October 16, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm with Kim Mercier, Mary Beth Dufresne, Amy Watson, Kate Colavecchio, Brittany Covill, Michelle Balthazrr, Tracy Axiak, Kim Mercier, Amanda Ramsey, Cheryl Desrosiers, Kelly Melesko, Nidia Vargas, Krista Mraz, Melissa Doherty, Rob and Zaina Kahn, Isabel Diaz and Sherry Norris in attendance.
Dr. Nancy Eastlake, Gifted/Enrichment Coordinator, and Adina Johnson introduced themselves at the meeting and each gave an overview of the program services for the year.
HOT School Update: Grades K-5 will now be together at town meetings. ECHOS will be K-5 clusters so older students can serve as role models. October 25 is the first ECHOS session.
Amanda Ramsey said that the Fine Arts Committee is applying for another grant. Hartford Symphony is coming to Martin as well as an anti-bullying campaign or field trip as well. The Artist in Residence is for the third grade.
Minutes from September were reviewed and approved.
Vice President’s Report: Michelle Balthazrr stated that membership is down so far this year so please encourage people to join.
Treasurer’s Report: Brittany Covill stated that Sweet Frog made $195.22; Believe Fundraiser made $2015.14; insurance cost $310.00; $84.06 spent on discretionary items; and $35.10 spent on copies.
New Business:
Seasonal Sharing and Fundraising: Amanda Lythgoe has four families so far and the tree with the families’ items will be on a tree in early November in the school lobby.
Book Fair: Will be the first week of December during conferences.
Parents’ Night Out: Will be on December 6th with Atwater Martial Arts.
Fifth Grade Class Update: Only four orders are in so far and the date has been extended until October 21. There will be gift card raffle at the November 19th town meeting.
Old Business:
Believe Kids Fundraiser: Amy Watson stated that the items will be delivered on or around October 22. She thanked everyone for participating.
Mums Fundraiser: Made $72.00 for Seasonal Sharing.
Fall Harvest Dance: Kim Mercier stated that the event had low attendance but those that came had a great time.
Movie Night on November 22: The voting for the movie will be in school and volunteers are always needed.
Halloween Party: Cheryl Desrosiers is chairing and it will be held on Friday, October 25. She is looking for old Halloween decorations and volunteers.
Lyman Orchard: See Fifth Grade Class update.
Kate Colavecchio’s Report: Since membership and fundraisers are down and the PTA partly funds HOT School, our HOT School position might be threatened. We need to inform families about how PTA helps the school. A possible curriculum night helping parents to understand new math concepts might be undertaken. There is a new school website for every school in town. There is a new soundproof wall on the stage now.
Open Discussion: Fifth grade class section on the school website was discussed. Amy Watson asked about calling the school and then it goes to voicemail. The office has two lines and when they are both busy, incoming calls go to voicemail but they are checked frequently. Martin School magnets are being sold for $5.00 each.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.