2013VAMA–USA National Convention
Focus on Women’s andMen's Health in Asian Community
Saturday, August 10, 2013
08:00 – 09:00 A.M. Opening Ceremony
08:00 – 08:40 A.M. Welcoming RemarksAnne Pham, MD
US National AnthemHoward Hao Nguyen, DO
VN National AnthemHoward Hao Nguyen, DO
Moment of SilenceHoward Hao Nguyen, DO
VAMA Seattle President’sSpeechKaty Lam, DMD
VAMA USA President’s SpeechJonathan Hoang Lam, MD
08:40 – 09:00 A.M. Keynote Speaker – Mylene Huynh, MD, Colonel US Air Force
Continuing Medical Education
Session I Moderators: Thuy–Tien Le, DO; Binh–Nhung Tran, PharmD
09:00 – 09:30 A.M. Breast Cancer –BichLien Nguyen, MD
- To discuss the prevalence of breast cancer in the Vietnamese population
- To discuss important breast cancer issues pertinent to this population
- To update recommendations about breast cancer prevention
- To update recommendations about breast cancer earlydetection,
includingcurrent controversies
09:30 – 10:00 A.M. Breast Reconstruction After Cancer Therapy – Tue Dinh, MD
- To discuss options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy with patients
- To be knowledgeable of the considerations regarding breast reconstruction, such as timing of surgery, sequence of procedures, and peri-operative care
- To beaware and able to treat minor complications after a breast reconstruction procedure orrefer to specialist as appropriate
- To beable to recognize late sequelae of different types of breast reconstruction procedures
10:00 – 10:15 A.M. Q & A
10:15 – 10:30 A.M. Break
2013VAMA–USA National Convention
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Session II Moderators: Vincent Vinh Nguyen, MD; Dang Dung Nguyen, MD
10:30 – 11:00 A.M. Gynecological Cancer Screening –Tri Dinh, MD
- To understand the high prevalence of cervical cancer in Vietnamese women
- To understand the role of HPV infection and relationship in development of
Cervical Ca
- To receive an update on Cervical Ca screening guidelines
- To knowhow to improve screening rate in Vietnamese-Americancommunity
11:00 – 11:30 P.M. New Insight in Evaluation & Treatment of RA –Thuc Nguyen, MD
- To recognize inflammatory arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
- To know when to refer a patient to a rheumatologist
- To understandinflammatory arthritis, its systemic manifestation and co-morbidities
- To receive current insights onmedical treatment of inflammatory arthritis
11:30 – 11:45 P.M. Q & A
11:45 – 12:30 P.M. Lunch Break
Session III Moderators: Jonathan Hoang Lam, MD; Bob Thong, MD
12:30 – 01:00 P.M. Approach to Common Arrhythmia– Dong Chau Nguyen, MD
- To describe the current status of anti-coagulations, indications and strategies for stroke prevention and risk-stratification of patients with atrial fibrillation
- To compare the efficacy and safety of new oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation and formulate anticoagulation strategies based on assessment of the patient’s bleeding risk rate versus rhythm control
- To evaluate the latest evidence comparing the efficacy and safety of ablation versus anti-arrhythmic drugs for the treatment of atrial fibrillation
01:00 – 01:30 P.M. Dyslipidemia / Myositis in Asians – Ted Lau, MD
- To manage dyslipidemias according to the ATP guidelines
- To monitor the risks / side effects of drug therapies
- To discuss lipoprotein metabolism in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
- To explain the role of ethnicity plays in dyslipidemia treatment
- To identify cardiometabolic risk factors of the metabolic syndrome in the Asian-American population
01:30 – 01:45 P.M. Q & A
2013VAMA–USA National Convention
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Session IV Moderators: Ton Tran, MD; Charles Phan Gia Quang, MD
01:45 – 02:15 P.M. Alzheimer’s Disease and Aging – Liem Pham, MD
- To review pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnosis and FDA approved treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia
- To explore inflammation, insulin resistance and other metabolic aspects of Alzheimer’s
- To discuss pitfalls in management of behavior problems in demented patients
- To explore ways to possibly reduce or delay incidence of Alzheimer’s
02:15 – 02:45 P.M. Hepatitis B – Son Do, MD
- To understand risks factors and natural history of chronic hepatitis B in Asian Americans
- To be aware of updated hepatitis B screening recommendation from CDC for implementation in the office practice
- To understand the long-term complications and significant mortality of hepatitis B in Asian-Americans
- To appreciate the new evidence of improved histology in long-term treatment of chronic hepatitis B
- To understand the importance and impact of treatment and long-term follow up in patients with chronic hepatitis B with reduction in liver cancer prevalence
02:45 – 03:15 P.M. Hepatitis C – Huy Trinh, MD
- To diagnosis and evaluate hepatitis C patients
- To learn new CDC recommendation of hepatitis C screening
- To understand complications of chronic hepatitis C
- To discuss treatmentof hepatitisC—Current and near future
03:15 – 03:45 P.M. Liver Cancer Screening – Loc Le, MD
- To provide an updated overview on the diagnosis
- To understand managementof hepatocellular carcinoma
03:45 – 04:00 P.M. Q & A
2013VAMA–USA National Convention
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Session V Moderators: Si Nguyen, MD; Howard Hao Nguyen, DO
08:00 – 08:30 A.M. Depression – Trung Thai, MD
- To understand prevalence of depression
- To understand the clinical presentation of depression in the Asian-American population
- To understand that depression is more than a mental illness
- To understand different treatments modalities
08:30 – 09:00 A.M. Metabolic Syndromeand Diabetes– Khanh Thi Nguyen, MD
- To recognize the components (abdominal obesity, insulin resistance/hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hypertension) of the metabolic syndrome as risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
- To identify the prevalence and clinical variations that are unique to Asians
- To acquire knowledge and skills to prevent and control type 2 diabetes, hypertension, weight reduction, dyslipidemia and reduce risks for cardiovascular disease
09:00 – 09:30 A.M. Hypogonadism – Jonathan Hoang Lam, MD
- To be able to distinguish risk factors for patients with low testosterone
- To know who/how to screen, diagnose, prescribe various forms of testosterone replacements
- To knowside effects of prescribed testosterone
- To know whento order monitoring labs & follow up intervals
- To knowwhat types of patientsmay need referral
09:30 – 10:00 A.M. Updates on Strokes – Don Quyen Thai, MD
- To discuss common and uncommon presentations of stroke
- To discuss treatment of acute stroke in the ED– how patients are evaluated for tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) therapy
- To discussinpatient evaluation and outpatient evaluation of acute and subacute stroke, respectively
- To discussstrategies for secondary prevention of stroke
- To discussmedical and psychosocial consequences of stroke
10:00 – 10:15 A.M. Q & A
10:15 – 10:30 A.M. Break
10:30 – 11:30 A.M. Cultural Programs – YND Youth Workshop Medical Missions by Dr. Thien's World
Health Ambassador Program & Dr. Dinh's Projects – Danang
11:30 A.M. Closing Ceremony
2013 VAMA - USA National Convention
Continuing Dental Education
(Physicians have the option to attend these relevant topics for medical CME)
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Session IModerator: Tung Vu, DDS
09:00 – 11:45 A.M.Presenter: Thai Nguyen, DDS (3.0 hr)
Early Orthodontic and Orthopedic Treatment in Children and TMJ Dysfunction
Description: Many cases of severe malocclusions and imbalanced facial development in children are the result of the compromise of the upper airway and poor habits. We will show the attendees several ways to identify problems at an early age and utilize many appliance designs as well as a systematic approach that allows for a child’s normal growth and development and prevents TMJ dysfunction in the future.
- Identify causes of early malocclusion, imbalanced facial growth, and poor posture
- Understand the treatment plans for different cases
- Understand the designs of appliances and techniques to address the problem(s)
- Acquire systematic methods to treat cases using a combination of both appliances and fixed orthodontics
- Understand the relationship between TMJ dysfunction and headache, neck pain, shoulder and back pain
- Discuss the pathophysiology of OSA
- Review current preventive and treatment strategies
- Discuss the collaboration between different specialties in treatment of this
- Future research
11:45 – 12:30 P.M.Lunch
Session IIModerator: John Dat Giap, DMD
12:30 – 01:30 P.M.Presenter: Peter Thanh Bui, MD, DDS (1.0 hr)
Maxillomandibular Advancement: An Effective Surgical Treatment in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Discuss the pathophysiology of OSA
- Review the current preventive and treatment strategies
- Discuss the collaboration between different specialties in treatment of this
- Future research
01:30 – 02:30 P.M. Presenter: Chris Truong, DDS (1.0 hr)
Implant Dentistry: As implants are becoming the standard of care in dentistry today, building bone foundation is essential to the success of implant placement
- Review the criteria of implant placement
- Discuss the different options of implant usage in restoring patient’s dentition
- Review situations where lack of horizontal or vertical bone height is a challenge in placing implants and methods to handle these cases such as sinus augmentation and ridge splitting
- Discuss current and new options to “grow” new bone for implant stability, osteoconduction and osteoinduction
- Discuss soft tissue architecture
02:30 – 04:00 P.M. Presenter: Anne–Marie Nguyen, DDS, MS (1.5 hr)
Ethics – the Incredible and Unbelievable Journey
Course Description: This presentation will illustrate situations in which dentists may violate ethical principles in their day-to-day interactions with patients. Through a series of case presentations obtained in daily private practice, a demonstration of the need for dentists to consider a set of “10 commandments” regarding their behavior will be shown and a discussion of how these lapses in ethical behavior affect the community at large and damage the respect and trust accorded to the dental profession will be given.
- Discuss the reduction of respect for dental profession
- Present cases demonstrating breaches in ethical behavior in private practice
- Demonstrate the make-up set of “10 commandments” which applies to the ADA Ethical Rules and Regulations
2013 VAMA - USA National Convention
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Session IIIModerators: John Dat Giap, DMD; Tung Vu, DDS
08:30 – 09:30 A.M. Presenter: Peter Thanh Bui, MD, DDS (1.0 hr)
Bisphosphonate Induced Osteonecrosis of Jaw Bones: Current Prevention and Treatment Strategies
- Discuss the pathophysiology of bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of jaw bones
- Review the current preventive and treatment strategies
- Discuss the collaboration between different specialties in treatment of this
- Future research
09:30 – 11:30 A.M. Presenter: Ngoc Chu, DDS (2.0 hr)
Cultural and Language Barriers, a Challenge of Medical Diplomacy Missions
EHR, E-prescriptions, Narcotic Rx Prescriptions Over the Internet, Future
Legal Requirements