Cultural and Spiritual Competence in Victim Services

2010 edition

1)  According to the OVC (1998), every criminal justice and crime-related issue is fundamentally

a)  a crime against humanity

b)  a hate crime

c)  everyone's business

d)  multicultural

2)  From 1990 to 2000, in the US, the foreign-born population increased about

a)  47%

b)  57%

c)  67%

d)  77%

3)  What term describes the shared values, beliefs, and traditions that guide and structure a certain people's lifeway?

a)  culture

b)  race

c)  ethnicity

d)  community

4)  Subcultures mentioned include all the following EXCEPT

a)  Language

b)  Nascar fans

c)  Politics

d)  Nationality

5)  The 2000 census, indicated that _____ of the American population has some type of disability.

a)  one-tenth

b)  one-fifth

c)  one-quarter

d)  one-third

6)  The text states that religion is

a)  personal

b)  mystical

c)  existential

d)  communal

7)  Which was NOT one of the themes Donnelly et al. (2005) found regarding shelter policy?

a)  race was not considered important

b)  spirituality was minimized

c)  "othering" women of color based upon stereotypes

d)  normative practices based on the needs and experiences of white women

8)  What does Ridley (1989) say is the behavioral essence of racism?

a)  traditions

b)  ethnoprison

c)  unexamined attitudes

d)  rose-colored glasses

9)  Martinez (1998) states that Machismo, safeguards against domestic abuse.

a)  True

b)  False

10) The Office for Victims of Crime cautions against address spiritual matters due to First Amendment concerns.

a)  True

b)  False

11) According to Perry (2004), between 1992 and 2001, American Indians experienced violence at rates _____ times that of Asians.

a)  2.5

b)  3.5

c)  4.5

d)  5.5

12) In many culture, instead of focus on the individual self, more attention is brought to bear on the

a)  self-in-relationship

b)  absence-of-self

c)  community needs

d)  needs-of-many

13) The Sioux practice a form of self-treatment called "wacinko: usually translated as

a)  inner eye

b)  sweating

c)  meditating

d)  pouting

14) Ivey et al. (2002) states that _____ helping is said to depend on professionals.

a)  pharmacologically based

b)  managed care based

c)  majority culture

d)  eurocentric

15) Only _____ of American Muslims are of Arab descent.

a)  10%

b)  15%

c)  25%

d)  40%

16) Poindexter and Valentine (2007) state that service providers have _____ that may coincide or conflict with various victim cultures.

a)  professional predispositions

b)  cultural stereotypes

c)  institutional guidelines

d)  cultures of helping

17) Ivey et al. (2002) state that the emphasis on verbalizing worries and providing symptom relief through prescribing medications in much of Western psychotherapy can be related to the _____ tradition.

a)  Freudian

b)  Judeo-Christian

c)  scientific method

d)  humanistic

18) While a firm and vigorous handshake is expected by many Americans, a _____ of friendship for Native Americans is more customary.

a)  softer offering of the hand

b)  high five

c)  fist bump

d)  wave from a distance

19) About what percent of the US population 5 years and over speak a language other than English at home?

a)  18%

b)  28%

c)  38%

d)  48%

20) Poindexter and Valentine (2007) describe providers as _____ of another culture.

a)  reluctant ambassadors

b)  tentative learners

c)  not the brightest crayons

d)  wearing colorblinders

21) Even if you are not familiar with a victim's prevailing culture, _____ is the greatest communicator.

a)  a smile

b)  Facebook

c)  sincerity

d)  a hug