIS and uses of the data. FAEIS captures different data than IPEDS.
  • NSF INCLUDES-Wendy provided an overview of INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science). NSF will be funding approximately 30-40 $300,000 2 year pilots projects. NSF will then select approximately 5 projects to then fund for $2.5 million over a 5 year period. The group shared some ideas and discussion will continue on Friday to see if several institutions are willing to partner with APS to submit a preproposal.
  • Budgeting Committee – Wendy provided an overview of how assessments are collected to support / fund APS. The amount collected is based on undergraduate and graduate enrollment. Ian provided an update on ALPU dues and noted APS does not receive funds from APLU dues to support operational costs. Cynda reported on the budget reserve subcommittee report and asked regional committees to come up with suggestions on how we can spend some of the funds(reserve). She also shared the ACOP decision to maintain a 12-18 month reserve in the APS operational budget. APS moved to provide $7000 from our budget to partially support Chase Crawford’s salary for 2015-16 on the APLU antibiotic resistance taskforce. This motion was seconded. Motion passed.
  • Redrawing of Regions Committee – Anne and David reported on the redrawing of regional committees. It was recommended we ask the western and eastern Canadian colleges and universities to join our Western and North East regions. Ian will be traveling with Jay Ackridge and Eddie Gouge to meet with Canadian APLU and Veterinary Schools later this spring and will share this idea with them.

Susan provided an update on new members of APS as well as those who have moved into other positions and/or will be retiring.

Sam Purdue – leaving North Carolina State – Dean at University of Georgia

Paul Patterson- moving into Dean role at Auburn

Laurie Kramer – moving to North Eastern University to lead the Honors program

Afternoon Workshop/Session - Diversity Efforts in Colleges of Agriculture

The following individuals lead discussion on diversity efforts, recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority faculty, staff and students.

  • Dr. Shannon Archibeque-Engle, Director of Diversity Programs, College of Ag Sciences, Colorado State University
  • Dr. Craig Pickett, Jr. Coordinator of Student Life and Diversity Programs, College of Ag Sciences and Natural Resources, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Dr. William Hayslett, Assistant Professor and Academic Coordinator, College of Agriculture, human and Natural Sciences, Tennessee State University
  • Dr. Dexter Wakefield, Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Texas State University, San Marcos.

Friday, March 10, 2016

Re-thinking Mentoring: How to Build Communities of Inclusion, Support & Accountability

Dr. Rosemarie A. Roberts, from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity presented on mentoring, seeking support and accountability in this session. Her presentation focused on challenges faculty mentors/mentees face, rethinkingmentoring, and the NCFDD model.

NSF INCLUDES – Wendy and others focused on the NSF INCULUDES call for letters of intent. Given the short turnaround time and need to check with home institutions on the status of submission for this funding several universities could not commit to partnering with APS on a letter of intent/preproposal. However, Ron Barr, from Northwest Missouri State and other institutions, such as, the University of Nevada, Reno and Oregon State University met with Wendy to discuss ideas and opportunities to collaborate on a preproposal with APS.

Draft minutes 2016 midwinter ACOP & APS meeting. 3 14 16