/ 5F, International Organisations Center, Pacifico-Yokohama
1-1-1 Minato Mirai Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012
http://citynet-yh.org/english/ E-mail:

Community Based Solid Waste Management Project

Guidelines for Submission of Proposals


CITYNET Yokohama Project Office plans to launch the project entitled “Community Based Solid Waste Management” (hereinafter called “the Project”) for 18 months period starting August 1, 2016.

Solid waste in a city is increasing partly because of the development of economy and partly because of the population concentration. Issues such as lack of landfill, poor sanitation, emission of methane, fire have become common in cities across Asia and Pacific.

Therefore, solid waste management including recycling is one of the main challenges cities need to address with cooperation of NGOs and the communities. Urban sustainability must also include proper solid waste management.

To encourage CITYNET members to take immediate and concrete actions for solid waste management including recycling, CITYNET Yokohama Project Office has decided to grant the fund for member-proposed projects.

Applying members are requested to fulfil the criteria and requirements as indicated in this document.


To ensure sustainability of the granted project, the project shall be planned on a cost sharing basis as below:

-  At least 30 percent of the total project cost to be covered by the applicant (city/ org)

-  USD 10,000 will be the maximum grant amount


The project will have following goals:


1. Self-Sustaining Adaptation Programmes and Projects or Solid Waste Management or related area

2. Roadmap for Adaptation

3. Enhance Social Capital


The Project seeks to support cities and organisation that aim for long-term systemic changes required for a sustainable resource circulation including 3Rs. It also includes local authorities’ continuing policies / projects of solid waste management It is expected that the Projects will be the best practices which can be transferable to other cities.

1.  To provide support for local governments which continue to address solid waste management and realizing sustainable resource circulation including 3Rs.

2.  To provide support for local governments to formulate and implement adaptation policies and strategies in engaging the community.

3 To build capacity of local governments, NGOs or communities handling the solid waste management issues.


  Local Government implements or supports the community-based adaptation activities;

  Local Governments and Community Partnership is developed for Solid Waste Management and Sustainable Resource Circulation including 3Rs

  Promote capacity building on implementing project involving other stake holders as well as evaluation and monitoring by sharing information and expertise amongst parties concerned and other cities/organisations

  Regulation and ordinance related to Solid Waste Management is passed in the targeted area.

  Sustainable and self-reliant project with financial stability

  Strategies to scale-up the project


CITYNET members


  The Project shall be in direct connection with environmental issues, especially Soiid Waste Management and Sustainable Resource Circulation including 3Rs.


  The duration of the project must be within 18 months which has been/will be integrated with the city’s plan.


  A total of USD 10,000 (maximum) for one city/organisation is available. Where possible, it is recommended the grant be used as the rolling or revolving fund so that the fund itself will be able to generate the revenue for the party(ies) in charge of its disbursement.

  Transaction of the funds will be made in 3 (three) instalments (first in 2016 after signing of the contract, the second after receiving the progress report in February 2017(and the third after the completion of the project and fulfilling all requirements as indicated in the Letter of Agreement)


1.  The Project shall be undertaken on the local/community level with full responsibility for implementation of the applied project held by the local government in cooperation with community group/NGOs. Local governments need to endorse the proposed activities submitted by the community group or accredited cooperative NGOs.

2.  The activities shall have adaptation measures and show measurable as well as tangible outcomes

3.  Sustainability of the Project shall be ascertained by involving concerned parties, for example, setting up a steering committee to implement the Project. The steering committee shall consist of at least one local city government official representing a city which is a member of CITYNET, as well as representative(s) from the beneficiary community and other related stakeholders.

4.  The local government should monitor the implementation and outcome of the projects as well as report the accomplished results to CITYNET Yokohama Project Office according to the items in the LOA.

5.  The applicant will allocate at least 30 % budget of the total project costs. Please indicate co-financing arrangements, including co-financing source and description of co-financing (as stated in the Application Form).


  Must be CITYNET members

  Annual Membership Fees until 2016 has been paid in full

  Authorised party able to receive funds in US dollars through bank transfer


・ Completed Application Form including Log Frame and Timeline

・ Supporting documents to justify the need for the project

・ Budget Plan


1.  Progress Report should be submitted in English every two months

2.  A mid-term report should be submitted in English after 9 months

3.  A final report should be submitted in English within one month of the completion of the



  The application deadline is June 22, 2016. All applications shall be processed after the deadline by the Selection Committee.

  Incomplete and late submissions will not be accepted. Please inquire to confirm full receipt of your application.


The Selection Committee will screen all complete applications and inform to the CITYNET Yokohama Project Office on the results.

CITYNET Yokohama Project Office will inform the applicant of the result and send a Letter of Agreement to the selected party who will obtain funds, by July 15, 2016.


The Selection Committee consists of:

1)  Dr. Kumiko Kawamura, Professor, Tokyo City University, Japan

2)  Dr. Mrittika Basu, Independent Consultant

3) Dr. Yasuhiko Hotta, Principal Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan.

4) Masaaki Taniguchi, Director of Project and Public Relations, CITYNET Yokohama Project Office


* The proposal shall be submitted by a mayor or other designated representative while a contact person in charge of the Project (name, title, organisation, telephone and e-mail) shall be specified.

* The grant application from NGO members MUST be endorsed by at least one full member of CITYNET and assign a local resource agency if the applicant’s area of expertise is not solid waste management.

* This grant shall be used properly only for the purpose of implementing project.

In the case that the selected project is to be implemented in the country where CITYNET National Chapter exists, CITYNET Yokohama Project Office requests that National Chapter will act as organiser to carry out the national-level seminar(s) /forum(s) for disseminating the selected project.

Additional note: For your reference, a local resource agency is expected to have:

(1)  Practical experience or technical knowledge on urban development including environment issue, especially solid waste management and sustainable resource circulation including 3Rs.

(2)  Good coordination skill to promote partnership amongst parties concerned.

(3)  Commitment to summarise report and submit an expert report at each end of the year to CITYNET Yokohama Project Office.

(4)  Capacity to monitor/evaluate activities the selected city/organisation undertakes.

(5)  Good relationship with selected city/organisation on long term basis.

(6)  Advisory capacity upon request of selected city/organisation.

(7)  Vision to link with other cities/organisations/agencies in consideration of national agenda/global agenda.
