WWF South Pacific Programme Office


Position title / Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme – Policy Officer [CMIFP]
Department / Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme
Location / Suva, Fiji
Position title of supervisor / Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme Coordinator
Position title(s) which also report to supervisor / Sustainable Land Use Officer, Community Development Officer, Macuata Field Officer
Positions titles that report to this position / n/a
Hours / 37.5 hours per week
Grade / 5
Contract period / 12 months (3 months probation)
Date position description approved / May 2010
Approved by / Representative

I.Organisational background:

The WWF-SPPO is considered a regional hub for the Pacific Islands Region. As well as continuing to implement conservation on the ground in Fiji and the Cook Islands, the office seeks to ensure that engagement with the key regional level organizations, donors and stakeholders in the Pacific are coordinated and effective on the issues of (i) Climate Change; (ii) Offshore Fisheries; (iii) inshore fisheries and MPAs; (iv) marine species conservation; and (v) GAA engagement and the desired policy messages and changes are communicated and supported in their adoption for a wider sustainable management of Pacific Islands region resources. This is undertaken in line with and in support of Pacific Island Government priorities in an inclusive and harmonized manner.

Under a new five year strategic plan, the WWF-SPPO will continue to focus its efforts on achieving healthy, recovering and resilient marine ecosystems that provide improved biodiversity, food security, livelihoods and well-being for dependent communities.

WWF-SPPO’s approach is therefore one of empowering key stakeholders and conservation practitioners, working at community, national, regional and international levels to strengthen, where necessary establish and implement effective regional and national policies, governance processes, capacities and knowledge sharing mechanisms which support sustainable resource management and biodiversity conservation.

  1. Mission of the Department :

The overarching purpose of the five year strategy will be to seek the adoption of an Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) approach to natural resource management in the PacificIslands region across key sectors in targeted PacificIsland countries. This will mean seeking a greater balance between environmental, social and economic priorities.

The Inshore Fisheries Programme is a critical WWF-SPPO priority area of work. Field interventions will aim to demonstrate and embed Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) and Community Based Management (CBM) approaches in inshore environments towards securing long-term sustainability and conservation of critical inshore habitats and species. Specific outcomes are expected to include:

  • Effective implementation of a network of no-take-zones and MMAs as tools to support sustainable resource management by communities in targeted sites.
  • Magnification of the uptake of EBM and CBM principles and practices throughout the region
  • Integration of community priorities and EBM principles into development policies of the Fiji government
  • Significant increases in the amount of sustainable financing available to the implementation of MMAs in the PacificIslands region
  • Uptake of recognised improved standards in sustainable fisheries management by at least one fishery

IIIMajor Functions:Responsible for the policy deliverables of the Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme, including assisting with the strategic planning, monitoring and reporting.

This position will work closely with the Programme Coordinator in the development and resourcing of the programme. The position will focus on delivering the policy aspects of the programme and will aim to scale up WWF’s policy engagement in the region in regards to inshore fisheries and community-based management towards magnifying impact and set common Pacific baselines for achieving good conservation policies and practice.

The post holder will need to provide strong and credible biological, economic, social and cultural argumentation to show these linkages with the aim of creating political momentum towards a more balanced approach to public sector financing which incorporates all the pillars of natural sustainable development, that of environment, social, economic and culture. The complexity of multi-sectoral and cross-agency working will require significant investment in strategic partnerships, both regionally and nationally, which support the concept of EBM. The overarching concept of EBM will be promoted and showcased, through exemplary field-based projects, such as the Packard & Moore funded EBM project in Vanua Levu, Fiji, undertaken in partnership with WCS and Wetlands International.

The post holder will be specifically responsible for delivering Objectives 1 and 2 and 3 of the SPPO Inshore Fisheries Programme, as outlined in Annex 1. Activities will be multi-faceted, using WWF niche areas of targeted advocacy and campaigning, building key partnerships and alliances, raising awareness with communities and civil society, strengthening capacities of important players at regional, sub-regional, national and community levels, undertaking targeted research in order to support sound decision making, showcasing and testing good practice, and supporting on the ground conservation efforts.

In order to achieve concerted action, the post holder will be responsible for delivering key WWF transformational milestones, ‘Must Wins’, which will required heightened campaigning and advocacy approaches. The first will aim to raise the profile of the importance of community-based management to the biodiversity and economic sustainability of the Pacific Islands Region, thus calling for large-scale political, financial and capacity commitments to the effective implementation of community-based management areas or LMMAs, as follows:

MUST WIN 1 :By 2010, Melanesian Governments endorse the importance of community-based co-management approaches and commit to long-term resourcing (financial and capacity) to support the widespread implementation of Community Based Managed Areas (CBMA).

The second aims to source significant funds from both public and private sector finance to support a long-term sustainable financing mechanism for community-based management areas. This will require significant engagement with the Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area (FLMMA) network.

MUST WIN 2 :By December 2010, long term funding of FLMMA network increases by at least FJD 1 million.

The post holder will also be responsible for policy advocacy related to the conservation and rehabilitation of inshore habitats, working closely with the SPPO Marine Species Programme Coordinator. This will include a specific focus on the delivery of the Convention for Biological Diversity MPA/MMA priorities, such as the Fiji NBSAP and PoWPA processes, WWF ecoregional processes, the Pacific Islands Action Strategy for Nature Conservation and other key international and regional commitments and strategies.

IVMajor Duties and Responsibilities:

Policy intervention implementation support / 25% / Outputs
  • Support delivery of the MPA components of the Coral Triangle Network Initiative (CTNI) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) in Fiji and regionally, as appropriate, working closely with the CTNI Pacific Policy Officer.
  • Policy and legislation to support effective LMMA’s management in the Pacific.
  • PIF Communique in 2010-2011 endorse support and resourcing of community based resource management (LMMA) for rural livelihood and food security
  • LMMA targeted Campaign Plan developed endorsed by FLMMA, partners, govt stakeholders to raise awareness on LMMA as a successful tool using best practices for biodiversity and economic sustainable development.
  • Potential donors are identified by consortium of partners (DAM) concepts /proposals developed for MMA establishment to allow 50% increase in investment of MMAs in FIME & the EPE.
  • Draft business Plan for implementation of Fiji’s system of Protected Area network
  • Established formal collaboration between at least 2 commercial companies to improve fishing practices in inshore areas.

  • Undertake policy advocacy at national (Fiji and other priority countries as appropriate) and regional levels based on WWF-SPPO and WWF network positions.

  • Working closely with the Fiji Field Programmes and, where appropriate, the Western Melanesia Programme Office (WMPO) field programmes, use and connect lessons and outcomes from the field to influence national and regional policy outcomes.

  • Support delivery of (L)MMA and MPA aspects of the Smart Fishing and New Global Deal Network Initiatives, as appropriate, working closely with the network leaders and relevant staff within the SPPO .

  • Support the implementation of the MUST WIN 1, through developing an action plan and ensuring its delivery

Funding mobilisation & profiling CM&IFP / 25%
  • Mobilise resources for the Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Policy Programme. Together with the CM&IFP Coordinator, to raise at least a total of FJD679,500for FY11
  • Concepts worth at least 1 million FJD submitted
  • proposals submitted worth at least half million FJD
  • Funding secured of at least 3/4 million FJD
  • At least new funding sources funding SPPO
  • At least 2 funding sources expressing interested in funding WWF SPPO programme

  • Undertake donor liaison, partnership building and maintenance and funding proposal development.

  • Proactively promote the Coastal Management & Inshore Fisheries Programme both internally and externally.

Support the development of the FLMMA Network / 20%
  • Lead the delivery of the WWF and FLMMA Must Win Action Plan and the achievement of targets
/ - Funding for the launch of the Big Win
- Launch of the BIG WIN completed
- At least $1 million committed to FLMMA Trust Fund
- Target $ confirmed through CCIF process for Macuata
  • Work with the field team to develop and test costing and costing process for the EBM site long term financing target as for later advocacy

Programme development & management / 20%
  • Work with the Coastal Management & Inshore Fisheries Programme Coordinator to develop, resource and coordinate the delivery of the Coastal Management & Inshore Fisheries Programme and by working closely with other Programme Coordinators involved in wider Inshore Fisheries Programme (IFP) activities.
  • Generate a listing of new ideas for funding and also a set of at least 5 one to two page concepts expressing ideas to achieve the Coastal Management & Inshore Fisheries programme
  • Contribute to the write up of the WWF Annual Report to the Fiji government.
  • 6 months TPR submitted on time.

  • Undertake project and programmatic monitoring and reporting for the Inshore Fisheries Policy Programme, both internally and externally.
  • Assist Programme Coordinator with reporting on TPR.

  • Familiarizationa and adherence to relevant Network Policies – Familiarization and adherence to relevant Network Policies– (i)WWF’s Statement of Principles of Indigenous Peoples and Conservation (ii)Poverty & Conservation
  • Be conversant with the contents of the policies and protocols and these are reflected in the concepts and proposals developed, as well as where appropriate in community workshop sessions.
  • All projects and programme under WWF SPPO comply with the Indigenous Peoples Policy.

  • Familiarization and adherence to the (i) Roundtable for Nature Conservation Community Engagement Guideline and compliance to the (ii) FLMMA Social Contract

  • Performs other duties as required and instructed by the Supervisor

  • Monitor and keep updated with WWF Programme & Project Management Standard in WWF SPPO

  • Communication
Teamwork is the preferred way of working within WWF SPPO and this necessitates regular communications with other staff. The position communicates:
  • Regularly with the senior members of the team on the delivery of the agreed work plan objectives through the Conservation team meeting.
  • As and when necessary with internal WWF contacts.
  • At least monthly during the General Staff meeting to provide general information.
  • And regularly with donor agencies and linked external parties.

IVProfile :

Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably with at least one year of post-graduate in relevant marine sciences with specialisation in marine biology.
  • At least three to five years experience in a civil society organization within the PacificIsland region, with a background in inshore fisheries development and management and/or policy advocacy.

Required Skills and Competencies

  • Knowledgeable on the general conservation practices, and is familiar with climate change adaptation and policy work in the Pacific region.
  • Demonstrated ability in project management, particularly in relation to conservation.
  • Demonstrated ability to work both independently and in a team, particularly in the implementation of cross-country activities and projects.
  • Demonstrated ability in policy advocacy on sustainable resource management or conservation issues at national and preferably at a regional level.
  • Sound understanding and preferably practical experience of community-based management practices and inshore fisheries and habitat management and conservation approaches.
  • Demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills and a proven track record working with a multi-disciplinary team; and proven ability to work effectively with a range of partners.
  • Excellent communication skills, fluency in both written and spoken English and Fijian. An understanding of Hindi is also advantageous.
  • Supervision experience is an advantage
  • Proven track record of working to timelines and budget
  • Have flexible approach and a willingness to work outside normal hours
  • Proven ability to set priorities while working under minimal supervision
  • Proven ability to work under pressure and meet strict reporting deadlines
  • Possesses drive and initiative, with a proven ability to achieve objectives
  • Demonstrated excellent PC based computer skills, preferably with current Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Access.
  • Adheres to WWF’s values, which are: Passionate & Optimistic, Challenging & Inspiring, Credible & Accountable, Persevering & Delivering Results.
  1. Working Relationships:

Internal - Engage with and build on existing relationships with WWF fisheries and MPA/MMA programme staff, as required. In particular work closely with the SPPO partners in Fiji and Cook Islands, with WMPO partners, with CTNI, SFNI and NGD NI regional and international teams, as well as with partner NGOs and their affiliates. Also work closely with other SPPO conservation programme components (Species, Offshore and Climate Change), Communications and Finance / Administration staff.

External - Responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with relevant government departments, as well as environmental and development orientated CSOs in the Cook Islands, but mostly in Fiji. Responsible for developing and maintaining regular contact with regional CROP Agencies (e.g. SPREP and SPC), the media, and experts on target issues. The position holder will be the gatekeeper for FLMMA and LMMA relations, as well as CTNI, CTI, SFNI and NGD NI MPA/MMA and inshore fisheries engagement. Relationships must also be built and maintained with international organizations of relevance.

This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs.

Prepared by Supervisor: ______Date:______

Accepted by Representative ______Date:______

Accepted by Staff member:______Date:______

Annex 1 : Goals and objectives – Inshore Fisheries

GOAL :By 2020, healthy, recovering and resilient marine ecosystems that provide improved food security, livelihoods and well-being for dependent communities are achieved through responsible ecosystem-based management and trade in offshore and inshore fisheries.
Objective 1:Integrating Ecosystem-Based Management into sectoral policies and legislation
By 2014, Ecosystem-based management (EBM) which incorporates a balance of environmental and community (social) concerns is mainstreamed into key sectoral programmes and budgets affecting food security and biodiversity conservation in inshore environments. / CTNI
Objective 2 : Financing spatially managed areas (MMAs)
By 2014, Managed Marine Areas (MMAs) are prioritized by PacificIslands’ governments and key donors as tools for securing the health and integrity of inshore environments, biodiversity, improved food supply, livelihoods and wellbeing of PacificIsland communities resulting in a 50% increase in coverage of MMAs and greater investment by governments and donors from 2008 levels. / CTNI
Objective 3 : Establishing of spatially managed area networks (MMAs)
By 2014, comprehensive & ecologically representative networks of MMAs are identified and established in Fiji Islands Marine Ecoregion (FIIME) and the East Polynesia Ecoregion (EPE). / CTNI
Objective 4 : Achieving and showcasing effective management of spatial area networks
By 2012, the effective management of key comprehensive & ecologically representative networks of MMAs in the FIME and the EPE are demonstrably improved and influence improved management in other MMA networks. / CTNI
Objective 5 : Achieving and showcasing effective long-term Community-Based Management
By end 2014, at least 4 communities have demonstrated improved livelihoods resulting from capacity building and sustainable alternative livelihood income options. / CTNI
Objective 6 : Incentivising good practice in commercial high value inshore fisheries.
Key high value commercial inshore fisheries are incentivized to adopt sustainable fisheries management practices and standards, as identified by WWF. / SFNI

Key Indicators will include :

  • Increased coverage of MMAs (50%) in FIME, EPE, and keys PICTS from 2008 levels.
  • Endorsed Financing plan for MMAs by PacificIsland governments.
  • Increased donor funding for support on MMAs and inshore fisheries management.