

Part A: Listening

I. Best Response 5%

1. (A) Take an umbrella with you. (B) Can you finish them on time?

(C) It might turn into a big flood. (D) The weather has become fine.

2. (A) Have you found anything yet? (B) Let’s get some health insurance.

(C) Which part is hurting so much? (D) You should go to the doctor.

3. (A) It cost me NT $20,000. (B) It just walked into my house.

(C) I just got my paycheck. (D) I plan to sell it to someone else.

4. (A) You can use this outlet to charge it. (B) It works in my MP3 player, too.

(C) Write all the information down. (D) You should go to the store now.

5. (A) I had a car accident last night. (B) I usually go to a hair salon.

(C) I want to have a new look. (D) I’ve never done that before.

II. Short Conversations 5%

6. (A) She’s going to get married. (B) She is his only girlfriend.

(C) She has been married for years. (D) She can’t hear clearly.

7. (A) Reach the next level of the video game. (B) Take more time out for outdoor exercise.

(C) Find an equilibrium between work and play. (D) Try different forms of entertainment.

8. (A) He parked his car in the wrong place. (B) He feels unusually tired.

(C) He likes to start his day with a cup of coffee. (D) He wants to read some books.

9. (A) The earthquake was the biggest in years. (B) Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes.

(C) Many people died when the bridge collapsed. (D) Many buildings fell down in the earthquake.

10. (A) He doesn’t want to walk much. (B) He is an athlete.

(C) He aches all over. (D) He prefers to take the MRT.

III. Short Passages 10%

11. (A) Advice on applying to a certain school

(B) Current economic prospects in the U.S.

(C) What documents are required to obtain a visa

(D) How to minimize the expense of studying abroad

12. (A) It allows them to get firsthand career experience.

(B) It gives them tips on how to get better grades while studying overseas.

(C) It offers practical advice about studying overseas.

(D) It provides comparisons between schools at home and abroad.

13. (A) Do some homework on the schools at the fair before you go.

(B) Write down the names of the representatives you talk to for later reference.

(C) Sign up for iBT, TOEFL, IELTS and ESL courses in advance.

(D) Ask around before attending any seminars that can assist in career advancement.

14. (A) He tries every means possible to seek exposure.

(B) His greed for fame turned him into a drug abuser.

(C) He should know better than to indulge himself in parties.

(D) He is careful not to let fame change him too much.

15. (A) His parents were divorced right after he was born.

(B) His parents didn’t have much money when he was young.

(C) His father was a drug addict.

(D) His mother is a financial professional.

Part B

I. Vocabulary and Derivatives 18%(第9和第10題一題一分,其餘一題兩分)

1.  We let the homeless boy stay at our place, but he r d our kindness by stealing our money. It never occurred to us that he would pay us back this way.

2.  Most teachers are good at explaining concepts, but it still takes time for students to fully g p the ideas.

3.  The country was caught by the worst winter storms in half a century. Lots of tourists there were s ded at airports where flights were canceled. There’s no way for these tourists to go home.

4.  To make us understand better, the teacher drew an a y between the human heart and a pump. The way the heart moves the blood around the body is like the way a pump forces liquid into or out of something.

5.  Mary can hardly leave Peter. She has not seen him for a week, and is d_____ to see him now.

6.  Judy cannot meet the d_____. She is unable to complete this project by the end of the week.

7.  Mark Twain’s novel e ed Adventures of Huckleberry Finn solidified him as a noteworthy American writer. Some literal critics have even called it the first Great American Novel.

8.  You’d better quit drinking coffee now that you are p_____t. Too much caffeine might hurt the unborn baby in your body.

9.  If you want to be strong and ______(muscle), you must take more exercise, such as jogging and swimming.

10.  Our boss is famous for his ______(generous). Every year, he donates ten percent of our company’s profit to charity.

II. Idioms and Phrases 5% (16~20題請以代號回答。)

(A) make history (B) catch up on (C) embarked on (D) run out (E) sum up
(AB) get down to (AC) lag behind (AD) thought twice (AE) hit home (BC) shot to fame

When the anti-virus software “Superman” hit the market in 2003, our company 16 and made great profits. Yet, this software started to 17 that of other companies in 2005. We realized that we had to really __18 the problem, or we would lose the competition eventually. Therefore, we 19 a new project to develop an advanced software that can solve almost all existing problems related to virus. To 20 , our company would turn over a new leaf and recover the glory of the past very soon.

III. Cloze 25%


The gymnasium of Gong Jheng Elementary School in Yilan County is not particularly impressive at first sight. However, it became famous after a 2005 documentary featuring seven young gymnasts from the school was released. The film, called Jump! Boys, 21 received a fantastic response from the audience 21 won the award for Best Documentary at the 2005 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.

There are solid reasons for these young athletes to be proud of themselves. In 2003, they made their first appearance at the National Gymnastics Championships, 22 they competed in the category for students aged seven and eight. The team from Gong Jheng Elementary School defeated more than 10 other teams and won the most gold medals, including one in the team competition. By retaining the title of best boys’ team over the next two years, the boys proved that their victories were 23 than just luck. To jump higher or roll better, these young gymnasts had to tolerate great physical pain as well as mental pressure that kids of their age could not bear. Unlike many young people who are easily bruised, these boys have been trained not to give up when 24__ difficulties. They have done very well, winning applause, building self-confidence, and developing further passion for gymnastics. Through their efforts, they have set a good example for 25 great dreams to pursue.

No one can know whether they will win a gold medal at the Olympic Games, but one thing is for sure – nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

21. (A) not….but (B) not only….but (C) either…or (D) neither...nor

22. (A) what (B) which (C) when (D) where

23. (A) more (B) other (C) no more (D) nothing less

24. (A) facing (B) faced (C) being faced (D) face

25. (A) people have (B) those have (C) those who have (D) whoever having


Car makers are always trying to find a way to meet consumers’ needs. In a world of skyrocketing oil prices and sky-blackening pollution, automakers finally find a way to reduce fuel use in automobiles. 26 electric cars combine a regular engine with electrical power. The electrical system eases the demands on the gasoline engine, greatly 27 fuel efficiency and cutting down on 28 . Moreover, automobiles with 29__ assistance which helps drivers find their way more easily when they are in an unfamiliar surrounding become more popular as well. 30 , one can still buy a car with the simplicity of a car that safely delivers its passengers to their destination.

26. (A) Equilibrium (B) Oil (C) Water (D) Hybrid

27. (A) has improved (B) improved (C) improving (D) has been improving

28. (A) proportion (B) petroleum (C) pollutants (D) privilege

29. (A) lecture (B) impoverish (C) insurance (D) navigation

30. (A) Nevertheless (B) In particular (C) As a result (D) Consequently


Procrastination causes people to waste time when they finally start to do 31 they have been avoiding. The simplest task takes up extreme proportions in their minds because of the panic they feel for having 32__ for so long. They cannot think rationally or clearly when they are 33 , and this causes them to be much slower when they are doing any task. However, the clock ticks on; it does not stop for procrastinators. 34 , being one step behind in life leaves them trying to catch up on what 35 done. While most other workers diligently do the next day’s work, they diligently do work from the night before, or even a week earlier. Because they can never seem to do a task when it is assigned, they never get the satisfaction that comes with getting things done on time or being on top of everything.

31. (A) whenever (B) what (C) why (D) how

32. (A) put it out (B) put it off (C) put it on (D) put up with it

33. (A) rush (B) hurry (C) pushing (D) in a rush

34. (A) Otherwise (B) Furthermore (C) Instead (D) On the contrary

35. (A) is (B) has been (C) should have been (D) should not be


The first Olympics, 36 to 776 B.C., took place in Olympia, Greece. The Olympics started small and just 37 one race—the 192-meter race in the beginning; then they stopped sometime around 400 or 500 A.D. during the Roman Empire and were not played for many years up until the 1800s. That was the start of the modern games. At the first modern Olympics, there were 43 events from 10 sports, and throughout history the number of Olympic sports 38 constantly increased. At the Beijing games, athletes will compete in 302 events from 28 sports.

__39 the changes, the games still celebrate the best humanity has to offer. Some ancient champions are a household name and the things they did are still remembered today. For example, Miro was famous for his great strength, Diagoras was a boxing champion in 464B.C. and started an Olympic family tradition, while Melankomas, a looker and wrestler, never hit, or was hit by another fighter. He always avoided his 40 until they were too tired to fight. They all inspire us to work harder and to do our best at what we are doing.

36. (A)going way back (B)dating from (C)tracing back (D)dated back

37. (A)took part in (B)kept up (C)relied on (D)consisted of

38. (A)had (B)are (C)has (D)have

39. (A)With all (B)Despite (C)Regardless of (D)On account of (選錯的)

40. (A) opponents (B)critics (C)bacteria (D)flickers


Joe had been out of work since the biggest factory in the small town closed. He was extremely worried about his and his family’s future. With his wife expecting a baby-- and the baby was due the next month-- he was in urgent need of money. One winter evening, when he was driving home, he 41 notice an old lady on the roadside. There seemed to be some problem with her car. 42 all the pressure and depression he had been feeling, he didn’t hesitate about stopping to give the exhausted old lady a helping hand. He got off the car and changed the flat tire for the old lady. Not only was he thoughtful enough to sense the old lady’s worry and suspicion, but he was generous enough to ask nothing in return. What he would like to see was for the lady to help someone else in need.

__43 Joe’s kind deed, the old lady decided to continue the chain of love by helping a smiling, diligent waitress who was still working although her baby seemed to be due in a matter of days. The old lady then wrote something on the napkin, left four hundred dollars on the table and slipped out of the café. When the waitress came back and saw what had been written on the napkin, she found tears 44 . She was astonished to find that the old lady should know she needed money. And to everyone’s surprise, Joe 45 the husband of the waitress.

41. (A) managed to (B) meant to (C) happened to (D) headed to

42. (A) Owing to (B) Thanks to (C) Except for (D) In spite of

43. (A) Moved by (B) Raged at (C) Wiped with (D) Depressed about

44. (A) on the nappy (B) filled her eyes (C) shudder at the sight (D) running down her cheeks

45. (A) caught up with (B) flew into a rage at (C) turned out to be (D) faded into

IV. Reading Comprehension 16%


There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most sure-fire just might be procrastination. Procrastinators put obstacles in their own path. But why would people do that? Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle and it cuts across all domains of their life. They don't pay bills on time. They miss opportunities for buying tickets to concerts. They leave their Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve.

Procrastinators are made, not born. Procrastination is learned in the family, but not directly. It is one response to an authoritarian parenting style. Having a harsh, controlling father keeps children from developing the ability to regulate themselves, from internalizing their own intentions and then learning to act on them. Procrastination can even be a form of rebellion, one of the few forms available under such circumstances. What's more, under those household conditions, procrastinators turn more to friends than to parents for support, and their friends may reinforce procrastination because they tend to be tolerant of their excuses.

There’s more than one flavor of procrastination. People procrastinate for different reasons. There are three basic types of procrastinators: First, thrill-seekers, who wait to the last minute for the euphoric rush. Second, avoiders, who may be avoiding fear of failure or even fear of success, but in either case are very concerned with what others think of them; they would rather have others think they lack effort than ability. Third, decisional procrastinators, who cannot make a decision. Not making a decision absolves procrastinators of responsibility for the outcome of events.