Intern Handbook


Dr. Ronnie Williams, Executive Director

Betty Harris, Practicum Coordinator

West Georgia RESA

99 Brown School Road

Grantville, GA 30220

770-583-2528 x 619

The West Georgia RESA team is committed to promoting student achievement
through collaboration, innovation, service and leadership.

The West Georgia RESA One Year Supervised Practicum Program (OYSP) is provided as a collaborative endeavor between the RESA and its member school systems. Through the cooperative implementation of the program, school systems will be insured that each intern receives quality educational instruction, maximum mentor support, and developmental field experiences for the successful completion of the Georgia requirements for an initial teacher certification.

Overview of Requirements 5

Criteria for Admission into the Program 5

Intern Advisement Process for Admission into the Program 6

Intern Supervision and Support 6

Candidate Support Teams 6

Credentials and Responsibilities of Candidate Support Team Members 6

School-based mentor 6

School-based administrator 7

RESA Supervisor 8

RESA Program coordinator 8

Content Specialist 8

Teacher Intern Advisement Plan 9

Program Delivery System 9

Intern Requirements 9

Instructional Process Documentation 9

Individual Induction Plan 9

Observations 10

Documentation of Proficiency in the 22 Components of Danielson’s Framework 10

Time Log 10

Intern Assessment 10

Forms 12

Candidate Advisement Sheet 13

Intern/Mentor Time Log 17

Lesson Plan Template 18

Pre/Post Observation Conference Form 20

Classroom Observation 22

Reflection Form 24

Instructional Artifact Sheet 25

Beginning Teacher Support Team Conference Record Form 26

Candidate Support Team Evaluation of Teacher Candidate Dispositions 27

Field Experience Log 29

Focus Sheet for Field Experience Observations 30

Knowledge of Students and Resource Sheet 32

Family Contact Log 33

Three Week Unit Plan 34

Analysis of Unit Impact on Student Learning 35

Self-Assessment Worksheet 36

Individual Induction Plan – Section 1 37

Individual Induction Plan – Section 2 38

Individual Induction Plan – Section 3 39

Professional Development Log 40

Professional Contribution Log 41

Review of Video Tape of Classroom Instruction 42

School and District Contribution Log 43

Research Log 44

Completion of Requirements Documentation 45

Appendix - Rubrics 48

Appendix J - Essential Questions in Planning a Lesson 49

Appendix K - Single Unit Lesson Plan Rubric 50

Appendix A - Field Experiences Required 51

Appendix B - Knowledge of Students and Resources 52

Appendix C - Three Week Unit Plan Rubric 54

Appendix D - Steps for Completing the Individual Induction Plans 55

Appendix E - Professional Development Log Rubric 56

Appendix F - Professional Contribution Log Rubric 56

Appendix G - Procedures for Classroom Videotaping 57

Appendix H – School and District Contribution Log Rubric 58

Appendix I - Research Log Rubric 59

Appendix L - Components of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Professional Practice 60

Domain 1 –Planning and Preparation 61

Domain 2 - The Classroom Environment 67

Domain 3 - Instruction 70

Domain 4 – Professional Responsibilities 74

Appendix M - Standards-Based Curriculum 78

Overview of Requirements

Þ  GACE Basic Skills test (or approved equivalent) passed

Þ  GACE Content Assessment must be passed (For Middle Grades, an additional area must be passed prior to recommendation for certification)

Þ  Technology Course (Requirement for all participants from Professional Standards Commission)

Þ  Teaching of Reading (Middle Grades, Special Education, Secondary English)

Þ  HB -671 – Exceptional Child Course (all participants)

Þ  Mandatory attendance in 10-day Essentials of Teaching class taught in the summer

Þ  100 hours of field work (school-based) documented with candidate/mentor log

Þ  Successful completion of school-based annual evaluation procedures

Þ  Documents from the six coaching cycles: six pre-observation conference forms, six sets of class room observation data from mentor, six sets of post-observation conference data, six single lesson plans (one for each of the observed lessons during the coaching cycles), six instructional artifact sheets (a minimum of one for each of the observed lessons during the coaching cycles), six reflection sheets (a minimum of one for each of the observed lessons during the coaching cycles).

Þ  Video tape of one complete lesson taught by the candidate (minimum of 30 min.) by 6th month of teaching.

Þ  “Knowledge of Students and Resources” sheet (for a selected class)

Þ  Two 3-week unit plans

Þ  Sample grade book pages (student names blocked)

Þ  Inventories, duty logs, calendar of activities

Þ  Family Contact log

Þ  School and District Contribution Log

Þ  Professional Contribution Log

Þ  Individual Induction Plans (Parts I, II and III)

Þ  Professional Development Log

Þ  Case Study (Exceptional Ed.)

Þ  Diverse Field Experiences Documentation

Þ  Portfolio completed and turned in to RESA

Þ  All requirements and additional courses completed and recommendation for clear renewable certificate at the completion of one year of successful internship.

Criteria for Admission into the Program

Georgia One year Supervised Practicum teacher-candidates must meet the following minimum criteria for admission:

·  A bachelor's degree in an appropriate field, with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in all college-level work completed

·  Evidence of passing GACE Basic Skills (or SAT (1000 minimum verbal and quantitative), ACT (43 minimum on English and Math combined), or GRE (1030 minimum on verbal & quantitative) scores high enough to exempt this requirement)

·  Evidence of passing the GACE Content Assessment Test

·  Evidence of passing the GACE Pedagogy Test

·  A satisfactory criminal background check

·  An offer of a full-time teaching position by a participating school system

·  Has system level assurance of release time up to five days for the intern.

·  Agreement to pay $3000.00 for the one year program.

**Praxis I passage can be used in lieu of GACE Basic Skills Tests; Praxis II passage can be used in lieu of GACE Content Assessments.

Intern Advisement Process for Admission into the Program

Interns are given an Intern Handbook that provides an overview of the program, intern requirements and admission criteria (listed above). A completed application packet including all required original signatures of the employing school system’s personnel director, the system superintendent and the intern must be sent to West Georgia RESA by the employing school system as soon as a teaching position is approved. The personnel director will ensure that West Georgia RESA receives official documentation or sealed copies from his/her office that will verify that the intern meets the admission criteria stated in the packet, and that the system has applied to the Georgia PSC for an intern certificate.

The superintendent or designee will assure that the system has issued the intern a contract and will comply with the program requirements, including provision for each intern a school-based mentor. Upon system recommendation to the OYSP program, the intern must register at West Georgia RESA.

Intern Supervision and Support

The West Georgia RESA One Year Supervised Practicum Program will require that interns successfully complete a field experience prior to being recommended for certification. The field experience content will focus on mastery of essential skills and competencies needed for successful teaching. Demonstration and evaluation of mastery will require instruction and support throughout the field experience period. Support team members assigned to each alternative intern will provide these elements collaboratively.

Candidate Support Teams (CST) will include the following three members: school-based mentor, school-based administrator, and program coordinator. A fourth member, a content specialist may be added to the support team.

The role of the CST is to provide the intern support and assistance in the following aspects of teaching:

Þ  Planning and Preparation – knowledge of content and pedagogy, students, resources, instructional design and assessment of learning

Þ  Classroom Environment – creating an environment of respect and rapport, establishing a culture for learning, managing classroom procedures and student behavior and classroom organization

Þ  Instruction – communicating clearly and accurately, using questioning and discussion techniques, engaging students in learning, providing feedback to students and demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness

Þ  Professional Responsibilities – reflecting on teaching, communicating with families, contributing to the school and district, growing and developing professionally and showing professionalism

Credentials and Responsibilities of Candidate Support Team Members

School-based mentor

The school-based mentor should have the following credentials: Five years successful classroom instruction and the recommendation of the building administrator. The school-based mentor shall be certified in the same area and level that the candidate is seeking certification. Additional training will be required of this individual.

The responsibilities of the school-based mentor include the following:

1.  Participate in the appropriate Practicum mentor training

2.  Participate in an orientation meeting with the candidate and the support team

3.  100 hours to be spent with the candidate guiding, advising and providing feedback on concerns of the candidate

4.  Maintain a professional, supportive, and confidential relationship in providing the candidate with guidance and instruction in meeting the requirements and stated competencies of Danielson’s frameworks

5.  Meet with and engage the candidate in weekly discussions, observations, and/or reflection sessions to promote the candidate’s achievement of program goals

6.  Advise the intern on strategies and techniques for implementing classroom procedures and teaching practices that will insure the candidates professional growth

7.  Observe the candidate on a regular basis and provide feedback

8.  Guide the candidate through the daily operation of the school

9.  Coordinate and participate in the classroom visits and conferences with other members of the support team as necessary

10. Support and counsel the candidate and provide perspective when needed

11. Maintain program records as required

12. Monitor the candidate’s progress in completing the requirements of the program

13. Participate in support team meetings as required

14. Assist the candidate by recommending field experiences (observation of exemplary teachers in like content areas)

15. Document candidate proficiency by signing and dating the Portfolio Proficiency form as part of the final team review

School-based administrator

Another member of the CST is the building principal or designee. The ideal school-based administrator is the administrator responsible for implementing the system’s evaluation process with the candidate.

The responsibilities of the school administrator include the following:

1.  Recommend the candidate to the Superintendent for employment, thereby assuring that the candidate has met all eligibility requirements for recommendation

2.  Participate in an orientation meeting with the candidate and the program support team

3.  Provide the setting in which the trained mentor and intern have adequate opportunities to carry out the requirements of the program by ensuring proximity and time for mentoring activities

4.  Participate in support team program review meetings

5.  Conduct informal observations of the candidate and provide timely feedback

6.  Implement the GTEP process (a minimum of three standard observations during the year) or the system’s Board-approved evaluation process and will advise and report to the intern all strengths and weaknesses revealed through this evaluation

7.  Arrange for five days of release time that the candidate may need to meet field experience requirements and limit the extracurricular duties of the candidate

8.  Monitor the progress of the candidate as outlined by the OYSP Advisement Document

9.  Complete summative evaluation of the candidate

10. Participate in decision about recommendation of candidate for teacher certification

11. Communicate to the faculty the importance of the OYSP and set the positive, supportive tone that will ensure a successful enculturation of the candidate

RESA Supervisor

The third member of the CST is the RESA Supervisor.

The responsibilities of the RESA Supervisor include the following:

1.  Provide support for the candidate for successful completion of the program

2.  Will conduct a minimum of six candidate observations to include pre- and post conference contact

3.  Will participate in continuous contact with the support team members throughout the field experience to ensure adequate support is provided to the candidate

4.  Assist the school-based mentor in monitoring the quality of evidence to support candidate’s competencies of standards

RESA Program coordinator

The fourth member of the CST is the RESA program coordinator.

The responsibilities of the program coordinator include the following:

1.  Provide support for the candidate for successful completion of the program

2.  Participate in the appropriate OYSP training

3.  Organize and lead an orientation meeting with the candidate and the program support team

4.  Provide assistance in transcript evaluation and individual alternative Action Plans for candidates

5.  Will monitor candidate progress toward meeting all requirements for clear renewable certification

6.  Will insure that 6 observations of the candidate are conducted by RESA personnel during the year

7.  Will meet as needed to discuss the intern’s progress and required documentation toward mastery attainment of Danielson’s framework of professional practices

8.  Initiate close, continuous contact with the support team members throughout the field experience to ensure adequate support is provided to the alternative candidate

9.  Serve as the liaison between various entities (i.e., the RESA Executive Director, System Human Resources Director, Professional Standards Commission, etc.)

10. Coordinate the maintenance of all records and forms as required by the program design

11. Insure that the intern takes necessary actions to meet Georgia certification requirements

12. Participate and advise the team decision regarding requirements and the recommendation of intern for a clear, renewable teaching certificate at the completion of the field experience

Content Specialist

The content specialist shall have recognized expertise in the area in which the intern is seeking certification as documented on a current vita. Individuals in this position may include university personnel from either the College of Arts and Sciences or the College of Education, RESA or school system staff or other contracted services personnel. A content specialist will be added to a team when requested by the support team.

The responsibilities of the content specialist include the following:

1.  Participate in support team meetings as required

2.  Work with the candidate on content related issues as identified by other members of the support team

3.  Participate in team decision regarding recommendation of candidate for teacher certification at the completion of the field experience