The “Deer Shack” was first established in September of 1984 when Yukon and I partnered on the purchase of our first trailer. I later bought out Yukon’s share in 1987. The new trailer was installed in July of 1992, this is when “The Shack” finally received electricity. Members of The L.H.L.S.A. are encouraged to utilize “The Shack” any time they wish, any season. To be considered a Member, you must have participated in a Shack Prep. weekend at least once within the previous five years or be given special consideration by the Core Group of Members.

“The Shack” only exists because the Members appreciate and respect the property and contribute to its success.

I dedicate this Association to the memory of my Dad, Pee-Wee.

Our Motto: What goes on at the Deer Shack, stays at the deer shack!


The Association and the Property Owner accept no responsibility for your safety or for casualties or injuries resulting from accidents or incidents while on Deer Shack property. You are using this property at your own risk.


Most of the shack expenses are incurred by myself. I chose not to impose a membership fee because the collection of which may cause consternation. Instead, I only ask that Members and Guests contribute willfully in cash donations

and/or efforts associated with Deer Shack maintenance or improvement projects. Your cooperation in this area will go a long way toward the preservation of this unique arrangement.


Deer Shack Prep. Weekend is normally scheduled each year two to three weeks preceding the firearms deer hunting season. If you consider yourself a Member, you are highly encouraged to set that weekend aside and attend. If you do not or cannot participate, you must understand that those who did show up will have priority for the selection of sleeping arrangements and for selection of deer stands.


¨  OPENING WEEKEND is reserved for adults only, unless the Core Group decides otherwise prior to the hunt. The Core Group will decide who is “Adult” enough to qualify! Adult status may be revoked for cause.

¨  Antlerless permits when required must be applied for on time, the deadline is normally around September 4th each year. If you have not committed to hunting with us in time to apply for an antlerless permit or if you fail to apply, you may be excluded from “Party Hunting” as defined in the game laws, but as a minimum, you shall be considered a Dishwasher and a Buck Hunter (unless the Core Group decides otherwise.)

¨  QUOTA: Due to the increasing cost of processing, it was decided in 2003 that as a group, we will only support the taking of three deer, we have found over the years that three deer are more than enough venison. Each year the same few individuals have been incurring the cost burden of processing deer whether or not they even wanted the venison, so it was decided that each member shall put-up $40.00 in advance to cover the cost of processing three deer, more $ may be requested if necessary should the number of hunters contributing not cover this expense. The unused fees collected will be returned when requested, otherwise they will be accepted as Shack donations. Guests will be charged $20.00 each if they overnight and hunt from The Shack. Guests shooting a deer while hunting from the shack are responsible for their own processing costs and they may retain all of the venison if they wish. However, if the group has not reached the three deer quota, we would appreciate an offer to share the venison and the processing costs as well. All special processing costs such as jerky, sausage etc. shall be incurred by those requesting such. Any person willfully taking a deer that exceeds the quota shall be responsible for all processing costs associated with that deer. If a person shoots a fourth deer while not aware that three have already been taken, he shall be responsible for that deer unless the Core Group decides otherwise. As a matter of courtesy to others you should do your best to inform the party when you believe you have taken the third deer.

¨  CHORES: All chores such as cooking, cleaning, dishes, shack maintenance, etc. must be shared among all Members and Guests, (especially those wishing to be considered as Adults or future Core members!) If everyone does a little extra, harmony in the camp is assured. If you must be asked or simply do not offer to help with chores, do not expect to be invited back or be considered for Core Membership.

¨  SAFETY: Each Member is responsible for their own safety and their own compliance with game laws. Any conduct resulting in a visit from a Conservation or Peace Officer may be grounds for the loss of all shack privileges.

¨  CORE GROUP: As of January 1, 2014 the following persons are considered to be The Core Group:

Jimmer, Yukon, Scoop, Kujo, Rudolph, Groaner, Demo, Shitbird, Hurley and Spooky. Core Members shall have voting and decision making privileges on matters concerning the camp.

Congratulations on 30+ years of safe hunting, great job guys.

Thanks to all of you for making this camp what it is today.


The Jimmer

Deer Shack Proprietor