Year 2/ Medium Term Plan

Term / Spring 2
Week / Week 1
19/02/17 / Week 2
26/02/17 / Week 3
05/03/17 / Week 4
12/03/17 / Week 5
19/03/17 / Week 5
Events / Mum’s morning
Lit and Lang / To write a well-structured non-chronological text about shipwrecks.
uses features like headings, subheadings and pictures to make it easy for the reader to find information
includes interesting information from my notes
includes facts, not opinions. / Reading Traditional tales
Read a selection of stories based around traditional tales. / Writing Traditional tales
To write a new fairy tale.
has a beginning, a middle and an end
includes traditional fairy tale phrases, e.g. Once upon a time…,…happily ever after
uses adjectives to build effective descriptions of the characters and setting. / Writing instructions
To write a clear set of instructions for making a thaumatrope.
give information about how to make a thaumatrope
are in a clear order to make them easy for the reader to follow. / Reading stories with a familiar setting
Read a selection of stories around the theme of communication and friendship. / Writing stories with a familiar setting
To develop a new character and to write a diary entry about something that happened to them.
shows what my characters are like by what they do and say
describes how Ben’s invisible friend uses its powers to help Ben
uses showing as well as telling sentences.
Grammar & Punctuation / Expanded noun phrases
Also includes correct use of -er and -est suffixes if comparisons are made. / Conjunctions / includes conjunctions to link ideas. / Adverbs
includes clear and complete sentences that begin with adverbs of time
uses adverbs of manner to clearly show the reader how to make a thaumatrope, e.g. carefully, gently. / Conjunctions
includes correct use of first person, past tense
uses conjunctions to link ideas. / Conjunctions
includes correct use of first person, past tense
uses conjunctions to link ideas.
Spelling & H-writing / Suffix ing (1) / ing (2) / J sound / O sound spelt after a, w, qu / Suffix ed (2) / Suffix ing (1)
Maths / Measurement: Time
Tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. / Measurement: Time
Know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day.
Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month. / Measurement: Length and Height
Estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers.
Compare and order lengths and record the results using >, < and = / Measurement: Mass, Capacity and Temperature
Estimate and measure mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels. / Measurement: Mass, Capacity and Temperature
Compare and order mass, volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and = / Number: Fractions
Write simple fractions for example, ½ of 6 = 3 and recognize the equivalence of 2/4 and ½.
History / The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements – Neil Armstrong or Galileo Galilei
Put events in order (chronology) and use historical phrases (in the past…) Considering how we know about space, sequence key discoveries and link to how they have widened our understanding of space. / Looking at the work of Galileo, how are his ideas relevant today? Have they changed/has he been proved correct or incorrect?
To use primary sources as a tool for historical questioning – Neil Armstrong’s autobiography, film footage of moon landings, film interviews. / Space exploration – the importance of Neil Armstrong in space exploration and how this could change the way we live in the future.
To use primary sources as a tool for historical questioning. / Space exploration – the importance of Neil Armstrong in space exploration and how this could change the way we live in the future. / Florence Nightingale
And Mary Seacole
Crimean War
Her life Story and how she changed the Nursing World. / Marie Currie
Her life story
How she saved people’s lives through medicine.
How she equipped the ambulances with Xray machines.
Art & Design
DT / Cooking: Baking
How is flour made?
Look at the production of flour.
/ Cooking: Baking
How is our bread made?
Research how bread is made.
Local baker, large factories. Watch videos.
Children to write a life cycle for how flour is made.
How many different types of flour are there?
Discuss why wholemeal bread may be healthier than white bread?
Research ingredients for healthy loaf.
/ Cooking: Baking
Research and write recipe for making bread.
Written instructions recorded. Chn. to use time adverbials with adjectives. / Cooking: Baking
Make a loaf of bread using technique researched. / Cooking: Baking
Do you like the taste/look of your bread. If not why not? / Cooking: Baking
Review and improve. What would we do to make our loaf better?
Bring in different bread packaging evaluate as a class. Design packaging for our loaf of bread.
Music / Suggested unit of work:
(Pitch) / To understand the idea of low and high pitches using tuned instruments such as xylophones. / To be able to play alternate between soh-doh (G-C) pitches in a steady rhythm on the xylophone / To be able to use the soh-doh rhythm as an accompaniment to a chosen song. / To listen to a variety of different musical styles commenting on the pitch, tempo and dynamic. / Suggested unit of work:
Article 17 (Access to information; mass media): Children have the right to get information that is important to their health and well-being.
Article 24 (Health and health services): Children have the right to good quality health care – the best health care possible – to safe drinking water, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help them stay healthy. / Healthy Me
Being Healthy
I know what I need to keep my body healthy
I am motivated to make healthy lifestyle choices. / Being Relaxed
I can show or tell you what relaxed means
I know some things that make me feel relaxed and some things that make me feel stressed
I can tell you when a feeling is weak or strong. / Medicine Safety
I understand how medicines work in my body and how to use them safely
I feel positive about caring for my body and keeping it healthy. / Healthy Eating
I can sort foods into the correct food groups and know which foods my body needs every day to keep healthy
I have a healthy relationship with food and know which foods I enjoy the most. / Healthy Eating
I can decide which foods to eat to give my body energy
I have a healthy relationship with food and know which foods are most nutritious for my body. / The Healthy Me Café
Links with DT
I can make some healthy snacks and say why they are good for my body
I can express how it feels to share healthy food with my friends.
Article 12
Focus on children speaking clearly, listening to each other and responding to what other pupils have said. / What is Easter and why is it important? / What does the Bible tell us about Easter?
coming? / Why happens on Ash Wednesday? / What are the events that happen on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday? / What can we learn about Jesus’ death? / What other Symbols are associated with Easter?
Computing / Programming –
- use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line. / Programming -
Distinguish between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise). / Data Handling – Early essentials, I chart, Popplet. Create bar graphs on computer using Early Essentials (voting graphs an option) / Data Handling – Early essentials, I chart, Popplet. Create bar graphs on computer using Early Essentials (voting graphs an option)
Add correct labels to bar graphs / Science – Use I-chart to sort information
Use Popplet to create food chains with images and text / Maths - Interpret graphs and charts which you have created
Science / Uses of everyday materials
Identify and discuss the uses of different everyday materials so that they become familiar with how some materials are used for more than one thing (metal can be used for coins, cans, cars and table legs; wood can be used for matches, floors, and telegraph poles)or different materials are used for the same thing (spoons can be made from plastic, wood, metal, but not normally from glass. / Uses of everyday materials
The properties of materials that make them suitable or unsuitable for particular purposes and they should be encouraged to think about unusual and creative uses for everyday materials. / Uses of everyday materials
Find out about people who have developed useful new materials, for example John Dunlop, Charles Macintosh or John McAdam / Uses of everyday materials
Comparing the uses of everyday materials in and around the school with materials found in other places.
observing closely, identifying and classifying the uses of different materials, and recording their observations. / Uses of everyday materials
Observing closely, identifying and classifying the uses of different materials, and recording their observations. / Investigation
Which material for a raincoat for your favourite toy?
PE / Games
Tennis / Games / Games / Tennis / Tennis / Tennis