Personal data:

Name: Stoytchev, Orlin Tsankov

Birth Date/Place June 24, 1955; Sofia, Bulgaria

Citizenship: Bulgarian

Marital Status: Married

Education and degrees:

1976-1981 Physics Department,

Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria

1981 M.S., Master’s Major: Elementary Particles and

Nuclear Physics

1985-1989 Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Physics,

Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

May 1989 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Physics

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Thesis title: “A Study of Super-KMS Functionals”

Advisors: Paul Zweifel, Virginia Tech and

Arthur Jaffe, Harvard


1981-1984 Researcher, Elementary Particle Theory Division,

Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

1985 Graduate Teaching Assistant,

Mathematics Department, Virginia Tech, USA

1985-1989 Graduate Research Assistant,

Mathematics Department, Virginia Tech, USA

1989-1991 Research Scientist, Elementary Particle Theory Division,

Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

1991-1993 Post-Doctoral Fellow,

Mathematics Section,

International Centre for Theoretical Physics,

Trieste, Italy

February 1992 Short visit, IHES, Burres sur Ivette, Paris (Prof. A. Jaffe)

February 1993 Short visit, Center for Transport Theory and Mathematical Physics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA (Prof. Zweifel)

February 1993 Short visit, Mathematics Department, Cornell

University, USA (Prof. Leonard Gross),

1993- Research Associate, Elementary Particle Theory Division,

Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

1997- 2008 Associate Professor of Physics,

American University in Bulgaria,

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

1999-2002 Chair, Science division,

American University in Bulgaria

2008 - Professor of Natural Science,

American University in Bulgaria,

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Teaching experience:

Courses taught at the American University in Bulgaria:

General Physics, Advanced Physics, Astronomy, Linear Algebra, Elements of Differential Geometry with Applications to Mechanics, Calculus 4, Quantitative Methods of Economics, Calculus 3

Other courses taught:

Complex Analysis, Sofia University (assistant), 1990

Diploma students supervised:

Sava Donkov, Sofia University, 1994

Additional professional and social activities and memberships:

Member of the American Mathematical Society

Member of the Mathematical Association of America

Translator in Bulgarian (in a team of 3) of “Subtle is the Lord: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein” by A. Pais,

Sofia University Press, 2004

Volunteer in the Mountain Rescue Service of the Bulgarian Red Cross. Instructor in mountain rescue.


1980 Botev Scholar, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria

1986 Complimentary membership to the American Mathematical Society for achievements as a graduate student at Virginia Tech

2009 The Carl B. Allendoerfer Award of the Mathematical Association of America

Participation at conferences and schools:

September 1982 X International Conference and Summer School on

Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics

Varna, Bulgaria

May 1984 Summer School on Supersymmetry and Supergravity

Trieste, Italy

September 1984 XII International Conference and Summer School on

Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics

Shumen, Bulgaria

June 1988 TASSI Summer School on Strings and Cosmology

Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

August 1993 NATO ASI : Stochastic Analysis and Application in Physics

Funchal, Madeira

May 1995 Workshop on Dynamical Systems’

Trieste, Italy

July 1996 NATO ASI: Noncommutative Space-time

Cargese, France

3-6 December The 29-th Symposium on Mathematical Physics,

1996 Torun, Poland (Report)

26-30 May The 30-th Symposium on Mathematical Physics,

1998 Torun, Poland

5-9 June The 33rd Symposium on Mathematical Physics,

2001  Torun, Poland

16-22 June V International Workshop: Lie Theory and its Applications in

2003 Physics

13-16 May XXXII National Conference on Physics Education,

2004 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

9- 27 August Advanced School and Conference on Non-Commutative

2004 Geometry, Trieste, Italy

18-24 June 7-th International Workshop “Lie Theory and its Applications in

2007 Physics”, Varna, Bulgaria

22-28 June International conference “Symmetries in Mathematics and Physics”

2008 Cortona, Italy

6-9 August MathFest 2009 – the annual meeting of the Mathematical

2009 Association of America


of Orlin Stoychev

A.  Journals, e-prints

1. Finite-Dimensional Representations of the Lie Superalgebra sl(1,n),

T. Palev, O. Stoytchev,

Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences 35, 733-736 (1982).

2. Typical Representations of the Lie Superalgebra sl(1,n),

T. Palev, O. Stoytchev,

Dubna Preprint E5-82-54 (1982)

3. Structural Analysis and Elementary Representations of SL(4,R) and

GL(4,R) and their covering groups,

V. Dobrev, O. Stoytchev, J. Math. Phys. 27, 883 –899 (1986)

4. The Modular Group and Super-KMS Functionals,

O. Stoytchev,

Lett. Math. Phys. 27, 43-50 (1993)

5. On Some Representations of Current Algebras in Two Dimensions and Their

Central Extensions,

Sava Donkov, Orlin Stoytchev,

J. Math. Phys. 37, 942-952 (1996)

6. Irreducible Representations of Current Algebras in Two Dimensions,

O. Stoytchev,

Rep. Math. Phys. 40, 579-584 (1997)

7. Irreducible Representations of a Class of Current Algebras of Etingof and Frenkel,

O. Stoytchev,

Lett. Math. Phys. 61, 51-61 (2002)

8. Modular Conjugation and the Implementation of Supersymmetry,

O. Stoytchev,

Lett. Math. Phys. 79, 221-234 (2007)

9. Touching the Z2 in Three-Dimensional Rotations,

V. Stojanoska and O. Stoytchev,

Mathematics Magazine, 81 No. 5 (2008), 345--357.

10. A Note on Topologically Trivial Braids,

O. Stoytchev,

arXiv:0907.2318v1, July 2009.

B.  Conference proceedings

1. The Modular Group and Super-KMS Functionals, (short communication)

A. Jaffe, O. Stoytchev,

Lecture Notes in Physics 375, 382-384 (1990)

2. The Experiments in a General-Educational Physics Course (invited talk in


O. Stoytchev,

Proceedings of the XXXII National Conference on Physics Education

“Interdisciplinary Approach to Physics Teaching”, Blagoevgrad, 13-16 May 2004

3. Supersymmetry in Thermal Background - Reconstruction Theory“

O. Stoytchev,

in Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, pp. 316 – 322, Heron Press, Sofia 2008.

(Proceedings of the VII International Workshop “Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics”, Varna, 18-24 June)

C.  Conference reports

1. Three-Dimensional Rotations – a Mathematical Playground

O. Stoytchev,

contributed paper at the Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America – MathFest 2009, August 6-9, 2009, Portland, Oregon