[#][$][+][K][>][@] Welcome
Welcome to the Enterprise Express integrated voice and data management system. The Enterprise Express System is at the forefront of a new generation of voice technology. It is the most comprehensive single and multi-site network solution available for managing both dictation and data.
The Voice Explorer is a key component of this modular system. It is a powerful tool that allows you to completely customize your system. It is convenient to use providing context sensitive menus at the click of your right mouse button. Just point to an item and click. The system displays a menu specifically designed for that item. If you are currently within one of the Voice Explorer’s dialogs, you can simply point and right click for context sensitive help.
See also: Voice Explorer Modules RHG_Voice_Explorer_Modules
[#][$][@][+] Administrative Account Bio
The Administrative Account Bio is used to create administrative user accounts. An administrative user is one who will be logging onto the Enterprise Express (usually) from a client workstation, running EEV clients like Explorer, Job Lister, Client Viewer, etc. The actual clients available to the administrative user are dependent upon the permissions set up in the user’s group account.
Domain and User are required entry fields. The Domain must be a valid domain on your network and the User must be the user’s name as it is listed in the domain on your network. The password field is not required. The password can be anything you choose, it does not have to match the user’s network password. The Domain field accepts up to 15 characters. User and Password fields accept up to 20 characters. The Description field is optional entry and accepts up to 60 characters.
[#][$][K][@][+] Administrative Group
The administrative group page of the Administrative Account Bio allows you to customize a group account for a specific user. To do this, simply place a check the ‘Personalized’ checkbox and click the ‘Modify’ button.
Clicking the modify button opens up the group property pages. You can customize the privileges. Note: Any changes made to a group through the Administrative Account Bio will effect only this individual’s account. (Note: This user remains as a member of the group, so if the group is disabled this user will be disabled as well.)
Understanding the Group/User Relationship
The Rules:
1. Users require a group. (You cannot create a user without a group.)
2. Groups do not require users. (You can set up a group without any users.)
3. Users can be deleted easily.
4. Groups can only be deleted after reassigning all of the group’s users to another group, or after deleting all users associated with the group. (This includes any users with a personalized group based on the group you are deleting.)
5. User accounts can be disabled individually, leaving access available to other group members.
6. When a group is disabled, even if the individual user account is active, the user cannot access the system.
Within groups, users can have different privileges, field replacement values and report filtering values. This is accomplished by personalizing a group for the specific user. For example, you may want all the users from a specific site or department to be contained in one group, while allowing a variety of privileges within that group. Creating personalized groups for some of the users do this.
[#][$][@][+] Administrative Group Field Substitution
This screen configures how Fields 1 - 6 will appear to the administrative users of this group throughout the Dictaphone Voice system. Text entered in the edit boxes next to Fields 1 - 6 will appear in place of the Fields 1-6 throughout the Explorer, Job Lister and Client Viewer. For example, by entering the text ‘Work Type’ in the edit box adjacent to Field 1, everywhere you now see Field 1 would be replaced with ‘Work Type’ for the administrative users of this group. This includes column headers as well as any of the combo boxes. Note: The placement of the fields themselves will not change in the combo box listing.
[#][$][@][+] Administrative Group Identification
This module manages the administrative users of the Dictaphone Voice Clients. Using this module, a system administrator can set up groups of users assigning different privileges to each group. Within each group, users can be further customized to suit their individual circumstances and still remain as members of the same group. For example, you may wish to assign extended privileges to a supervisor or limit the privileges for a new employee until they are fully trained. This is accomplished by personalizing the group for the individual. The individual remains as part of the parent group, and if the parent group is disabled, so is the personalized group.
Privileges, field replacement names and report filtering are configured through the Administration Groups section of the Dictaphone Voice Explorer.
The Name and Description fields are user defined. The Name can be up to 20 characters in length. The Description can be up to 60 characters in length.
The Dictaphone Voice Explorer allows administrative users to add, copy, modify, delete or view users, and/or groups of users provided they have the necessary privileges. How a group, or user account is defined in the Explorer determines which applications and which functions within those applications they will be able to utilize. For example, a user may have the ability to create new user account, but not modify or delete existing ones.
Each group defined on the Dictaphone Voice system will have its own folder. Within the group’s folder are all of the individual user accounts that are members of that group. User accounts can be personalized. This allows for a flexibility of privileges within the same group.
When the Administration Groups section is selected, the right side window displays a list of the available groups and whether they are active or disabled. If a group is disabled, every user account within the group is disabled.
[#][$][K][@][+] Administrative Group Privileges
The Privileges page of the Dictaphone Voice Explorer is where all the privileges are assigned for all of the Dictaphone Voice Clients. For a list of specific privileges available for each of the Dictaphone Voice clients, click on the appropriate button below. Execute is the only privilege that can be assigned to Auditor, Dashboard and Prompt Generation clients. Either the user can execute them, or they cannot. All clients, with the exception of the Service Controller have a basic ‘execute’ privilege that must be added to the Selected Privileges screen before any of the other privileges will work.
Available Privileges- This box lists all of the privileges available for the selected client. As privileges are selected and the Add button pressed, the privilege will move from this list box to the Selected Privileges list box.
Selected Privileges - This box lists all of the privileges selected for the selected client. To remove a privilege from this list, simply select the one(s) you wish to remove and click on the Remove button.
Note: The privileges assigned here determine what will actually appear in the Dictaphone Voice Explorer Tree. For Example: If you do not assign site privileges to a particular group, the Site folder will not appear in the tree whenever that group logs on to the Voice Explorer.
[#][$][K][@][+] Administrative Group Propagation Dialog
Prior to deleting an administrative group, all the users of that group must be handled by either reassigning them to another group, or by deleting them with the group. This dialog box allows you to reassign the users, delete the users, or any combination of the two.
[#][$][K][@][+] Administrative Group Report Masking
This feature is used to limit the information viewed by some users on the system. For example, you may want a group of users to only be able to view work from their specific site. This is accomplished through Report Filtering.
When using Report Filtering, you want to place the information the users are allowed access to in the Filter box. For example: If users from Site 2 are allowed access only to work from Site 2, choose Site from the combo box, and then type ‘2’ in the filter box. Choose Add. This will allow any users within this group to only view work dictated from Site 2.
[#][$][K][@][+] Administration Account Propagation Dialog
This dialog box appears only when changes have been made to the Group’s administrative account and there are administrative users in this group with customized accounts.
[#][$][K][@][+] Target Time
Target Time allows time sensitive work to be sent to transcription within a specified period of time. When defining a Target Time node, the user decides which fields to pull the work by, and the maximum number of minutes the job should remain on the system before being transcribed. Note: In order for Target Timework to be included in a Pool Script, a Target Time pool must be defined and added to the pool script.
The Dictaphone Voice Explorer assigns a ‘Date Target Time Due’ to any work that meets criteria defined in a Target Time Node. Whenever a dictator marks a job ‘Ready’ the system checks to see if the job meets the criteria of any of the Target Time Nodes. If the system determines it does, it is assigned a ‘Date Target Time Due’. This is accomplished by adding the Target Time Factor to the date/time the report was marked as Ready by the Dictator.
Any time a Target Time Node is created, or modified, the system updates the server immediately. This means any new work coming into the system will use the new age criteria data, however, any old work on the system will retain its original Date Target Time Due. This date can be modified through the Dictaphone Voice Job Lister.
Target Time Nodes affect only the new jobs coming into the system. Jobs dictated before the Target Time Node was created will not be assigned a Date Target Time Due although; this can be done manually using the Dictaphone Voice Job Lister.
Step One: Define one or more Target Time Nodes. The Target Time Nodes determine
which jobs will be considered ‘Target Time’ and the maximum length of time they should remain on the system prior to being transcribed.
Step Two: Arrange the Nodes in order of priority. Using the ‘Move Up’ and ‘Move Down’ menu items, place the Target Time Nodes in the order you wish them to be assessed. This step is very important since a job may meet the requirements of more than one Target Time Node. The system determines the ‘Date Target Time Due’ based on the first node that the job matches. Since the Target Timework is ordered by the Date Target Time Due, you want to make sure that the job is placed in the proper order. A good rule of thumb is to order your Target Time Nodes by time, placing the node with the shortest Target Time at the top of the list, and the node with the longest Target Time at the bottom.
Step Three: Define one or more ‘Target Time’ Pools. Only one Target Time Pool needs to be defined if the all the Target Time work can be transcribed by any of the transcriptionists using the pool script with the Target Time work assigned to it. If this is the case, create a new pool with no criteria defined, and choose Target Time as the sort order.
If, however, you need to segregate the Target Time work, then more than one pool will need to be defined, although only one Target Time pool should be assigned to any one Pool Script. It is essential when creating these pools that you make sure all Target Time work defined in the Target Time nodes has been included in the Target Time pools. Any work defined as ‘Target Time’ that does not meet the criteria of a Pool will not be included in the Pooling.
Note: Placing a check mark the ‘Refresh as new work arrives’ box improves the efficiency of a Target Time Routine.
Step Four: Assign the Target Time Pool(s) to a Pool Script(s). *RHG_Assign_a_Pool_to_a_Pool_Script>howto
Step Five: Assign the Pool Script(s) to a Profile(s). *RHG_Assigning_a_Pool_Script_to_a_Profile>howto
[#][$][K][@][+] Header Info
These are the fields available to place in the header a user receives. You can add as many, or as few as you would like, and place them in the order you wish the user to hear them.
[#][$][K][@][+] Archival Script Criteria
This dialog box is designed to allow you to customize your Archival Scripts so that only the work you wish to be archived at a particular time is archived.
Choose from Dictator Site, Dictator UserId, Transciption Site, Transcription UserId, Fields 1-6, Priority, Date Dictated, Date SignedOff or Date Purged, or any combination of these fields to create your Archival Script. Once the Script criteria is defined, select the reports age before it is removed from the Offline database and moved to an Archival Device. You can choose to have the age defined either by the date the job was dictated, signed off, or purged.
Multiple Archival Scripts may be defined.
[#][$][K][@][+] Archival Script Devices
This dialog allows you to customize your Archival Database’s size and location. It is extremely important to make sure that drive the Archival Database will eventually be moved to has enough free disk space to accommodate the MB of the Database and the System Catalog.
[#][$][K][@][+] Archival Script Options
Archival Options allows you to choose whether this Archival script will actually archive work, or if it will simply remove the records from the purged database. If you wish to archive the work, select the appropriate radio button, and enter the full path of where you wish the archival records to be moved for permanent storage.
If you elect to archive the records selected by this script, you must also choose your removal option. The ‘Move Archive database when full’ is recommended for optimum use of storage space.
[#][$][K][@][+] Audio Export
Audio Export definitions determine whether a job, once dictated, is exported. Choose the criteria you wish to use and the Transcoding method (if any) to be used.
Basically, this feature allows you to export the audio from reports that match your exporting criteria. They can be exported as a WAV file, a TrueSpeech file, or as an AUD file to a predetermined location. When using Audio Export, it is important to remember that it is a COPY of the audio file that is exported. The original audio file remains on the Enterprise Express system.
[#][$][K][@][+] Audio Import Account
This dialog allows you to create new Audio Import Accounts, or modify existing ones.
Account Name: is user defined and it is recommended that you choose a descriptively accurate name.
Password: The password is not currently used in Audio Importing
Import Profile: This determines which import profile will be used when importing the file. The import profile determines how the id fields are mapped on the EEV, as well as providing any static data associated with the profile.
Import jobs as which EEV voice user?
Site: The site id for the EEV voice user you wish to use.
User: The user id for the EEV voice user you wish to use.
[#][$][K][@][+] Audio Import Profile
The Audio Import Profile allows you to choose which fields from the .ini file are mapped to which fields in the Enterprise Express system. This allows you to accept ini files with data fields in any order and make sure they are imported correctly.
[#][$][K][@][+] Audio Import Profile Propagation Dialog
The purpose of this dialog box is to allow you to choose whether you delete or reassign Audio Import accounts that are using this Audio Import profile prior to deleting the profile.
[#][$][K][@][+] Available Tones
List of available tones to add to the channel . . .
[#][$][K][@][+] Board - Dial
This property page contains several parameters for controlling the Dial functions of the audio boards.
Do not make any modifications to this page unless specifically instructed to do so by a member of the Enterprise Express Voice technical support team.
[#][$][K][@][+] Board - DTMF
This property page contains several parameters for controlling the DTMF functions of the audio boards.
Do not make any modifications to this page unless specifically instructed to do so by a member of the Enterprise Express Voice technical support team.
[#][$][K][@][+] Board - Flash
This property page contains several parameters for controlling the Flash functions of the audio boards.
Do not make any modifications to this page unless specifically instructed to do so by a member of the Enterprise Express Voice technical support team.