Molecular Biology and Genetics Department
Course Unit Code / Name
Class / Semester of course unit / Fall/Spring
Language of instruction / Turkish
Cycle / Post-graduate-Master degree
Type of course unit / Elective
Type / Basic Sciences
Credit / 3 / Theory / Practice / Laboratory / ECTS CREDITS
3 / 0 / 0
Mode of delivery / Face to Face
Prerequisites and course requisites / None
Lecture / Assist. Prof. Dr. Emre ILHAN
Rest of the lectures / None
Teaching assistants
Academic hours
Assessment criteria /

The lower limit value of course

/ 35

Threshold of final exam

/ 40


/ Percentage (%)
Midterm exam / 1 / 20
Homework / 4 / 20
Project (term paper)
Final exam / 1 / 60
Course objective / To study bioinformatics method and applied and evaluate its results.
Learning outcomes of the course unit / To access biological database, make sequence analyzing, use analyzing programs and express structure of proteins.
Course contents
Weeks / Topics
1 / Introduction to bioinformatic
2 / Access to sequence data
3 / Pairwise sequence alignment
5 / Advanced database searching
6 / Multiple Sequence Alignment
7 / Molecular Phylogeny and evolution
8 / DNA: The Eukaryotic chromosome
9 / Analysis of Next-Generation Sequence data
10 / Bioinformatic approaches to RNA
11 / RNA-seq data analysis
12 / Protein analysis
13 / Protein Structure
14 / General evaluation
Textbook(s) / Bioinformatics And Functional Genomics: Jonathan Pevsner, Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
Additional references / Biyoinformatik I (Dizi Kıyaslamaları), Jens Allmer (ed.), Cana HAS ve Şule Yılmaz, Nobel Yayınevi, 2012.
Biyologlar için Biyoinformatik, Pavel Pevzner and Ron Shamir (ed). Çeviri: Zeki Kaya, Nobel Yayınevi, 2014.
Biyoinformatik Alanında İstatistik, Vilda Purutçuoğlu, Ezgi Ayyıldız, Nobel Yayınevi, 2014.
Learning outcomes of the course unit and contribution level of the course unit to the key learning outcomes
No / Learning outcomes of the course unit / The adequacy program a / Contribution levelb / M.M. c
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / express methods of traditional and modern plant breeding / 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14 / X / 1, 3, 5
2 / define conservation of plant genetic resources / 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14 / X / 1, 3, 5
3 / express using of systems of molecular markers in plant breeding / 12, 14 / X / 1, 3, 5
4 / define genetic diversity in plants and its resources / 12, 14 / X / 1, 3, 5
5 / define mapping and mapping populations in plant breeding / 12, 14 / X / 1, 3, 5
6 / express Next Generation Sequencing Systems in plant breeding / 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14 / X / 1, 3, 5
b Contribution level (1: Low 2:Low ~ Intermediate 3: Intermediate 4: High 5: Excellent)
c Measuring methods ( 1: Written exam, 2: Oral exam , 3: Homework/Project, 4: Laboratory Studies / Exams, 5: Symposium / Presentation)
A.P / a The adequacy program
1 / Comprehending and analyzing basic topics
2 / To understand and become aware of the issues to be effective in computational area on other disciplines.
3 / Having basic knowledge about other sciences
4 / Self-studying and to have knowledge about problem solving and theorem-proving in various environments.
5 / To read and interpret primary sources.
6 / Interacting with people from other disciplines, developing working skills in a team.
7 / To gain personal responsibility.
8 / To gain interaction through written and oral reports and presentation and to gain the ability to communicate.
9 / Making a research at the national and international level with the independent way in the post-graduate subjects of the mathematics, to do paper on common subjects.
10 / To have personality that is respectful for professional and academic ethics values.