Environmental sustainability policy statement template

As the subject matter is so broad I have not developed a proper template but rather have several examples below that you can use to formulate your own policy statement. Please note that your policy statement must show that your museum is environmentally conscious. It can be broadly based to show intent as a whole, rather than a tick box list of items.

Both Tyne and Wear and the Royal Museums Greenwich statements are examples of broad based intent, while the Australian Museum gives some specific examples. Neither is correct, but each suits their museum’s style and approach. The National Museum Wales have developed both policy and policy statement in this area. Links to their site are included as well.

Areas/topics you may wish to consider or include are:

  • Legal obligations/responsibilities if appropriate (particularly for local authority museums)
  • Environmental sustainability policy (again for local authority museums if the Council has such a policy in place already)
  • Lighting (use of energy efficient bulbs)
  • Stationery (use of recycled materials and recycling of used materials)
  • Sourcing local suppliers where applicable
  • Equipment (using/replacing old equipment with ‘A’-rated energy efficient equipment where possible)
  • Assessing current carbon footprint (and ways to offset)
  • Pollution
  • Waste disposal
  • Treatment of historic buildings
  • Water
  • Renewables
  • Staff training

Please remember that your statement should reflect your museum’s resources (i.e. a small, volunteer-run museum’s statement may be shorter and broader than a large local authority’s). Nor will you be expected to list out all of the relevant areas given above (regardless of your size). Instead the statement is a reflection of the ethos of your organisation, when it comes to environmental sustainability. It can also be used to highlight the small steps you can/do currently take.

Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums

Environmental Policy

Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (TWAM) commitment is to providea World-class service that is sustainable and which aims to minimise the environmental impacts of our operations.

To meet our environmental commitment we will:

  • Meet and, where possible, exceed all current and future European and national environmental legislative and regulatory requirements.
  • Adopt best operational practices to reduce environmental impacts of TWAM activities and policies.
  • Measure and take action to reduce the carbon footprint of our activities and ensure our buildings and services are able to adapt to environmental change.
  • Monitor, manage and minimise TWAM’s use of energy and water.
  • Minimise the environmental impact of associated travel with our venues and business
  • Minimise the amount of waste produced by TWAM and partners to encourage greater reuse in recycling.
  • Ensure environmental, including climate change, criteria are taken into account in the procurement of goods and services.
  • Consider environmental factors in TWAM decisions and activities including giving due consideration to environmental issues and energy performance in the design, refurbishment, and use of our buildings which includes exhibitions and activities
  • Encourage and develop our employees, volunteers, partners and stakeholders to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.

To ensure we meet our commitments, we undertake to periodically monitor and review our environmental performance and take corrective action where necessary. This policy will be reviewed annually.

Environmental Sustainability at the Australian Museum

The Australian Museum is committed to addressing environmental sustainability and has developed a vision statement and associated goals to move us in this direction.

Vision and Goals

The Australian Museum is committed to addressing environmental sustainability at its' College Street site and has adopted the following vision:

to be an environmentally sustainable organisation that contributes to the creation of a beautiful and sustainable world.

In order to implement this vision the following goals have been developed:

Goal 1: Understand the Australian Museum's use of energy, water and waste generation and take action to meet and, where possible, exceed targets determined by the Government

Goal 2: To lead by example with the promotion and demonstration of environmental sustainability values.

The goals are broader statements of intent and are addressed further in the Museum's Environmental Sustainability Action Plan, which links to a range of plans at the Museum including the Corporate Strategic Services Plan.

Environmental Sustainability Achievements

To realise the Australian Museum's vision and goals a number of actions are being implemented, and to date the following has been achieved:

The introduction of Fairtrade organic coffee in 2008

Replacement of printers and faxes with energy rated multi-function devices

Completion of an energy audit

Carbon offsets to be purchased for all air travel

Installation of water saving devices in public and staff amenities

The Australian Museum is also addressing:

Water usage via a water efficiency audit

Sustainable exhibitions

Sustainable functions and events

The Museum is a registered workplace for the National Ride to Work Day, 14 October 2009, supporting those who choose pedal power!

Royal Museums Greenwich Sustainability Policy Statement

In this statement the term ‘sustainability’ includes the natural, built, economic and social environments of the National Maritime Museum.

The Museum recognises its sustainability obligations to its staff, visitors, communities and stakeholders – both locally and globally – and to present and succeeding generations.

The Museum aims to take a leading role in defining best sustainability practice, and will set its own appropriate and demanding standards where none exist.

The Museum is committed to implementing the requirements of all relevant sustainability legislation and regulations and, where possible, exceeding any relevant minimum requirements.

The Museum will manage activities over which it has control and which impact upon its various ‘environments’ in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

The Museum aims to raise the sustainability awareness of its staff, visitors, communities and stakeholders by promoting the concept of sustainable development and by openly recognising the on-going need to move towards a more sustainable future.

The Museum will monitor its use of natural resources, both non-renewable and renewable, and maximise the efficiency and effectiveness with which they are used, with a view to minimising environmental impacts.

The Museum will foster and promote research and education in sustainability – for visitors, within its communities and via conferences, publications and collaborative work.

The Museum will provide appropriate sustainability training and development for its staff, and will encourage them to apply sound sustainability practices at work, at home and within the wider community.

The Museum is committed to transparency in, and public access, to the formulation and implementation of its Sustainability Policy and objectives. The Museum will formulate, publish, implement and monitor objectives set out in the overall Policy, and will periodically review their efficiency and promote their continued development.

The Sustainability Policy of the National Maritime Museum will be applicable to all its activities and across all its sites.

National Museums Wales

Excellent website comprehensive and more that required but may give ideas

Environmental statement 2011