Georges Testing:Hi there. This is a test of the chat.

Georges Testing:Working.

Asiago:I see it, good test

Asiago:The audio skips a little bit

Maria Rodriguez:Hello, I just logged in as guest.I was on way to austin from dfw area and had car trouble so I will try to view event instead.thank you.

Heera Kang:Welcome to the Power of Openness symposium at UT Austin. I will be online with you through the event, so please join in with your comments and questions.

Jon Perkins 2:Good morning everyone

Wen-Hua Teng:Thanks! Heera.I just wanted to say that streaming makes openness even more powerful

Jon Perkins:Test

Heera Kang:Excellent. Please feel free to introduce yourself and let us know where you're tuning in from.

Wen-Hua Teng:I can hear you very well.

Luciana Lage:Hi! I am watching from Oakland, CA. Very glad to be here.

Maria Rodriguez:I am watching from the dfw area.Sound is a little on the low side.

Luciana Lage:I don't have sound. I'm getting a download error when I try to install the add-in

Heera Kang:Hi Luciana - Can you try a different browser?

Karen Kelton:Hi everyone, my name is Karen Kelton. I am out of town, but I work for COERLL, too.

Lisa Katzenstein:I am here as well.

georges:Hi Karen! Wish you were here, but I will settle for a virtual Karen!; )

Karen Kelton:Thanks!

Lynda Jentsch:Lynda Jentsch watching and listening from Samford University, Alabama

Keah Cunningham:tuning in from the University of Kansas

Lynda Jentsch:Image is dark

Lisa Katzenstein:I missed the very first couple of minutes.Did he say that handout would be available online?If so, where?

Wen-Hua Teng:I am in Austin.I just wanted to try the streaming and will be at the symposium in the afternoon.

georges:online at the coerll website, lisa

Keah Cunningham:Second on image being dark.Any way the video could be adjusted to not have the bright projection screen in frame?

Lisa Katzenstein:Thanks, Georges.

Heera Kang:Thanks, Keah. We're working on the darkness of the webcam.

Karen Kelton:The image is great now!

Lynda Jentsch:Yes, great!

Keah Cunningham:Agreed.Thanks!

Wen-Hua Teng:Both the image and sound are excellent.

Luciana Lage:I restarted my computer and all is working now. Thanks!

Lisa Katzenstein:Sound is faint on video.I can't turn it up any higher on my computer.

Heera Kang:Great, Luciana!

Shahla Adel:I just joined. Sound and image are both excellent!

Heera Kang:Lisa - Have you turned the speaker volume using the dropdown option at the top? It might also be better using headphones.

Lisa Katzenstein:It's not helping, but I can hear the speaker,it was the video that was the problem.I don't have any headsets, alas.

Heera Kang:Lisa - Glad you can hear us. Here's the link to that open education video, if you want to try to watch it later.

Sonia Dupre:Hi, I am in Houston, glad to join you all

Pat Mosele:Hello to everyone from Boulder, Colorado!

Karen Kelton:Hi Pat, glad you could join us!

Pat Mosele:Hi, Karen

Lisa Katzenstein:Heera, Thanks.

Heera Kang:Woops, I forgot to give you the link.

georges:Hi Sonia! Georges from CyFair here. ; )

Lisa Katzenstein:Is anybody else having the speaker freeze on them sometimes?I'm having this problem.

Karen Kelton:My video is streaming fine.

georges:video good here

Pat Mosele:mine is good, too

Maria Rodriguez:viewing good

Sonia Dupre:Hello Georges! This is very good!

Sonia Dupre:my sound is a little low but OK

Lisa Katzenstein:I guess it must be my antique computer. More incentive to get a new one.

Gorkem:both video and sound are ok here

Gorkem:nop they are both freezing

Rachael Gilg:Slides for this presentation are now available at

Pat Mosele:Thanks, Rachael

Wen-Hua Teng:Thanks, Rachael!Are these slides also CC?

Rachael Gilg:Yes - the slides are CC-BY. I'll also post the original Powerpoints later for easier reuse. :)

Wen-Hua Teng:Great!I am finding streaming an even more engaging experience.I feel that I am more focused.

Evan @ LARC:Hi Rachael

Rachael Gilg:Hi Evan!

Heera Kang:Sorry some of you are having trouble with video and sound. Looks like these are isolated problems. You can access the powerpoint presentations now and we'll post video of the speakers on the COERLL site later so you can review sections you missed.

lisa katzenstein:I was frozen for over a minute.I had to relog in.I guess that's going to have to be what I'll need to do.If you have any other ideas, please let me know.

Asiago:YAY Conversa Brasleira!

Luciana Lage:We at Street Smart Brazil are big fans of Conversa Brasileira :)

Asiago:;) A gente adora vc tambem! (We like you too!)

Heera Kang:Hi Lisa - For now, restarting seems like the best resolution. This is our first streaming event -- we hope the technical issues can be resolved as we learn more.

Luciana Lage::)

Keah Cunningham:Lisa - Maybe your Flash Player needs to be updated (

Heera Kang:Thanks, Keah!

Keah Cunningham::) -

lisa katzenstein:Will downloading this software be advisable while the presentation is going on?I don't want to be distracted as this Webinar is taking place.I might try it during a break, if we get one.Thanks.

Rachael Gilg:The Q&A will be starting soon, so post any questions you have here and we will pass them along to the presenter.

Lisa Katzenstein:I downloaded Adobe.I froze.I reentered the presentation.I have s screen with "Nothing is being shared."What now?

Evan @ LARC:Same here

Pat Mosele 2:Same here

Maria Rodriguez:same here

Shahla Adel 2:No image or sound!

Lynda Jentsch:All frozen on "nothing being shared" for me, too. When does next session start?

Shahla Adel 2:Can we still post questions?

Karen Kelton:Heera, are you still there?

Evan @ LARC:I'm sure they are working on a solution

GeorgesCyFair:They had a disconnect. Theyre coming back.

GeorgesCyFair:working on it now

GeorgesCyFair:(I am in the room)

Karen Kelton:Thanks, Georges. Can you pass along key discussion points?

GeorgesCyFair:There was just a question about how to handle quality control with "little" OERs

GeorgesCyFair:Carl is saying that you never know what the consequences are when you open up materials

GeorgesCyFair:so, you have to be prepared for input from people you dont know or never knew youd hear from

GeorgesCyFair:You WILL find materials that are "cringe worthy"

Karen Kelton:LOL

GeorgesCyFair:It's up to you, the instructor, to point these out to your learners when you come across them

GeorgesCyFair:(just as you might with a publisher's book that has mistakes)

GeorgesCyFair:New question:

GeorgesCyFair:Too many people logging in and using an OER means it slows down and crashes

Lisa Katzenstein:LIke now?

GeorgesCyFair:live by tech? DIE BY TECH!

GeorgesCyFair:Exactly, LISA!lol

GeorgesCyFair:teachers should find 'work'arounds'

GeorgesCyFair:have a back up plan for no matter what you are using/doing

GeorgesCyFair:whether it's tech based or not

GeorgesCyFair:(like some guy named georges who types the conference in the chat room)

Pat Mosele 2:Like Jack Bauer said, "Always have a Plan B."

GeorgesCyFair:just a minute

GeorgesCyFair:new question:

GeorgesCyFair:prof just signed a contract to do an arabic text

GeorgesCyFair:she is wondering if there is justification to do texts "the old way"

GeorgesCyFair:as opposed to a tech based OER version

GeorgesCyFair:answer: to get a royalty check? probably not...

GeorgesCyFair:some schools require a pub sponsored publication for tenure

GeorgesCyFair:you should look into your institution's tenure/promotion policies with regards to OERs

GeorgesCyFair:(yes, Pat!)

GeorgesCyFair:Let me ask a question from the group... anyone?

GeorgesCyFair:(people online... you have a question?_

Evan @ LARC:Question: What are your strategies for advertising/publicizing your OER products to get users?



GeorgesCyFair:conference attendance

GeorgesCyFair:facebook site

GeorgesCyFair: social media

GeorgesCyFair:materials online and searchable

GeorgesCyFair:google analytics = cool stuff

GeorgesCyFair:make them available in clearing houses like MERLOT, etc

GeorgesCyFair:we're taking a break

Evan @ LARC:thanks :)

GeorgesCyFair:ONLINE FOLKS: the ENTIRE university network is down right now

Karen Kelton: Thanks, Georges, for the play by play. That was fun!

Lisa Katzenstein:I published an article in "Texas Library Journal" in 1999. (I'm a librarian>)It was posted online for a number of years, but has since disappeared.Isn't that the danger of posting online?

GeorgesCyFair:I will give an update as soon as we find out something

GeorgesCyFair:please talk amongst yourselves and I PROMISE to come back ina bit!!!!

Pat Mosele 2:Georges, you saved the day!

Pat Mosele 2:THanks

Evan @ LARC:Yes, thank you Georges

GeorgesCyFair:doing a work around right now be back inabit

karen aiken 2:Thanks so much!!!

GeorgesCyFair:the UT folks are going to use my wifi hotspot to admin the adobe session

GeorgesCyFair:please stand by

GeorgesCyFair:(if I vanish, the UT/COERLL people WILL come back!!!)

GeorgesCyFair:; )

GeorgesCyFair:good things we are on break

Karen Kelton:Cool! How many people are in attendance?

GeorgesCyFair:about 30

Rachael E Gilg:And, we're back!

GeorgesCyFair:but some have left the room for the break

GeorgesCyFair:so there may be more

Karen Kelton:Hurrah, Rachael!

GeorgesCyFair:ok, the COERLL folks are back on line

Evan @ LARC:great!!

GeorgesCyFair:I am turning over the steering wheel!lol

Asiago:hiphip hurrah!

Shahla Adel:I have no image of the speaker!

Lisa Katzenstein:No video, no sound.

karen aiken 2:I have sound but no video

Pat Mosele 2:I have sound, no video.Who is speaking?

Shahla Adel:Hi Nathalie!

Nathalie:We are working on getting everything back online. The network went down at our university.

Karen Kelton:Pat, Carl Blyth is speaking.

Pat Mosele 2:ok

Nathalie:Hi Shahla. Glad you could join.

Shahla Adel:I got the image, too!

karen aiken 2:video is back

Shahla Adel:Thanks!

Karen Kelton:So, online folks, what was your reaction? Do you agree with what Carl said?

Lisa Katzenstein:I still would like an opinion about materials online that vaporize, like my article.Is online always a reliable safe way of posting research?

Heera Kang:Hi all - Sorry, all of UT lost internet access for a little while.

Pat Mosele 2:I am intrigued by the notion that OE and technology make consumers into collaborators.

Evan @ LARC:I like the flexibility and ability to update material

Evan @ LARC:And integrate multiple types of media

Pat Mosele 2:For language teaching, I think that having the opportunity to integrate multiple media is awesome.

Heera Kang:We're back online, and in about 10 mins we'll be sharing with you what the folks here discussed in their breakout groups.

Karen Kelton:I agree, Pat. It's a fascinating concept, but Lisa does have a point. Technology makes us dependent on infrastructures which sometimes break down (like today! How often does UT's WHOLE network go down?)

Pat Mosele 2:Yes, I agree with you, Karen, and you, LIsa.Technology is great, when it works.

Evan @ LARC:There are so many tools for publishing, its tough to know which to use (ie COERLL uses drupal - Big learning curve)

Heera Kang:We'll also get caught up on the online dicussion we missed while we were offline.

Pat Mosele 2:It seems to me that if teachers do not want to bother creating materials, those of use in Foreign Language Education are facing a whole new frontier with respect to creating pedagogical materials.

Karen Kelton:There are lots of easier solutions, though, too. WordPress is very powerful, GoogleDocs, too.

Shahla Adel:What about less commonly taught languages? Will enough people be interested after work is done?

Pat Mosele 2:The reward system for creating OER materials seems a bit vague to me.Anyone agree?

Evan @ LARC:@Karen - Agree.There is a range from easy to complicated software tools.

Karen Kelton:Reward system is a big problem. Most of the OER at UT in foreign languages has been created by lecturers.

Pat Mosele 2:Yes, and the materials are great (re: Francais Interactif) but it takes time and one still has to pay the bills.

Karen Kelton:The idea is that creating OER should be part of one's job as an educator!

Pat Mosele 2:Yes, Karen, I agree.But when I mentioned OER to the new chair of my dept, he had never heard of it.

Evan @ LARC:@Shahla - It seems there is a need for more LCTL resources.Create a quality LCTL OER and it will be used, but the product has to be known by potential users

Lisa Katzenstein:Please encourage speakers to speak closer to the mike.

Sherry Brown:yes, I can't hear either

Sherry Brown:Thanks!

Karen Kelton:Thanks for adjusting the mic volume!

Pat Mosele 2:Multiple media

Evan @ LARC:Prcatice and assessment material

Karen Kelton:reviseable exercises, but how to get these to the students?

Evan @ LARC:Accessable on mobile devices

Karen Kelton:Yes!

Rob:What's exciting is that they can truly be guided by the program or instructor's vision without being filtered by the for-profit publishing industry.

Evan @ LARC:opps, accessible

Pat Mosele 2:Rob, Yes!

Evan @ LARC:paperless

Lisa Katzenstein:If I'm not mistaken, the language software QUIA has the equivalent of an OER part where educators can post their grammar and vocabulary exercises online.That all sounds good, but there are lots of typos and other mistakes.. OERs need good editors!

Pat Mosele 2:What about games and simulations?

Karen Kelton:We've been using a lot of exercises from, but these need to be revised. It's hard to modify materials that you find for the local environment.

Lisa Katzenstein:QUIA definitely does games, created by QUIA, that are pretty good.I'm not aware of educator created games on QUIA, but I have not used QUIA in a while.

Pat Mosele 2:IT would be cool to have a simulation that allows learners to "experience" a virtual visit to a target culture.

Karen Kelton:Pat, I like that idea, but they're expensive to produce

Pat Mosele 2:Does anyone remember Montevidisco?Did that package work by simulation?

Heera Kang:Yes, but this is our time to dream ;)

Karen Kelton:Unless we use websites that are produced for native speakers -- virtual visits

Pat Mosele 2:If those web site visits could be controlled for language level, that would be fun

Lisa Katzenstein:Anybody heard of a lip dub?High schools are doing them based on an episode on the TV show, "The Office." Kids do a music video to a favorite song, lip synching.You can find some lip dubs on YouTube.A lip dup to a popular song in a foreign language would be great for the kids to perform in.They love being on video.

Pat Mosele 2:That sounds like fun

Pat Mosele 2:Foreign language karaoke

Lisa Katzenstein:Yeah, that's a good one!

Karen Kelton:Yes, so how can we make it easier for teachers to put all of these ideas together?

Lisa Katzenstein:Hold a "tech" camp each summer for foreign language teachers to bring them up to speed on the evolving technology of OERs.