School Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting

May 18, 2017

6:30 p.m.


  1. Welcome – Ms. Palmer-Carter welcomes everyone at 6:31 p.m.

Ms. Hibbert motions to begin the meeting at 6:33

Mrs. Circe 2nds the motion

  1. Recognitions – Ms. Chalker recognizes the career day presenters as they were animated and the kids enjoyed the presentations. Ms. Mogavero also recognizes as her son enjoyed the presenters and is excited for a future career. Mr. Walker recognizes Ms. Carter for spearheading Career Day.
  1. Approval of April Minutes – Ms. Carter asks for a motions for the approval of the April Minutes 6: 41 – Ms. Stresing motions to approve the minutes at 6:41, Ms. Hibbert 2nds.
  1. Principal’s Report

We had our career day today which was very successful. Coming up at the end of the school year is our Moving Up Ceremony for our Montessori Students as well as Success Day for our eight graders in the Progressive program. We will also be having our 8th grade dance on June 2nd. All testing has wrapped up but everything has gone smoothly. We are looking are wrapping up school year. We are looking forward to the next school year, we have many incoming sixth graders – it lookslike we will have a large 6th grade class and, again, look forward to it.

  1. Title I Update
  1. Parental Involvement Plan – Ms. Carter presented the 2017/18 Title I Parent Survey, School Parent Compact, and the Parental Involvement Plan. Each item was reviewed and parents were able to give the input on them. At this time, there were no changes that were suggested. The parents were also given the option to take the documents home for further review and contact Ms. Carter if there were any changes to be made.

Ms. Mogavero motions to accept, Mr.Nasca 2nds.

  1. Parental Involvement Allocations- How the Title 1 funds are used was presented to the parents. Parents were able to give input and concerns.
  2. School-Parent Compact- the revised school compact was presented to the participants. Mrs. Carter asked for motions to accept the school compact. Ms. Stressing accepts the revised compact Ms. Hibbert 2nds.
  1. Department Chair Updates

Science – Ms. Hibbert: SSA for eight grade science students are complete.This month, 8th grade teachers have moved to the human secularity curriculum. Students whose parents opted out of the curriculum via the form that was sent home at the beginning of the school year are not in the Human Sexuality course. In 6th and 7th grade, teachers are still covering the main science curriculum.

Social Studies – Ms. Stresing: The big news in social studies is that there is a new textbook adoption for the upcoming school year. The teachers will be going to training over the summer in order to be familiar with all the new materials.

Language Arts - Mr. Lane: Language Arts is happy to showcase our Literary Fair winners in the media center. Entries will be on display for visitors during student led conferences during the week of May 22-26.In an effort to always be preparing for what's next, we are mixing instruction with continuous writing strategies, literature, and novel studies.

  1. SAC Officer election 2017-2018
  2. Co-chair(s)
  3. Secretary
  4. These election had to be tabled until the first meeting of the 2017-2018 school year as there was not quorum present to vote on the elections.
  1. School Improvement Plan 2017-2018
  2. Mrs. Carter presented the 2017-2018 School Improvement Plan /Title I Addendum. Each item was reviewed and parents were able to give the input on them. At this time, there were no changes that were suggested. The parents were also given the option to take the documents home for further review and contact Ms. Carter if there were any changes to be made.
  1. School-wide Positive Behavior Plan – The plan looks similar to this current year’s plan. The plan seems to have had an effect as the total number of referrals has been significantly lower. Referrals can be tracked in various categories such as grade level, gender of student, location, etc.
  1. Questions/Comments/Concerns – Ms. Hibbert bring sup that there will be summer volunteering opportunities for students.

Motion to close- Ms. Stresing, Ms.Circe 2nds

Final Meeting – of 2016-2017

“Coming together is a beginning.Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Henry Ford

SAF Minutes – Motion to open meeting at 7:02 Ms. Circle, MsChalkier

There was a meeting at Ft. Lauderdale. There were a lot of fantastic presentations. There were more panelist and volunteers that parents, but for attendees it was a good day. Ms. Macri encourages people to come out to future events as it was truly great. She also recognizes Ms. Carter for putting career day together. Another good news 84-85% is the current graduation rate and 79 percent for the entire county. The PROMISE program is going very well. Next wee

*forward ad for screening of “Listen, it only takes a moment.”

Next year Broward Reads – elementary classrooms are going to get a classroom Library. Jetblue will be lending books out to children throughout the county this summer. As of

Motion to adjourn SAF: Ms. Circe/2nd Ms. Carter – 7:15