Date: 5th September 2017

Our Ref: JEH17

Reply to: Miss J Hunter

At: Waterleat Road Centre

RE: Home Learning Timetable 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you are probably aware the move at GCSE level to final examinations at the end of Year 11 means that we, as an Academy, are supporting students by developing independent study skills in all years, not just when they are doing GCSEs. To support this I have enclosed a home learning timetable.

On this timetable you will see that the majority of subjects that your child takes will set a minimum of one home learning task per week. This may increase on occasion when the need arises, to support student understanding. Other subjects will be set fortnightly due to having less curriculum time. Each piece of work should take a minimum of 20 minutes in Year 7, 30 minutes in Year 8 and 45 minutes in Year 9 to complete. The timetable has been constructed to allow students time to complete all home learning tasks to a high standard, which I am certain they will achieve with your support. The timetable is meant as a guideline as it is not always suitable to set home learning on specified days for every subject, therefore the day it is set may vary. This home learning may be revision required for assessments or more independent pieces which focus on developing individual skills, and supporting students’ studies later in their academic career. Meeting deadlines and taking personal responsibility will also be important in order to ensure a work ethic is established by your child.

Ways in which you can support your child with home learning:

·  Use of ClassCharts – By downloading this app you are able to monitor the home learning that has been set for your child, as well as oversee the submission of work.

· - The Academy VLE where many subjects put work for students to complete including booklets such as the following from English:


·  Other websites that are used by the Academy include MyMaths (Maths) and Linguascope (Languages) for which your child will have been given their own login and password where applicable.

·  Another resource is Doddle. All students will be given a login and password to access this online.

In order to further support your child there will be a study support session in the library every day from 08:00 to 08:25. This is a space for students to come and complete any home learning they have been given or to use the resources available in the library with support from a member of staff. A free breakfast will be provided daily for those who are attending for home learning purposes, and arrive before 08:10. The library is also open until 4pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3.30pm on Friday. There is also access to the library at lunchtime, where students can use computers and books in a supervised area where support can be provided by staff on duty.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me on the Waterleat Road site.

Yours sincerely

Jessica Hunter

Leading Practitioner

Key Stage 3 Home Learning Timetable

Year 7 / 8 / 9 Home Learning / Subjects
Weekly / ·  English
·  Maths
·  Science
·  French
·  Geography
·  History
·  Technology inc Computer Science
·  ICT
Fortnightly / ·  Ethics
·  PE
·  Creative Arts (Music, Art & Drama)
Resources available for children
and parents are: / Opportunities to complete Homework
in school are:
·  ClassCharts – Download the app
·  Doddle -
·  My Maths -
·  Linguascope – / The Library is open
·  Morning (08:00-08:25)
·  Break & Lunch times
·  After school (15:00 – 16:00)