General Ethical Considerations
- Identification of clear goals for pandemic planning– commitment to preserving the functioning of society and protecting the public’s health.
- Responsibility to maximize preparedness – Commitment to determining and articulating rules that will govern public health decision making in advance of need to make decisions.
- Transparency and public engagement – commitment to clarity and openness in decision making, sharing of information, and obtaining input from the public.
- Sound science – commitment to making decisions based on the best available evidence.
- Global community – commitment to working with and learning from global preparedness efforts.
- Balancing individual liberty and community interests – commitment to using the least restrictive public health measures necessary to protect the common good and minimizing negative impacts of these measures.
- Diversity in ethical decision making – commitment of public health officials to foster the trust of all diverse members of society.
- Justice (fair process) – commitment to fair distribution of resources, such as vaccines and antiviral medications and in imposing restrictions, both on a local and global level.
Recommendations Regarding Allocation of Resources
- The primary goals of the distribution system should be clearly specified.
- In planning for a pandemic, it will be necessary to identify “key” individuals and groups of persons for maintaining critical infrastructurewho should be accorded a high priority for the distribution of vaccines and antiviral drugs. Care should be taken to avoid over extension of the evaluation of social worth to other attributes that are not morally relevant.
- The distribution criteria should be evaluated according to its ability to contribute to:
- Realization of the primary goals.
- Maximizing fairness (or equity) in the distribution process.
- Balance protecting the common good and individual rights:
- Refrain from harming or injuring individuals and communities.
- Equal opportunity to access resources should be assured to those within agreed upon priority groups.
- Respect for individual autonomy by, for example, employment of the least restrictive interventions that are likely to be effective.
- Distribution plans should specify:
- What scarce goods are involved in the distribution plan.
- Who (or what agency) will decide about prioritization and distribution.
- What mechanism will be used in the case of a dispute or an appeal.
- Who is eligible to be a recipient?
- The criteria used to assign higher or lower priorities to groups of individuals
Continued on Back
Recommendations for Implementing Community Control Measures
- Ideally, use of liberty-limiting interventions should be voluntary.
- Requirements for mandatory liberty-limiting and social distancing interventions should be imposed only in cases in which voluntary actions seem unlikely to be effective.
- Enactment of liberty-limiting measures should be based on the best available scientific evidence that:
- The liberty-limiting measure will achieve its intended goal.
- The limitation is proportional to the threat.
- No less restrictive measure is likely to be as effective. An exception to this criterion may be justified if the less restrictive measure would be unduly burdensome.
- Failure to implement the measure is likely to result in grave harm to the functioning of society or to the well-being of the public.
- The criteria and justification for liberty-limiting measures should be clearly communicated to the public by a representative group of community leaders.
- The public should be clearly informed that restrictions on personal freedom are anticipated, that these limitations may be important to the individual’s own protection, and that they are also necessary to limit the spread of disease throughout the community.
- Liberty limiting measures should be balanced with protection of individual rights:
- There should be no unwarranted invasions of privacy and the mechanisms for maintaining confidentiality of private information should be secure.
- Steps should be taken to protect affected individuals against stigmatization or long-term psychological impact.
- Steps should be taken to avoid an unequal burden being placed on specific individuals or groups.
- Restriction on personal freedom should be equitably applied.
- Steps should be taken to ensure that necessary support services are provided to the impacted population (e.g., adequate access to food, water and other essential services).
- An appeals process for those affected by the liberty limiting measures should be established.
*This fact sheet is based on the document Ethical Guidelines in Pandemic Influenza developed by the Ethics Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee to the Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This document is available at
March 15, 2007