SEPTEMBER 17, 2014

THE REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Education of Annawan Unit District No 226 was held in the Unit Office of the Annawan High School on September 17, 2014 at 4:30PM. President Dwaine Shaw Jr called the meeting to order. On roll call those present were Brian Childs, Kim Goodley, Nancy Goodman, Jerad Heitzler Al Landwehr, Courtney Rico and Dwaine Shaw Jr. Others present were Superintendent Buresh, Wayne Brau, Lana Wolf, Chris Kidd,Diane Savage and Alex Coppejans, AEA representatives.

CONSENT AGENDA - Motion made by Gooldey and seconded by Heitzler to approve the

following items under the Consent Agenda. Voting YES were Childs, Goodley, Goodman, Heitzler, Landwehr, Rico and Shaw. Motion carried.

·  August 18, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

·  August, 2014 Treasurer’s Report

·  August, 2014 Investment Report, Activity Fund & Imprest Fund Reports

·  September, 2014 Bills and Payroll Resolution

SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNICATIONS – 1) Received REAP Grant for $24,197; 2) Reviewed the upcoming school board election procedures. The terms of Jerad Heitzler, Kim Goodly, Nancy Goodman and Courtney Rico are up for election. The Henry County Courthouse will be responsible for all the required election materials and filings; 3) Meeting for the Better Together Group will be on October 15, from 7:15-8:00am in the superintendent’s office; 4) Black Hawk Division fall meeting on September 25th; 5) Informed board that State Aid for this year will be prorated, receiving $85,943 less than what is should be and State Transportation

will be significantly prorated as well; 6) Informed board that two people had been arrested for break in at the school.

WANYE BRAU_ ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL Reported - - 1) Grade School activities for the month; 2) Parent Teacher Conferences set for October 8th & 9th from 3;45-7:15pm; 3) Reviewed the ISAT results .

HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL-JOE BURESH/LANA WOLF Reported- Students of the month; 2)PSAE &A CT test results; 3) Parent Teacher Conferences October 8 & 9th.

CAITLYN DEMAY-AD – Reported on fall athletics and records. Homecoming week will be October13-18,2014.


·  Special Education-Approved budget for the year

·  Building—will be meeting September 18th for Life Safety Projects

·  Transportation- None

·  Finance- None

APPROVAL OF 2014- 15 BUDGET- Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Goodley to approve the tentative budget with Revenue of $3,949,754 and expenses of $4,320,677 with a deficit of $370,923. Voting YES were Childs, Goodley, Goodman ,Heitzler, Landwehr, Rico and Shaw. Motion carried.

APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION OF SCHOOLS- GRADE SCHOOL, HIGH SCHOOL & UNIT DISTRICT- Moved by Goodman and seconded by Heitzler. Call vote. Motion carried.

1st READING OF UDATED BOARD POLICIES- Moved by Landwehr and seconded by Goodman to approve with revisions as presented. Call vote. Motion carried.

EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL- Amanda Murray-Dynes as Prom Sponsor, Carl Anderson as AW Head Boys Track Coach, Tammy Jackson as AW Head Softball Coach and Ben Foster as volunteer assistant football coach-Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Rico to approve. Call vote. Motion carried.

ADJOURMENT- 5:35pm- Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Goodman to adjourn.

Call vote. Motion carried.

APPROVED: October 15, 2014


Dwaine Shaw Jr, President Courtney Rico, Secretary



AUGUST 11, 2014

SPECIAL MEETING- of the Board of Education of Annawan Unit District No 226

Was held in the Unit Office on August11, 2014 at 4:30pm. President Dwaine Shaw Jr

Called the meeting to order. On roll call those present were Brian Childs, Kim Goodley, Al Landwehr, and Dwaine Shaw Jr. Absent was Nancy Goodman, Jerad Heitzler and Courtney Rico.

HIRING OF SPANISH TEACHER- CARLOS BUELVAS- Moved by Childs and seconded by Goodley to approve. Call vote. Motion carried.

Adjournment- 4:35PM- Moved by Childs and seconded by Landwehr. Call vote. Motion carried

APPROVED: August 18, 2014


Dwaine Shaw Jr, President Courtney Rico, Secretary