VIDEO: The Place

Talks about: The geography of Katherine, pool, skate park, low level hot springs fishing Tourists, fighting, homelessness, drinking , smoking, crime

NEED: Images of the RAAF compound

Resource: provide a map of Katherine that highlights the places the kids hang out. The locations in the play. The climate

Create: Your own version, a map of your country/ a map of the special places you go, hang out etc. Explain your world to the young people in Katherine.

Comprehension activity that includes facts from the video and some research. Statistics about Katherine the place and the people


VIDEO: The People

Talks about: types of tribes in Katherine (salt/fresh/desert), Iraq, anglo, multicultural, transient population

NEED: - more info on the RAAF base, community, kids

Resource: Visual representation of the types of people in Katherine

Statistics on homelessness and employment?

Drama exercise on the TRANSIENT nature of the population. Discuss how this would impact on friendships, school, relationships, sense of self etc.


VIDEO: Shame

Talks about: what is shame? – Can we EDIT OUT “I’m sick of it”

Include actors talking about shame – footage of scenes that deal with shame

Need advice about how to create a resource for this!!

Watch the insight episode about shame

NEED: VIDEO discussion around indigenous cultural aspects – WAYNE??

-  family

-  cousins

-  sorry day

-  death?

Ask: How does culture link with identity? In Katherine? In the play? In your life?

This might be a question for later but it links in the syllabus to country/place/culture



NEED: VIDEO Wayne and Rachael discussing the process of how the play was written, where it was set and how it relates to life in Katherine.

Photos of the actual places next to excerpts from the script?


·  Escape – deal with this driven by character

·  Death – how do we unpack the idea of cutting and choking?

·  Pain – what leads to characters feeling physical pain/emotional pain in the play

·  Happiness -

·  Friendship / connection/ technology – city vs country – technology vs face to face

Identify places for teachers to go for HELP if discussions about cutting/choking/death get too much in the classroom.


How do the characters address the themes?

How do the characters relate to the Map of Katherine. Who hangs out where? Where and when do the places overlap?

How are the characters trying to escape?

-  Map the methods of escape for each of the characters. Are they what you would have expected??


In Rehearsal

Designers Perspectives (two locations) set, costume, lighting

Director’s Perspectives approaches to character, text, collaboration

Writer’s Perspectives research, links to the community, approaches to character, basing the story on real life (setting, themes, characters – above) talk about the choking scene.

Actor’s Perspectives character, text, collaboration, advice

Shame, choking,