Motto: Trained for duty and for thee…
Building a Legacy of Educational Excellence
Dear Great Alumni,
As we all know by now, Birch Freeman High School is currently being rehabilitated. Thanks to the great leadership of the national executives. In order to complement the current project, on December 29, 2010, Bifoba, North American Chapter, embarked on a campaign titled: Building a Legacy of Educational Excellence. The first step of the campaign is to build 5000 watts of “Solar Power” at Birch Freeman High School, with an estimated cost of $24, 328.32 (approximately $25,000.00). All alumni across the globe are expected to join this laudable campaign.
Through our financial contributions, the alumni association will be able to offer supports in providing an excellent educational opportunity at Birch Freeman High School. This is one of several opportunities for us to give back to our “alma mater” and to support the vision and mission of the alumni association.
Now is our chance to make a lasting impact. As we are making our personal contributions, individual of us should start looking for corporations, foundations and friends of bifoba, all across the globe, who can contribute generously to this admirable and worthy project. Financial contributions can be made by personal checks, by cash in currency and through PayPal (on bifoba website) by debit cards, Visa and MasterCard, and American Express, also by money orders, bank drafts, banking money transfers, Western Union, and, of course, by sponsorships and pledges.
For those great alumni in Nigeria, please make contributions (gifts) to:
Zenith Bank Plc
Account Name :Birch Freeman High School Old Boys' Association
Acount Number:6010413827
Address: 24, Oba Akran Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State.
Payments can be made at any branch of Zenith Bank nationwide. Please note your name and designate on the teller ticket that the payment is for "Solar Power Project." Please immediately advise Mr. Feyi Diyon (Vice-president, school affairs) after every payment by phone call: 080-3402-9800; or by email:
Dear great alumni, this is an opportunity for us to make sure Birch Freeman High School is able to continue preparing students for successful productive lives long after our lifetime. With our contributions to bifoba – whether made immediately or planned for later – we would be able to help our alumni association to accomplish its goals for our dear school today and tomorrow.
Please go to to read more about the campaign and - find the “giving option” that best suits you.Pledges anddonors' lists areon the website. If you don't see your name, or a company's name, on the list after payment, be sure to contact the treasurer or the president of bifoba, North American, immediately. Thank You!