French One

Course Description and Philosophy

French I at the high school level is a full year course in which the foundations of the French language are introduced and practiced. Topics including school, self, home and family, food, clothing, and pastimes are used to introduce basic grammar. Students will be able to use simple and compound sentences to describe themselves, their families and friends, their hobbies, likes and dislikes, as well as school and leisure activities using the present tense of many regular and irregular verbs. The course introduces adjective agreement, question formation, the near future and verb conjugation are introduced and practiced throughout the course. The past tense is briefly introduced at the end of the year. Throughout the course students are encouraged to compare and contrast their lives with the lives of French teenagers.

This course is intended as an introduction to the French language for any and all students who are interested in learning a second, or third, language. Oral participation is an integral part of the course in addition to written and aural exercises.

Students’ performance will be evaluated through a variety of assessment techniques including teacher generated oral and written quizzes, tests, listening exercises, group and individual projects and dialogs in addition to class participation and homework. Mid-term and final examinations are given to demonstrate a student’s level of proficiency at the end of each semester and will, together, comprise 20% of the students’ grades for the year.

Text Reference:

·  Valette, Jean-Paul and Valette, Rebecca, Discovering French Bleu, Copyright 1998 by by D.C. Heath and Company, Evanston, Illinois, United States

Written 2005

Unit I: Bonjour!

Essential Question: What are the first linguistic patters that emerge in human communication?


Objectives: Students will be able to:

Say hello and goodbye

Ask someone’s name

Introduce one’s self

Say the alphabet

Count to sixty

Identify accents

Ask where someone is from

Say where he/ she is from

Use three forms of asking how someone is doing


Ask what time it is and at what time events are

Say what time it is and at what time events are


Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit I

Complete a list for each area with items particular to your discipline

Topic 1: La Rentree

·  Saying hello Tests Text Lecture VCR 7.1 Communication

·  Asking and saying one’s name Homework Activity Book Partner work Cassette player 7.2 Culture

·  Counting to ten Participation Videos Discussion

·  Alphabet Teacher to Teacher Group work

·  Accents Communipak conversations Modeling language

·  French names Supplementary materials Listening activities

Topic 2: Tu es francais?

·  Asking and saying where one is from

·  Counting from ten to twenty

·  Martinique

·  Pronunciation (silent letters)

Topic 3: Salut! Ca va?

·  Greeting peers vs. adults

·  Counting from twenty to sixty

·  Pronunciation (last letter silent)

Topic 4: L’heure

·  Asking and telling time

·  Asking, telling time of events

·  Pronunciation (intro liaison)

Differentiated Learning Activities

Supplementary challenge vocabulary is presented. This includes multiple ways to express similar ideas as well as additional vocabulary not included in the textbook but which is related to this unit of study.

Students are given opportunities to converse in class and in dialogues they create using vocabulary of their choosing. Some learners may use basic construction to express themselves, while others may use more advanced phrasing to express similar ideas.

Ethical Decision Making/Character Education

Respect is discussed as we explore how phrasing varies in French depending on to whom one is speaking and the respect shown in such language.

Unité 2: Les copains et la famille

Essential Question: How do you talk about your friends and family in French?

Objectives: Students will be able to:

·  Identify family and friends

·  Ask for information about their classmates’ family and friends

·  Talk about third parties

·  Count from 60 to 100

·  Comprehend and give phone numbers

·  Make a comparison of the French and English counting systems

·  Compare a typical French family with their family

·  Understand conversations about friends and family

·  Discuss schedules and name days, months, and dates

·  Ask about birthdays

·  Create a simple dialog

·  Recognize and discuss linguistic differences between French and English

·  Glean key information from a variety of listening exercises

Topic/Content Skills

/ Assessment / Resources / Instructional Method / Tech Infusion / NJCCCS: Unit 2

Topic 1: Friends and Acquaintances Quizzes Text Modeling language 7.1

·  Vocabulary Tests Video Partner activites

·  Qui est-ce? (Who is it?) Informal Cassettes Discussion 7.2

·  Masculine and feminine Q & A workbook Listening activites

nouns, adjectives, articles homework Supp.

·  Talking in third person dialogs materials

Oral &

Topic 2: Numbers 60 – 100 listening

·  Counting system activities

·  Phone numbers

Topic 3: Family

·  Members of the family

·  My/your

·  Age

Topic 4: Days & Dates

·  Days and months

·  Dates: word order

·  Asking for birthdays

Unit III: Bon Appetit!

Essential Question: What language is necessary for students to know in order to eat out and pay for items?


Objectives: Students will be able to:

Identify different types of places to eat

Express that they are hungry/ thirsty

Ask others if they are hungry/ thirsty

Ask what someone wants to eat/ drink


Order common foods and beverages

Ask about prices

Ask friends to give or lend money

Identify French money

Talk about the weather

Name the season


Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit III

Complete a list for each area with items particular to your discipline

Topic 1: Tu as faim? Tests Text Lecture VCR 7.1 Communicaton

·  Expressing hunger Oral skits/ Activity Book Partner work Cassette player 7.2 Culture

·  Asking if a friend is hungry presentations Cassette Discussion Internet (menus,

·  Asking what a friend wants Participation Videos Group work weather reports)

·  Ordering food Homework Communipak conversations Modeling language

·  Common foods Samples of Euros Listening activities

French cookbooks Cooking

Teaching to Multiple Intelligences

Supplementary materials

Topic 2: Au café

·  Expressing thirst

·  Asking if a friend is thirsty

·  Ordering beverages

·  Common beverages

·  Tipping in France

·  Pronunciation (rhythm)

Topic 3: Ca fait combien?

·  Ways to ask how much something costs

·  Saying the price of masculine and feminine items

·  Asking a friend to lend money

·  Eurodollar

·  Pronunciation (letter r)

Topic 4: Le temps

·  Asking how the weather is

·  Describing the weather

·  Naming the seasons

Differentiated Learning Activities

Students have the choice to perform a skit of a restaurant scene in front of the class or use technology to do it at home and present it to the class. They may choose what role to play (waiter, customer, friend), each of which requires varies in levels of difficulty.

Students have a choice of how to share their knowledge of weather vocabulary. They may make a poster and present it to the class or they may use technology to film a weather report and present it to the class.

Ethical Decision Making/Character Education

Respect is explored as we discuss different ways to express one’s self depending on to whom one is speaking.

Unité 4: Qu’est-ce qu’on fait?

Essential Question: How do I tell someone about my routine and what I like to do?

Objectives: Students will be able to:

·  Describe daily activities (what they do and don’t do) by conjugating regular verbs in present tense

·  Share their likes, dislikes, and preferences with their classmates

·  Interview a classmate about his or her routine

·  Invite classmates to things in a variety of situations

·  Respond to invitations by accepting or declining them

·  Discuss their wishes and abilities

·  Formulate and use three types of question structures in a variety of situations

·  Produce yes/no, informational, and tag questions

·  Understand longer reading passages

·  Contrast English and French sentence structures and pronoun usage

·  Agree and disagree with a variety of statements

·  Write a letter and/or postcard to a “French penpal”

·  Begin to talk about where people are

·  Discuss TV schedules and preferences

Topic/Content Skills

/ Assessment / Resources / Instructional Method / Tech Infusion / NJCCCS: Unit 4

Topic 1: Mes Activités Quizzes Text Modeling language TV schedules from 7.1

·  Vocabulary (-er verbs) Tests Video Partner activities internet

·  Likes, dislikes, wishes, Informal Q&A cassettes Discussion (compare 7.2

and preferences Homework workbook and contrast)

·  Inviting, accepting, Interview supplementary Listening activities

Declining Written materials Oral exercises


Topic 2: Qui est là?

·  Être (conjugation

and être d’accord)

·  French pronouns

·  Vocabulary (places)

·  Affirmative & Negative Questions

and responses

·  Tag questions

Topic 3: Une boum

·  Present tense regular –er verbs

·  Affirmative and negative

sentence structure

·  Adverbs (how well and how often)

·  Preferences, ability, wishes,

necessity + ACTIONS

Topic 4: Une interview

·  Information questions (formation & vocabulary)

·  Question inversion

·  Faire (conjugation and expressions)

Topic 5: Popular Culture (TV)

·  Reading about leisure time

·  Schedule

Unit V: Le Monde Personnel et Familier

Essential Question: What linguistic patterns are used to describe people and things?


Objectives: Students will be able to:


Describe what he/ she looks like

Describe his/ her personality

Describe others

Describe one’s bedroom

Identify colors

Identify everyday objects

State the size and color of these objects

Use prepositions to describe where objects are

Use the plural form of nouns

Use appropriate phrasing in the negative

Share information about Montpellier and Strasbourg

Share information about driving in France

Share information about the role of friendship in French culture


Topic/Content Skills Assessment Resources Instructional Method Tech Infusion NJCCCS: Unit V

Complete a list for each area with items particular to your discipline

Topic 1: Les personnes et les objets Tests Text Lecture VCR 7.1 Communication

·  Describing one’s self and others Participation Activity Book Partner work Cassette player 7.2 Culture

·  Identifying common objects Homework Videos Discussion

·  Describing one’s bedroom Project Cassette Group work

·  Il y a Communipak conversations Listening activities

·  Prepositions (in, on, under, Photos of cities Modeling language

in front of, behind) Teaching to Multiple Intellingences

Overhead transparencies

Supplementary materials

Topic 2: Vive la difference

·  Montpellier et Strasbourg

·  Avoir

·  Articles

·  Use of les and des for plural nouns

·  Phrase “pas de” and “si” with negative phrases

·  Pronunication (le v. les)

Topic 3: Le copain de Mireille

·  Role of friendship in French culture

·  Adjective agreement

·  Describing one’s personality

·  Nationalities

·  Adjective placement

·  Pronunication (distinguishing between masuciline and femine)

Topic 4: La voiture de Roger

·  Driving in France

·  Colors

·  BAGS adjectives

·  Il/ Elle est v. C’est

·  Pronunciation (letters “ch”)

Differentiated Learning Activities

Students may share their knowledge of descriptions through presentations of posters, oral skits, and or tests.

Ethical Decision Making/Character Education

Trust and honesty are discussed as we look into the role friendship plays in French culture.

Responsibility is discussed as it relates to driving in France.

Unité 6: En Ville

Essential Question: How do I talk about where I live and go?

Objectives: Students will be able to:

·  Describe the town where they live

·  Ask and give directions

·  Talk about places they go and how they get there

·  Describe their house or apartment

·  Discuss future plans (weekend or vacation)

·  Identify to whom objects belong

·  Talk about music, sports, and games

·  Give their addresses

·  Recognize and identify famous sights in Paris

·  Say where they are coming from

·  Describe their families in more detail and explain relationships between various members

·  Put things/people in order

·  Interview a classmate about their family, their possessions, and where they live

·  Discuss their favorite types of movies

Topic/Content Skills

/ Assessment / Resources / Instructional Method / Tech Infusion / NJCCCS: Unit 6

Topic 1: La ville et la maison Quizzes Text Modeling language Movie Schedules 7.1

·  Vocabulary (places & parts Test Video Partner activities Tourist websites

of town) Informal Q&A Workbook Discussion Town maps 7.2

·  Discussing what’s in a town Homework Cassettes Listening Activities (all on internet)

·  Directions Interview supplementary Games

·  Vocabulary (house) Writing materials Group work


Topic 2: Weekend à Paris

·  Aller (conjugation &


·  Preposition à (meanings

and contractions)

·  Vocabulary (places &

way to travel)

·  Chez

·  Near future

(aller + infinitive)

Topic 3: Au café de l’Univers

·  Venir (conjugation)

·  Preposition “de”

·  Jouer à / jouer de

·  Stress pronouns (forms

and functions)

·  Nom de nom

Topic 4: Mes Voisins

·  Possession with “de”

·  Vocabulary (extended family)

·  Possesive adjectives

·  Ordinal numbers

Topic 5: Culture

·  Leisure activities

·  Movies

·  Paris (Sights)

Unit VII: Le Shopping

Essential Question: What language is necessary for students to know in order to communicate about shopping and money?


Objectives: Students will be able to:


Identify various places to shop for clothes

Identify articles of clothing

Describe clothing

Express what one is buying, wearing, or putting on

Discuss style

Express one’s opinion about clothing

Ask the price of clothing

Express what one is looking for in a store

Express what one hopes to do

Use demonstrative adjectives- this, that, these, those

Use interrogative adjectives- which, what

Conjugate irregular verbs- acheter, amener, esperer, mettre, preferer