NSW Dairy Industry Fund preliminary project proposal form
Use this form to submit a preliminary project proposal for funding from the Dairy Industry Fund. Proposals should be emailed to:
For further information call the Department’s contact person Mr Alex Russell, on 02 68811212.
Applications close at 5.00 pm on 18th August 2017
Project summary information
Project title
Project summary
Provide a brief description of the project in 30 words or less
Proposed project start and finish dates
Proposed start date / Proposed finish dateContact details
Applicant details
Provide details of the organisation that will conduct the project
OrganisationPostal address
ABN / ACN / GST registered? / Yes No
Project manager details
Provide details of the project manager, who will be the main contact for the project
First name / Last nameSalutation / Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other:
Postal address
Email address
Telephone / Mobile
Position title
Project team expertise and experience
Who will be on the project team and what is their role and area of expertise?
Provide details of other grant funded projects your organisation and/or team has managed
Provide details / 1.2.
Strategic links
Identify the key action(s) from the NSW Dairy Strategic Action Plan that the project will address. State how the project will address the key action area(s) listed.
Link to NSW Dairy Strategic Action Plan key action areas (specify up to two) / Choose an item.Choose an item.
Project concept
- What is the problem (or opportunity) that this project is seeking to address?
(max 100 words)
- Has the problem been tested with potential project beneficiaries for relevance of issue and viability of solution?
☐ No ☐ Yes (provide details)
- How will this project address the cause of the problem or create the opportunity to find a solution?
(max 100 words)
- Provide a brief outline of the proposed methodology, including key project activities.
Benefits to the NSW Dairy Industry
- Describe the target audience for this project e.g. specify the relevant geographic location, industry role and/or farm context
- What will change for this group as a result of this project?
(max 100 words)
- What will be the impact of this change (impact per farm and expected adoption/participation)?
(max 100 words)
- Briefly outline the amount of funding sought from the Dairy Industry Fund and how it will be spent. Include other cash or in-kind contributions.
NSW Dairy Industry Funds Requested
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total
Category / 2017/2018 / 2018/2019 / 2019/2020
Operating expenses
Contributions from Applicant or Other Organisations
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total
20__/20__ / 20__/20__ / 20__/20__
Organisation / Cash / In Kind / Cash / In Kind / Cash / In Kind / Cash / In Kind