Work & Power Math Problems

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

You must include

1)  Given

2)  Formula

3)  Substitution

4)  Answer with correct units


Work = Force x Distance

Power = Work


Units: Work = Joules (J); Force = Newtons (N); Distance = meters (m);

Time = seconds (s); Power = Watts (W)


1. How much work is done to move a box if the force applied to that box is 65.7 N and it is moved a distance of 12.1 m?

2. If 75 J of work are used to move a motorcycle 3.64 m, what is the amount of force applied to that motorcycle?

3. If I have used 0.37 N on a marble and it has a work amount of 0.16 J, what is the distance that marble has gone?

4. A skateboarder does 438.84 J of work. If this occurs over a period of 21.8 seconds, how much power does that skateboarder use?

5. A construction worker uses a running saw that weighs 35.28 N on a board that is 3.6 m long. If the power output of the saw is 6.35 W, what was the amount of time the saw was used?

6. How much work is applied to your backpack if 11W of power are used for 681 seconds?

Combination Problems – pay attention to what you need to solve for first and then use that number for what you need to solve second.

7a. A soccer ball weighs 17.3N and can be kicked a distance of 7.5 m. What is the work applied to the soccer ball?

b. If the ball travels that distance in 2.4 seconds, what is the soccer player’s power?

8a. If a car’s motor weighs 12289.7 N and works at 530893.44 J, what is the distance the car has been moved?

b. Using the above number for work if the car is used for 15 minutes (!!!), how much power has the car used?