OCTOBER 3, 2016 9:00 a.m.


COMMISSIONERS: David Berry, President

Rick Woodall, Vice President

Donald Walton

ATTORNEY: James Ensley, Attorney

AUDITOR: Jessie Hoskins, Deputy

AUDIENCE: 11 individuals

The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on October 3, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Putnam County Courthouse. David Berry opened the meeting and the pledge to the flag was given.


Royal Secor was present to request permission from the Commissioners to purchase a new scale for checking retail outlets. The old one was stored in a trailer at the Highway Department and went missing. The new scale will cost $325. He has the money in his budget, but will need to do a transfer from office supplies to equipment at the next Council meeting.
Dave Berry made a motion to approve the purchase of the new scale for the Weights & Measures Department. Don Walton seconded. The motion carried.


Ms. Clary appeared before the Commissioners to ask for a grant match of $10,000 from the EDIT Warchest fund. The Putnam County Econ. Development was approved for a USDA Rural Development grant that will create a revolving loan fund to encourage growth in small businesses who cannot get traditional financing. Discussion was held on the terms of the borrower’s repayment.

Don Walton made a motion to approve the grant match of $10,000 from the EDIT Warchest fund. Rick Woodall seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Ms. Clary also asked the Commissioners to consider increasing their EDIT contribution to the Put. Co. Econ Dev. Center from $40,000 annually to $50,000.


Mr. France presented 3 candidates to the Commissioners for approval to become members on the Community Corrections Advisory Board. The candidates- Austin Malayer, Charlene Shrewsberry, and Julia Sutherlin, were picked by a search committee. They will begin their terms on July 1, 2017.

Don Walton made a motion to appoint the candidates to the Community Corrections Advisory Board. Rick Woodall seconded. The motion carried.

Mr. France informed the Commissioners that their recently signed D.O.C. grant contract will have to be re-signed due to the D.O.C. losing the paperwork. The Auditor’s signature will be sufficient.

Mr. France announced that the Courthouse will be hosting the 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off on October 25th at noon and he extended an invitation to all.


Supervisor Mike Ricketts stated that the previously discussed Community Crossing grant needs signed. Also previously discussed, Area 30 has declined taking a dump truck donation from the Highway Dept.

Mr. Ricketts has been in contact with Hanson on 243 and the insurance company regarding Hanson using Co. Rd. 900 S as a crossway. The insurance company said that for liability reasons, the county needs to set up an ordinance for stop signs and place them on either side of the road.

Attorney Jim Ensley stated that the stop signs can only be enforced if they are put on the county right-of-ways.

Dave Berry made a motion for Attorney Ensley to draft an ordinance that would place stop signs in the county right-of-ways located at the intersections of Hanson quarry and Co. Rd. 900 S. Don Walton seconded. The motion carried.

Mr. Berry asked Mr. Ricketts for an update on Bridge 248. Mr. Ricketts stated that the beams were put up on Friday.


Minutes from 8-1-2016 were approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Don Walton. The motion carried.

Minutes from 8-15-2016 were approved on a motion made by Don Walton and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.


Claims paid on 9-22-2016 were approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Donald Walton. The motion carried.

Claims paid on 9-29-2016 were approved on a motion made by Donald Walton and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.

Claims paid on 10-3-2016 were approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Donald Walton. The motion carried.


Payroll from 9-30-2016 was approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Donald Walton. The motion carried.


The Commissioners acknowledged the mail.


Mrs. Harvey, a resident near Bainbridge, was present and addressed the Commissioners on concerns over the herbicide spraying and the damages it causes. Mr. Berry noted that it is being considered and discussed.


David Berry made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Donald Walton seconded. The motion carried.


David Berry, President Rick Woodall, Vice President


Donald Walton Attest: Auditor’s Office