Work Place Learning Programme

Delivered by Reed in Partnership

Organisational Needs Analysis

Company Name
Main Contact / Job Title
Direct Mainline / Mobile
Email / Fax
Address / Postcode
Region / UK / Details if considering support at Regional multi sites
Number of Sites
Number of Employees
Sector / Years Trading
Legal Status / Union Learning Rep / Yes / No
Business Description and Background
Do you know last year’s turnover?
What is your current Business Strategy and focus and are there any support needs for this?
Do you know last year’s staff turnover?
Do you have current recruitment needs?

What training and development do you do now, and what else do you think will help the business?
Have you identified any specific learning needs for any individuals?

Employer Responsive Provision

Reed in Partnership Contract Provision
Is this a Retail Business / Do you have a Contact Centre Function / Do you have a Customer Service Function / Current Provision to Deliver Health &Social Care / Are CYPW qualifications appropriate / Could Business Admin learning support be of use / Could anyone benefit from Functional Skills / Can you improve Management Skills and Communication
Needs and how this area can be improved
Best delivery model for this employer – available facilities and times
Other stakeholders at the company who should be involved and how this will be achieved
Partner Provision
Childcare / Digital & Creative / Distribution & Transport / Employability Skills / Food & Drink / Hair & Beauty / Hospitality / IT / Construction / Engineering / Financial Services / Security / Agriculture / Cleaning / Science & Manufacturing / Functional Skills / Business Admin / Customer Services / Health & Social care / Retail
Barnfield College / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
TBG Training / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
All Trades / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
All L1-4 except Barnfield exceptions, Cleaning, Construction, C/S, Distribution, Retail and Security
Other Support Signposted
Skills Broker / Date Completed
Next Actions / Skills Development Action Plan completed / Yes / No
Health and Safety Checklist completed / Yes / No
Date Received by Office
How did this employer hear about Reed in Partnership and this Programme?
Contacted by Skills Broker / SFA Literature / TCHC
RSR / Marketing activity
Internet Search / Other Reed in Partnershipprogrammes / Please specify
Local Council / Other / Please specify

Skills Development Actions

Learning Area Identified / Provider / Learner / Job Role / Dept / Expected Funding Eligibility

Your learner eligibility assessment date will be confirmed by your Skills Broker within five days

Evaluation methods
Recruitment support agreed
Customer Signature / Customer Name
Broker Signature / Date
Notes to Assessor

Guidance Notes

Region and Multi Sites

Check contract compliant.

Check on size of company and support available through partner contracts in other regions if required.

Identify Union Learning Reps


Signpost to Sector Skills area, support and relevant qualifications. SFA analysis.

Years Trading

Identify Start Up category if less than two years.

Also indicates systems and procedures likely to be in place.

Company Turnover

Optional information to support building business profile


Is there a strategy? Can it be linked to learning outcomes.

Staff Turnover and Recruitment

Turnover will indicate workplace satisfaction levels, flag any completion issues, signpost when potential new learners may be recruited.

Any needs which can be referred to other Reed in Partnership programmes

Any needs for Apprenticeships. Link to vacancy matching service.

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Direct contract outcomes delivered by Reed in Partnership. Use as a Yes / No tool

Information about delivery models

Is there a room on site?

Stress time required for learner eligibility checks.

Future learning sessions

Flexible times to suit employer but realistic for the Assessor


Middle managers who will be involved to support learning, provide feedback and evidence. Potential mentors and Union Learning Reps.


Contract partner outcomes - Supplementary learning options.

Note: if all outcomes are in shaded areas, provision is not appropriate with these providers.

Other Support

Added contract value. eg, Signposting to SSCs, Business Link, Direct Gov, CIPD, recruiting Apprenticeships. Possibly to be fed back later.

Skills Action Plan

Skills Broker to discuss potential learners eligibility if possible.

Note that qualification will require evidence to show competence in the workplace rather than aspiration.

Note the realistic need to restrict number of providers offered per employer for delivery feasibility. Majority to be with one provider, only use two if there is a particular requirement which cannot be delivered by lead provider.

Consider learner self-declaration. Employed, over 19, employer in geographical region, not previously qualified to level 2.


How will the customer measure success. Eg, accredited qualifications, increase in sales, less customer complaints.

Customer signature required if there are agreed actions at this time.

Notes to Assessor

Handover details. Include any transport and parking tips. Company culture and expectation may be relevant but not details as to particulars of any learners or business contacts.

REQUIRES additional contact details to organise initial assessor meeting.

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