Position Action Request for Senior Management Team:
New Position* / Fill Vacancy / Change FTE / Update Responsibilities / Reclassification / Salary Adjustment / Other
Basis for Request:
Justification for Salary Adjustment:
Present Salary: / Proposed Salary: / % Change: / $ Change: / Funding Source:
Approved By: / Date: / Effective Date:
Position/Funding Information
Incumbent Name:
Position Number: / †DELTA Unit: / DDE / F&B / ITSD / MPD / Approved Competency Level:
Title of Position: / FTE: / FSLA Status:
Working Title: / Reports To Position #:
Funding Source: / Percent: / Funding Source: / Percent:
Distance and Distributed Education; Finance and Business; Instructional Technology Support and Development; Marketing and Partnership Development
Primary Function of Organizational Unit:
DELTA’s role within the Office of the Provost is to foster the integration and support of learning technologies in NC State’s academic programs, both on the campus and at a distance. We coordinate the funding and production of all distance-based credit programs and courses for the university, and promote high-quality education by extending the reach of the faculty and collaboratively applying expertise in technology and pedagogy in an efficient, effective, and service-oriented environment.
General Scope of Duties:Describe the overall purpose and duties of the position (This will appear in posting)
Description of Key Responsibilities and Related Competencies:
CompetenciesRequired for the Position: Rank competency in order of importance - Knowledge, skills, and abilities required for this position. For detailed descriptions of the competency standards, please see
PercentageOf Time(total 100%) Each Competency should be at least 10%, but no less than 5% total work time
Competency Level (C/J/A)Contributing, Journey, Advanced (Must use official approvedcompetency level)
1 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
2 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
3 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
4 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
5 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
6 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
7 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
8 / % / Competency/Essential Duty: / Level:
Describe the specific tasks and responsibilities performed for the above competency
Key Responsibilities:
Other Duties and Responsibilities:
Work Schedule: Example – Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm:
Preferred Minimum Experience/Education
Knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform job duties:
Does this position supervise other permanent employees? __Yes __ No
If yes, enter number of direct reports: ___
Percent of time supervising:___

*If recruiting for this position, please complete the “DELTA / EI POSITION RECRUITMENT REQUEST” and submit to the business office with this position description.

**Entrepreneurship Initiative uses “The Entrepreneurship Initiative’s role within the Office of the Provost is to build a culture of entrepreneurship at NC State. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we foster and teach innovation and entrepreneurship by providing resources and real-world experiences for students across the university. These include but are not limited to the Garage, a co-working facility that provides resources for student start-ups, an academic course within the General Education curriculum that focuses on entrepreneurial thinking, and co-curricular activities such as the Lulu eGames student start-up competition.”

Page 1 of 3 Created March 2012: Last updated April 20, 2015