Dark Peak Fell Runners BG2016

You only know when it was easy afterwards, general through the day you are too busy to realise that there were not any real problems.

This year was promising even before the start with only seven or eight contenders in play the numbers were right. The weather forecast while not prefect suggested a good day if not guaranteeing it. The support, while a few stalwarts were missing seemed to be strong in depth and numbers. So in the end with only seven starters and the weather holding things went easy. The camp site was full and I suspect that we had more people than usual staying our field.

We had a few minor changes for this running, the first being a slightly modified schedule compliments of Willy Kitchen. It took out the big anomaly with the first leg and tidied the mid third leg times revised. I remember telling everyone to remember to run to the schedule and not to beat it and in principle that is what happened.

Nice weather in the pre run camp is always a pleasant time for most and makes matching the support with the needs and more importantly getting the transport arranged specifiably the Dunmail 2:30am start and to a less extent the Wasdale support drivers easy. There was a little worry with traffic into Keswick but it wasn't to be an issue so as ever we were early at the Moot Hall.

There was the usual large crowd for the off and 18:45 came and under the guidance of Nicky Spinks, they set off with little fuss using the alternative start as the Fitz Park bridge is still out. The weather still dry and calm but with a bit of clag on the summits.

So back to the tea and talking in camp. Another early depart to Threkeld meant we were well arranged for the sightings on time on the top of Halls Fell and we could pick the runners out on their decent. For once there were few other runner attempting the round this weekend. There was a couple of trackers amongst the contenders so we had advanced warning but it gave no advantage at this stage. The reports coming back from first supporters in were that six were strong but John Vernon was not in the group but still in sight. The remaining six came in almost exactly on the new schedule and with a much more slick than some change overs left five minutes up with Lucy Wieigand and Tom Westgate navigating but giving themselves a start. John came in just after the group has left but was still in play. Mick Stenton and John Brownhill were to be his support. He left about 10 minutes down on the main group. Apparently he made several attempts to join the main party and almost did on several occasions but ultimately he dropped the pace. Mick and John knowing the support was to be driving to Dunmail took John to the road and blagged a lift to Dunmail. The recently repaired road meant there was no issues with getting there and again we were well set for the runners when they came in. The trackers worked well here and the runners were spotted just as the trackers told us we should. The remaining six were still just ahead of the schedule and pretty much one group when they set off under the guidance of Willy Kitchen. Loxley Crawshaw was having some problems keeping food down but left still with the group but the other five all good.

The trackers gave us some updates of progress and we were to see that Loxley had dropped from the main group.

The drive round was made in improving weather but as we approached Wasdale we lost the tracker information so we had to wait to see what would happen. Good visibility meant we could at least see the runners all the way from the summit of Scarfell. They came in still just in front of the schedule spacing themselves out a little more but in essence still a group. They had seen Loxley dropping on the schedule but didn't know any of the details. Again a pretty slick schedule got them further up on the schedule. Loxley came in just after they had left but had missed out summits, he had not resolved his stomach problem but soon after he had sorted himself out and fed and watered he looked much better. We had a visit from Joss Naylor who missed the main group but was happy to show support. The contenders were now five and the weather still improving and almost on the home stretch. Things were looking good.

Somewhere over the leg Mick started to pull away from the others he had been pacemaker for most of the run so far but sensibly wasn't pushing the schedule as yet. The group almost taking it in turns to keep him well chased.

A new cafe this year at Ennerdale, still a bit new, the lady at the till (obviously not a professional at this) was struggling with the technology but at least we got a good pot of tea and bacon. A great improvement on last year. I think it will get better with a little bit more use.

Honister, a mobile phone black spot left us without any further updates not that we had got much on the trip over from Wasdale as phone service is patchy in this part of the world. So once again we waited but were feeling confident. The weather still improving and even some sunshine at this stage. They came in over a 22 minute spread Mike, William, Simon (taking great delight in telling us all about the number of poos he had had that day – six at this stage I recall), Charlie and Sarah, The changeovers getting really slick now and little time lost to changing over.

The problem with a fast round in good weather is that Keswick is bustling in the afternoons and this year was no exception. It was very busy while we waited. It made keeping a lookout difficult but probably not as difficult as trying to run through it all. We soon were rewarded by Mick coming in fast at 22:40 looking very happy with himself. Then Simon at 22:50 updating us on the poo count to seven. Then just after I was told that Sarah was wanting to beat her partner Brent Lindsey's time of 23:11. Then looking at my watch to see it was 23:10 and thinking it wasn't going to happen, in she came chasing Charlie exactly on 23:11. Then in came William at 23:16. So all was well as we took the finish photos, had our fish and chips and some and even beers in the sunshine. Back round at the camp site the sun still shining while we debriefed, showered drank even more tea and beers. Then round to the new venue of the Middle Ruddings for the evening. They had a room for us but we managed to spread out over about three rooms for a while before we condensed down to the comfy chairs in the posh room. Simon made a play for the Mike Robinson eight pint challenge but the general feeling was he hadn’t quite got the pace for this.

I do not think there were too many people too late to bed as few of us had had a great deal of sleep but you do not attend these weekends for a rest. The Sunday morning continuing the good weather saw some of us out running, swimming and cycling. Before we cleared camp before the coming heavy rain which timely didn't come until well after.

Thanks to all

Richard Hakes
