June 8, 2017

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GLOW Region Solid Waste Management Committee March 24, 2017

Genesee County Building 2 10:02 a.m.

3737 W. Main St. Rd., Batavia, NY

Members Present: Daniel Pangrazio; Felipe Oltramari; Brenda Donohue;Catherine VanHorne; Edward DeJaneiro; Sandra King; Gary Moore

Others Present:MargaretC. Grayson; Roberta Curry, Wyoming County Planning Dept.; Yasmin Guevara, NYSDEC; Barb Czworka, Town of Bethany; Samantha Redden, Genesee ARC

Mr.Pangrazio called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. He asked those present to introduce themselves.

I. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Pangrazio asked for a motion to approve theJanuary 27, 2017minutes. Ms. King moved to approve the minutes ofJanuary 27, 2017, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. (6 ayes, 0 nays)

II. Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Grayson reviewed the billing summaries. The totalof the December 2016 invoiceswas $10,897.66. Retirement benefits of $5,723.00were paid in December.Other expenses wereoffice expenses, salary,and fringe benefitsandexpenses related to the NYSAR3 conference that Ms. Graysonattended. At the end of December GLOW had expended $114,537 representing 89.57% of its 2016 budget. The end of the year fund balance was $262,222. Ms. Grayson noted thather records match the Genesee County Treasurer’s office figures for the end of the year and the start of the new year.She stated that in looking back over the last few years the fund balance has steadily increased. This is primarily due to the elimination of the clerk-typist position. She noted that the Genesee County Treasurer’s office has completed the State required Annual Update Document (AUD) on GLOW’s behalf and it is in sync with GLOW’s numbers. It has been emailed to the Livingston and Wyoming County Treasurer’s offices. Ms. Grayson stated that January 2017 invoices total $7,075.13. These invoices represent normal salary, fringe benefits and office expenses along with the $2,100 paid to Genesee County for financial services and to complete the AUD. January expenses represent $5.67 percent of the 2017 budget. Ms. Grayson informed members that all of the 2017 income, including the 2016 MWR&R reimbursement of $35,338.63, the household hazardous waste collection ($15,65.50), the electronics grant reimbursements ($1,505.13) and the County contributions been received.Mr. Moore moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Ms. Donohueand carried. (6 ayes, 0 nays)

III. 2017 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Resolution No. 17-03: Ms. Grayson told members that three (3) responses had been received in response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) that was issued in January for the Household Hazardous Waste/Pharmaceutical Collection planned for September in Mt. Morris. In addition to Environmental Enterprises (EEI), who GLOW has used for the past 12 years, Environmental Service Group and MXI submitted proposals. The criteriais 40% cost, 30% references and 30% ability to perform. Ms. Grayson scored EEI highest on all three. With the exception of mercury they have not raised prices in at least six (6) years. Mr. Oltramari and Ms. VanHorne of the Planning Committee agreed. There was some discussion and Ms. Grayson reminded the Committee that, under the RFP the contract can be extended for a second year at the same pricing and a third year’s pricing can be renegotiated. Mr. DeJaneiro moved to approve Resolution No. 17-03Recommending Environmental Enterprises,Inc. as the contractor responsible for collection,transportation and disposal of unwanted and/or unusable household hazardous waste from GLOW residents under the 2017 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. (6 ayes, 0 nays).She explained that she will send letters out asking for pricing for solid waste, tires and electronics. She will review the responses and put together an analysis for a decision at the June 9 meeting.

IV.Composting-Advertisement and Letchworth Compost site promotion: Ms. Grayson reminded members that since the new Compost Demonstration Site at Highbanks Camping Area wasn’t finished until right before the area was closing in the fall, the thinking was that it would be better to run the composting advertisement in the spring and try to get people to the site by somehow linking the site to the ad responses. She is working with the Genesee Valley Penny Saver to redo the advertisement and passed around a draft. A few changes need to be made and Letchworth wants to approve it before it runs. The cost would be just under $900.00. She would also like to put an ad or article in the Genesee Naturalist booklet, which she passed around. The cover page of the packet would tell people that in addition to the packet and having a chance to win the Earth Machine composter, by visiting the Letchworth site and completing an enclosed postcard with questions related to the site, they would be sent post-it notes and be given a chance to win a scrap bucket. The consensus was that the best time to run the ads was just before Memorial Dayto catch the activity that week and weekend. Ms. Donohue made a motion to run an ad in the Genesee Naturalist, seconded by Ms. King and carried. (6 ayes, 0 nays)

V.Updates: a) Source Separation Law letter-responses: Ms. Grayson explained to members that per the January meeting and after review by Mr. Pangrazio, Mr. Oltramari and Ms. VanHorne, she had written and mailed letters to all municipalities except for those under the Wyoming County program asking them to enforce their Source Separation Laws that were passed in the early 1990s. She included their law and a list, by county, of haulers offering curbside collection in their county. Approximately 42 letters were mailed. She received a number of responses. The Town of Bethany sent out the actual letter and the Supervisor is adamant that they will enforce it. The Town of Batavia used the draft hauler letter that was offered, as did the Town of Geneseo. The Village of Avon Trustee that she spoke to said he has complained a number of times to one local hauler and recently noticed they are now using separate trucks. They are also sending letters. The Village of Geneseo Mayor said their law has no teeth. There was some discussion on the laws needing to be updated. Ms. Grayson created spreadsheets (sent with meeting packets) showing the range of penalties (as low as $10 and as high as $1,000) for violations. Many are obviously too low and members thought they should be raised, some thought as high as $10,000. With the exception of the Village of Avon, Livingston County municipalities do not specify financial penalties because they rely on the County Source Separation Law. There was some discussion on this. Mr. Oltramari told how he had seen one of the Batavia haulers, using a 60/40 truck, where one section is used for recyclables and the other for trash, put the recyclables and trash from houses on one side of the street in one section of the truck and use the other section for trash and recyclables for houses on the other side of the street. The issue of scavenging was also raised. Ms. Grayson and Mr. Oltramari told of a “company” in Batavia that is doing it on a large scale. The owner has business cards and a truck and openly takes scrap metal, appliances with Freon and other items that have been put on the curb for haulers off the curb in advance of the contracted hauler. Ms. Grayson called him and tried to explain the legalities of reporting, the Genesee Count registration and applicable laws and was cut off and referred to a “manager”, who never called her back. She then contacted the City of Batavia and DEC and with their input emailed (a mailing address for them can’t be found) a letter, forms, laws and relevant brochures to him. There was no response. If a license plate number is obtained it will be turned over to DEC and the City of Batavia. There was some discussion about prohibiting scavenging and concerns that it might have unanticipated consequences.The consensus was to start with the Counties, through Jay Gsell, the Genesee County Manager, Ian Coyle, the Livingston County Administrator and Doug Berwanger in Wyoming County. Ms. Grayson will write draft letters and bring them to the next meeting for approval before they are signed by Mr. Pangrazio and mailed. There was addition discussion about the accuracy of the reports that GLOW receives from haulers. Ms. Grayson told members that, because waste generators report the hauler that takes their materials she can see discrepancies (i.e. numbers being reported by small haulers being too low). Mr. Pangrazio asked that she do some checking with the hauler’s end destination (i.e. Waste Management for Mill Seat, High Acres and CID Landfills and Casella for Ontario County Landfill) and see what she can find out.

b) Survey of Nursing Homes-Pharmaceutical Disposal: Ms. Grayson told members that the survey of nursing homes regarding their disposal practices, safety practices, concerns and use of the DEA twice yearly collection program was mailed to the 15 facilities in the Counties on February 7th. Only two (2) responses were received-from the LeRoy Village Green and Eastside Nursing Home in Warsaw. The Village Green is using the LeRoy Police Department and they pick it up monthly or bi-monthly. They were using the DEA program but twice a year pickups were not enough for the amount they generate. Eastside has been flushing approximately 50% and using the DEA program for approximately 50% but will be using DEA for all of its drug disposal starting this April (the next one being April 29, 17). Members asked that Ms. Grayson follow up with facilities that did not return the surveys. Ms. Donohue will follow up with Frank Bassett at Livingston County Skilled Nursing Facility at an upcoming April meeting.

VI. County Updates. Genesee County: Nothing in addition to the information on haulers violating Source Separation Laws Livingston: Ms. Donohue noted that Ms. VanHorne is retiring as Executive Director of the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority as of March 31. She has agreed to continue as the Livingston County alternate on GLOW. Wyoming County: Nothing to report.

VII. Other Business: Electronics Collections: Ms. Grayson noted that there are a number of electronics collections being sponsored by State legislators. There is one on March 25th in Buffalo and another one that Assemblyman Steve Hawley is sponsoring at 5130 E. Main Rd., Batavia, on April 8th. She has been updating the list and sending it to residents who request it and to all the GLOW municipalities. Bergen Composting Facility: Ms. Grayson found a listing on DEC’s Environmental Notice Bulletin for a new composting facility that the Village of Bergen will operate at their waste water treatment facility. It will treat 7.61 tons of dewatered sludge to produce 10.9 tons of compost in a new building they have constructed. Illegal Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Ms. Grayson noted that used car dealership in Potsdam was convicted of burying more than 140 gallons of hazardous waste on its property. The company and an employee were fined $187,500. Pilot Pharmaceutical Take Back Program: Another bit of information Ms. Grayson came across was a program that DEC announced recently. They will work with pharmacies across the State. The program will cover the cost of consumer drug boxes, plastic liners and disposal for two (2) years and at least 200 pharmacies will be funded. On line applications are due by May 1st. Miscellaneous: Ms. Grayson told members that DEC has stopped funding the RAPP, agricultural plastics recycling program. She has two (2) final reports for the program if anyone is interested in them. Ms. King added that the program has been inactive for some time. Ms. Grayson also said she has information of DEC’s proposed food waste regulations if anyone is interested in them. Ms. Grayson also related that in response to Seneca Falls’s decision to restrict new solid waste facilities and prevent existing facilities from expanding (i.e. Seneca Meadows) and closing it by December 31, 2025 Seneca Meadows is now suing the Town of Seneca Falls.

VIII. Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting is on Friday,June 9, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at Wyoming County Agricultural Business Center, 36 Center St., Warsaw

IX. Adjournment: Mr. Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 a.m. seconded by Ms. King and carried. (6 ayes, 0 nays)

Respectfully Submitted,

Felipe Oltramari
