State Agency Vendor Diversity Committee

Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions:

IN ATTENDANCE: Cheryl Gonzalez (University of North Florida), Chair Rhett Frisbie (The Florida Bar), Christine McMillon (ENSYNC Diversified Management Services), Barbara Rhodes Melvin (BMR-Melvin Consulting), Julius Davis (VoltAir Consulting Engineers),

From OSD: Hue Reynolds (Executive Director), Carmen Claudio (Administrative Assistant.) The minutes were recorded by Carmen Claudio.

Members of the Public in attendance: None

Call to Order: ChairRhett Frisbie (The Florida Bar)conducted a roll call and established a quorum. The meeting was officially called to order at 3:02p.m.

Agenda:Rhett Frisbie askedfor any questions or changesto the agenda. Hearing no comments, the meeting proceeded.

Discussion items

  1. One Florida Initiative
  2. Diversity in Contracting
  3. Chapter 287, Florida Statutes
  4. Proposed Language for DMS Solicitation
  5. State Agency Vendor Diversity: Pre and Post One Florida
  6. Recommendations to Improve Opportunities

Rhett Frisbie began the discussion about Secretary Poppell’srequest: how DMScan engage more small businesses around the State Florida, and how DMS can improve the competivenessof certified businesses?

The Committee members discussed updating elements of Chapter 287, including reviewing the parts that are outdated. Members also discussed how to get others involved in rewriting 287.

The Committee also discussed the One Florida initiative, stating that it should still be in effect. The Committee will provide recommendations to DMSthat will help strengthen contract language and find ways to hold state agencies accountable for encouraging more small business participation.

Cheryl Gonzalez posed the following questions:

What are procurement professionals required to do as it relates to contracting?She also stated that previously OSD was unable to travel to conduct any type of outreach. She would like to better understand what it means to “engage” in this type of activity. She specifically would like to focus on the definition of engagement, accountability and responsiveness.

Christine McMillon also inquired about what was meant by the Secretary’s definition of “engagement.”

Rhett Frisbie discussed ways to break the pattern of people using the same vendors, and working with each state agency is imperative. Committee members all agreed that there needed to be more state agencies actively beating the bushes to get more small businesses involved.

The Committee also discussed ways to find untapped opportunities, including private lease space in the construction industry.

Cheryl suggested that members may want to consider attending events such as NASPO, where there is a large audience of procurement professionals, and getting their input on how to get more businesses involved in procurement.

Cheryl asked how DMS can work in this regard, and compel DMS to do this?

Rhett stated that 2nd tier spending reporting has dropped off considerably, and he had language that was crafted at a previous state agency that was stronger for action.

Cheryl suggested that an area of focus for the next annual report will be targeting organizations and leaders who are supportive of supplier diversity, so that they can move the initiative forward.

Julius Davis commented that while setting parameters for participation is fine, it is still limiting to sub-contractors. The Committee needs to find a way to address the primary need from a Prime Contractor. Federal agencies encourage the use of small businesses and allocatesa point system for usage of those.

Rhett stated that in previous state agencies, he was able to provide aggressive language and meeting with contractors after it was awarded to compel them to participate.

Christine asked what language is in 287 that provides a way to monitor solicitations, and suggested that a disparity study needs to be conducted.

Rhett stated that he will review the language for what is currently being used in current solicitations for comparison.

Christine commented about making sure language is defined in terms of “what does it mean for a good faith effort”? How can that requirement be demonstrated?

The next meeting of the Council should focus on state agency deficiencies: where are we missing the boat on exposing the procurement staff to OSD/minority vendors? We need to make a link to each agency’s procurement professional and make it visible. Each agency should be proactive on this as a way to encourage more small businesses to participate. One way can be working with DBPR on their licenses, which is already underway.

The next meeting is scheduled for April18, 2016.

Rhett Frisbie moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting concluded at 2:47 p.m.