2017-18 Uniform Guidelines
● Uniforms may be purchased through Dennis Uniform in store or at www.dennisuniform.com (code: GTHEV)
● Parents may choose to purchase the uniform pieces (shirts, pants, etc.) outside of Dennis, however, they should match the Dennis color and style exactly.
● Limited uniform parts are also available in the Used Uniform Room here at school. Parents may donate, exchange, and purchase used uniform parts in the Used Uniform Room.
General Uniform Guidelines
TOPS / Polo shirts may be long or short sleeve and are to be tucked in during the school day. Students may wear the wicking fabric shirt provided it looks exactly like the cotton polo shirt.K-3 / 4-5 / 6-8
BOYS / White, red, hunter green / White, red, hunter green / White, red, hunter green, navy
GIRLS / White, red, hunter green, navy / White, red, hunter green, navy / White, hunter green, navy
GIRLS SKIRT/JUMPER / Skirts or jumpers, must come at least to the top of the knee. Neither slacks nor visible shorts may be worn. Black or navy leggings with socks may be worn under the skirt/jumper.
K-3 / 4-5 / 6-8
Kemper plaid jumper or shift / Kemper plaid skirt / Columbia plaid skirt
BOYS SHORTS/SLACKS / Uniform slacks and shorts from May 1-October 31. Belts must be worn with slacks and shorts in grades
1-8. Kindergarten boys should not wear a belt.
K-3 / 4-5 / 6-8
Navy / Navy / Khaki
SWEATERS/FLEECE / Only navy sweaters and fleece may be worn with the uniform. Sweatshirts are no longer part of the uniform except for the 8th grade class sweatshirt.
K-3 / 4-5 / 6-8
Navy Fleece / Navy Fleece / Green Fleece
SOCKS / White, navy or black crew cuffed socks, knee highs, or tights (girls.) Socks must come up past the ankle and be able to be cuffed. Athletic socks are not part of the uniform. Socks should be plain, no logos.
SHOES / K-5th: Black, dark brown, or navy dress shoes (not gym shoes)
6th-8th: Plain black or white low top gym shoes or dark brown, or navy dress shoes
HAIR / Girls: Hairstyle appropriate to uniform and non-distracting. Hair should be worn away from the face and above eyebrows and not interfere with eyesight posing a hazard to students and others.
Boys: Hairstyle appropriate to uniform and non-distracting: natural shade, no striped sides, shaved sides, etc. Hair should be no longer than collar length in the back and to the top of the ears on the sides; hair should be above eyebrows and not interfere with eyesight; no facial hair or sideburns below bottom lobe of ear.
OTHER / Hats and other head coverings may not be worn in the building at any time.
Girls: Simple, small, basic jewelry may be worn with the uniform provided it does not provide a distraction to the student or others or present a safety hazard. Make up and nail polish may be worn provided nails are of a short length and polish is simple and natural in color and application. Determinations on the appropriateness of make-up and nail polish are at the discretion of the administration.
Boys: No earrings or other piercing or items that resemble a piercing may be worn. Neither make-up nor nail polish may be worn.
PE Uniform Guidelines
Kindergarten / Grades 1-3 / Grades 4-8No uniform required
Separate pair of gym shoes / Regular school uniform shirt
STS green PE shorts
PE gym shoes / STS yellow PE shirt
STS green PE shorts
PE gym shoes