NAIDC Board Teleconference

Friday, February 15, 2013

11:00 AM Eastern, 10:00 AM Central, 8:00 AM Pacific

Conference Call System

NAIDC - CONNEX Conference Details

Dial-In Number: (800) 326-0013

Int'l Number: (203) 702-1000

Conference Code: 1091381


NAIDC Mission Statement

To facilitate education, communication and an exchange of ideas among students, agribusiness, dairy producers and universities that enhances the development of the dairy industry and its leaders.

Luciene Ribeiro / Present
Mike Van Amburgh / Present
Devin Albrecht / Present
Owen Bewley / Present
Jean Conklin / Present
Chris Dei / Not available
Maurice Eastridge / Not available
Marcia Endres / Present
Coleen Jones / Present
David Prentice / Present
Jon Robinson / Missing
Christie Stanley / Missing
Amy te Plate-Church / Not available
Tami Tollenaar / Missing
Dave Winston / Present
STAFF: Molly Kelley (NAIDC) / Present
Annette Ziegler (WDE)
Ruth Stampfl (WDE) / Present
Bob Kaiser (WDE)
Laura Herschleb / Present
  1. Call Meeting To Order - Luciene Ribeiro
  1. Roll Call - Molly Kelley
  1. Minutes from the Friday, January 18, 2013 call were reviewed. The minutes were moved for approval. Seconded. Approved.

4.  Old Business -

  1. Committee Reports

A. Finance Committee – Owen Bewley gave great credit to the board. Sponsorships are within $10,000 of hitting budget goal for fund raising. Challenge to group is to get those that contributed last year - $58,000 from last year not yet brought in, although a lot are Western dollars and are likely still coming in. Luciene is still working on Western Milling (asking for $12,000), Western Farm Credit ($5000 +/-), hoping to get additional funds from a few others including DFA. Chris confirmed Vi-Cor is giving $5,000 to national and western region. David Hansen (Western Regional Mgr) is our contact. Dave Prentice met with ViCor reps in Madison including Christian Rippe and Charlie Elrod. Dave thought Christian would be a good candidate for Academy Advisor or tour station rep.

Pioneer and SoyBest are still uncommitted.

Matt Budine has made offer to match any alumni donations made between now and national contest. Our hope was to recognize Matt at national banquet, and use this next month on Facebook and social media to capitalize on that.

Dairy Challenge Academy is at about 40 students right now, have about 21 school entries, plus some aggregate students. Owen proposed we reduce the fee to get us to a full set of students. If we reduce the fee, be sure to note that it was because of large donations we are able to reduce the cost. Prentice didn't think it was so much the fee, but the logistics that was keeping the number low.

Laura offered updated counts, noting the deadline isn't until the end of the day today. With no mail service on Monday, it's likely to be late Tuesday at the earliest before we have a good count. We generally have about 28 teams by the end of the deadline day.

National Contest: 88

1. Purdue: 4 students + 1 aggregate

2. Cornell: 4 students

3. Iowa State: 4 students

4. UW River Falls: 4 students

5. University of Vermont: 4 students + 1 aggregate

6. University of Alberta: 4 students

7. University of Guelph: 4 students

8. University of Minnesota: 4 students + 1 aggregate

9. UW-Madison: 4 students

10. Cal Poly: 4 students + 1 aggregate

11. Virginia Tech: 4 students + 1 aggregate

12. Ohio State: 4 students

13. Illinois: 4 students

14. LSU: 4 students

15. Idaho: 4 students + 1 aggregate

16. Washington State: 4 students + 1 aggregate

17. Alabama A&M: 4 students

18. Berry College: 3 students

19. New Hampshire: 4 students

20. Morrisville State College: 4 students

21. NC State: 1 or 2 aggregate students

Schools missing from the list:


Penn St.





Academy: 43

1. Iowa State: 4 students

2. Kentucky: 4 students

3. Ohio State: 3 students

4. Minnesota: 6 students

5. Illinois: 2 students

6. LSU: 2 students

7. Florida: 2 or 3 students

8. UW-Platteville: 3 students

9. NC State: 1 or 2 students

10. Clemson: 4 students

11. Berry College: 3 students

12. Washington State: 1 or 2 (if she doesn’t get on an aggregate team)

13. Morrisville State College: There Challenge students would like to participate in the Academy if they don’t get into the National Contest (but I don’t foresee that being an issue).

14. Ohio State – ATI, 4 students plus 1 additional student listed.

Owen proposed we do a quick deadline reminder. Suggest we send email to the 20 teams already registered, along with those not yet registered. Have more space for Academy students, if you want to bring more, we can take more. Owen recommends we say, support has surpassed our expectations, able to reduce fees to $50 and can open up Academy to 150. Asking schools to bring as many as they would like, not needing to limit the number of Academy students. Molly will call the hotel to see if option exists to get another 25 sleeping rooms added and room for up to 16 tables in Academy spaces.

Motion made to reduce Academy registration fee to $50 due to great fund raising. Seconded. Approved.

Laura will send a quick note to schools that have not registered to remind them to get their roster to us by end of today. Today send email notifying schools that price has dropped and we've opened it up to as many as possible.

Also need additional advisors to accommodate additional Academy students.

Need to act on it quickly -

B. Executive Committee – Luciene Ribeiro: no report.

C. Media/Public Relations –Amy te Plate-Church. Molly noted that good progress is being made on plans for national contest, putting together her group of PR helpers at contest. Just wrapped up PR from MW. Working on getting banner stands for 4 regionals and national. Anyone with ideas on PR activities, pass over to Amy.

D. Program Committee – Dave Winston working on code of conduct details for Honor Code and Technology Frequently Asked Questions for national contest.

E. WDE Management - Bob Kaiser - no report.

F. 2012-2013 Contest Updates

2013 National – Maurice Eastridge, Host Chair

NE – Owen Bewley

SO – Dave Winston

MW – Devin Albrecht/Marcia Endres: MW completed their regional event last week with 79 students and 19 schools. Lakeshore Technical College did a terrific job hosting and it was a great event all in all.

WE – Tami Tollenaar/Luciene Ribiero: Western has 66 students this year.

2015-16 Contest Update - Mike Van Amburgh

G. Other - Dairy Challenge Academy update - Mike Van Amburgh

1. Identify sponsors for key roles:

a. Thursday farm tour stations (18) - local comm working on list of local reps for this. Contact them if you have names to add. ID a lead person on each station. Mike will put together the groups and start putting names behind those groups, circulate to board and local committee, and tidy it up via email to fill the spots.

Stations include (2 per station) in groups of 15:

forages - quality and type, availability

cow comfort (Marcia & Mike Brouk along with a couple of industry reps)


milk quality and parlor


direct nutrition

nutient management/CAFO



150+120=270 would be groups of 15 that should be our max. Move on a 15 minute rotation, each person doing 9 teams. Look at our donor list top to bottom to see what companies fit each role. Do we involve coaches in this activity, or are coaches to help move students to keep things on time? Use coaches who have expertise? decision was to use both, and if we have more than 2 at each station, the varied perspectives would only add to the tour station.

b. Academy Advisors (24-40) - Maurice and Mike are putting together lists of names. Important to get the right people who can engage in the process.

Be sure we have good Farm Credit there, along with some other lenders.

For non-academic people on the Dairy Challenge board, this is a great way to contribute. Names from unused judges could be used on the Academy. Prentice will send list to group. It will be very important these folks understand their time commitment. Molly has scheduled a Academy Advisor meeting on Thursday evening prior to the start of the Academy (simliar to what we do for the contest judges). We may consider a conference call prior to the event as well.

c. Technology Seminar speakers on Saturday (6) - Mike will have a conf call with this group as well.

Farm Credit - Gary Matteson would be ideal because of his involvement with their beginner farmer program

Cargill has some names in mind.

Select Sires - Thorbahn (Mike will follow up)

Animal Health - Luciene is working with Rebecca Casey to talk about opportunities in animal health industry.

Purina - Tom Earlywine or Christie Stanley ideal, but should probably work with Dick Poeppel on who he suggests. Luciene will follow up.

We have 6 slots: may be an opportunity to add a young producer or manager as the 6th speaker. Partner in Rosey Lane is Jordan Matthews. Laura is getting contact information for them, she will send it to Molly.

2. Plans for meals on Thursday morning and night: at this point, we can set them loose Thursday night. Do breakfast on their own.

3. 2 registrations, one at 9 am Thur, other at 5:00 pm Thur

4. Coaches role with academy? Will they be able to see contest data? Molly will add some additional tables to the back of the room.

5. Board arrival/schedule: board meeting on Wed: use instead as final details mtg for contest and Academy. Do board meeting in advance perhaps? Coaches may be difficult to get there by 1 pm, but for committee who can, suggest we take that meeting time to work thru logistics of contest. Luciene coming in Tuesday night, suggest we meet as a board to go thru the details rather than a meeting.

6. Certification of Participation for Academy students - a certificate will be done for each Academy participant.

Molly will put together the times, dates and obligations for each of these jobs.

6. New Business

7. Next Meeting:

NAIDC Board Teleconference

Friday, March 15, 2013

11:00 AM Eastern, 10:00 AM Central, 8:00 AM Pacific

Conference Call System

NAIDC - CONNEX Conference Details

Dial-In Number: (800) 326-0013

Int'l Number: (203) 702-1000

Conference Code: 1091381

8. Adjourn