Schedule of Meetings:

Meetings will be held from 3:15pm-4:15pm on the second Wednesday of every month and additional meetings necessary called by the Advisor.

Member Obligations:

Members should attend monthly meetings. Members are allowed to miss one meeting per semester. Missing a meeting because of an excused absence from school, school activities including drama productions, games and concerts will not count against you. In order to be considered an excused absence, members must notify Mrs. Herrmann in writing.

o  Members need to earn 75% of possible points per semester.

o  Members must volunteer at least one event per semester.

o  Members need to earn all A’s and B’s on each progress report and

report card.

o  Members need to give a copy of their report card or progress report to Mrs. Herrmann within 4 school days of receiving it.

o  Members must participate in 75% of events. Participation includes volunteering at the event or preparation for the event, ie: making signs, selling tickets, etc.

o  Members may not have more than 1 detention.

o  Members may not have any referrals.

o  Members must have proper conduct during all events.

o  Parents must pick you up on time. Members will have 2 pts. deducted for the first 15 minutes your ride is late and 2 points for every five minutes your ride is late after that.

o  All members must attend the induction ceremony.

o  Members that attend all meetings and events will earn 30 bonus



o  If a member does not uphold the Bylaws, they will be put on probation

o  Probation will last for 4 ½ weeks.

If a member is placed on probation for grades, he/she will not be able to participate in volunteer events or earn points until proof is shown that grades have improved.

If members end up on probation because they did not earn enough volunteer points the required number of points will increase from 75% to 85%.

If members wish to volunteer at an event not affiliated with NJHS, they may earn a maximum of 25 points per semester for a nonprofit organization as long as the person is not directly related to you. Forms must be picked up and turned in with a minimum of two hours of service.

Officer Duties:


1.  Preside over meeting.

2.  Delegate committees.

3.  Execute club decisions.

4.  Publicize meetings.

5.  Monitor committee activity.

6.  Keep advisor apprised of committees.

7.  Organize and preside over inductions.

Vice President

1.  Preside over meetings in absence of the president.

2.  Chair of the “Membership and Attendance” committee.

3.  Assist the president and advisor in planning and contacts.


1.  Take complete and effective minutes at meetings.

2.  Maintain membership list.

3.  Maintain attendance at each meeting.

4.  Be responsible for club correspondence.

5.  NJHS newsletter


1.  Maintain an up to date scrapbook of events with organization members.

2.  In absence of Secretary, takes minutes.


1.  Maintain accurate account records.

2.  Complete all appropriate paperwork for fundraising and activities.

Communications Director

1.  Flyers, emails, poster, bulletin board, and keeping members informed of club meetings and events.