University of Surrey
Engineering Doctorate (EngD) in Micro- and NanoMaterials and Technologies (MiNMaT)
Project title “The degradation of inorganic glasses”
CERAM, a global expert in materials testing, and the University of Surrey are looking to recruit a bright, innovative researcher in the area of degradation.
This is an excellent opportunity to study for an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) whilst working within an industrial research environment with a team of highly-qualified, dedicated scientists and engineers. So what is an EngD?
· A four year research degree programme, based principally at the sponsoring company
· A formal taught element taking up 25% of time of the overall programme. This taught component is made up of master-level short courses taught at the University of Surrey and elsewhere. Part of this time will be spent on general skills trainings, such as how to manage projects, using effective communication methods and how to develop time management skills. The taught component is co-designed by you and your academic and industrial supervisors in order to broaden your knowledge in support of the project's aims.
· A research project over the remaining 75% of the time. The research component will take place principally on site with the industrial partner.
The ideal candidate would have a good undergraduate degree (first or upper second class) or Masters in a subject with significant materials content (e.g. Materials Science, Chemistry). The candidate will need to demonstrate a mix of practical and theoretical skills. Some knowledge of glass or ceramics processing and/or micro structural examination would be advantageous. Good written and presentation skills with excellent oral communication skills are essential, as is the ability to work as a strong team member. The annual stipend will be at least £19,500 per annum (normally tax free). Fees are covered separately to this amount. Significant funds are also available for conference attendance.
Applications for this post are invited from UK and EU citizens who are resident in the UK. This stipulation is made as the funding of this project is provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) here in the UK. For more information on residency criteria please see the EPSRC website (
We are looking for individuals with high levels of drive, enthusiasm, and the skills and knowledge to benefit from this exciting opportunity. For further information and guidance on how to apply please contact Noelle Hartley (see below). Closing date for applications: Friday 28th May 2010. Interviews will be held in the subsequent weeks, with the project beginning on 27th September 2010.
Noelle Hartley
Manager, Industrial Doctorate Centre in Micro- and NanoMaterials and Technologies
Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences
University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 7XH
Tel: +44 (0)1483 683467
The University is committed to an Equal Opportunities policy.