Kindergarten Spell-A-Thon

Dear Parents,

We are very excited to be holding our very first Kindergarten Spell-A-Thon on Thursday, February 2nd! You will find the spelling words for our upcoming Spell-A-Thon attached to this letter. These words are a combination of words your children should be able to sound out and sight words that they should know. We want this to be a fun learning experience, so please use this list to help your child become familiar with these words so that they can spell many (or even all of them!) by February 2nd. Of course, we will be practicing in class as well.

We hope that all of our Kindergarteners are excited to participate in this fundraiser. Each Kindergarten student will receive an award for participating and a little prize too!

The fundraiser works very simply:

First: Take the attached pledge sheet and ask your family and friends to sponsor you for your class Spell-A-Thon. Sponsoring you means that they agree to pay you for every word you spell correctly OR they may just give you a flat amount for participating. Pledge sheets are due back by February 1st.

Second: Take some time each day to practice spelling the words on the list. This will help you to feel comfortable on the day of the Spell-A-Thon because you will know how to spell more words from the list. We know you will do a great job, and we will have an award and prize waiting for each of you when you’re done!

Third: We will send home a list of the words you spelled correctly, along with your Pledge Sheet and a collection envelope the week of February 6th so you can let your sponsors know how many words you spelled correctly.

Finally: Just collect your sponsor money, put it in your collection envelope, and turn it into your teacher! It’s that easy!

Thank you in advance for your support with this fundraiser. We plan to use the funds raised to purchase glass-enclosed bulletin boards that can be placed outside of both Kindergartens, where parents pick up every day. These bulletin boards would allow us to post our newsletters, field trip information, last minute notices, photos, projects, and more, so that parents can see them when they come to pick up. These bulletin board cases are weather resistant and would be perfect for posting our Kindergarten work and communications.

Thank you so much for your support!

Mrs. Santa Maria & Mrs. Bongco