遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第一課

I.Vocabulary: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

  1. portrait 2.model 3.legend 4.resemblance 5.captivating 6.weapons

7.insight 8.breathing 9.mischief 10.photograph 11.expressive

12.Genius 13.brilliant 14.intention 15.realistic

II. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C

III.Write an S for subject, O for object, C for complement, or A for appositive in the blank for each underlined that-clause.

1.A 2.S 3.C 4.O 5.S 6.A 7.S 8.A

IV.Cloze Test: Choose the correct answer for each blank.

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B

V.The following is a summary of the reading for this lesson. Complete each sentence below by choosing from a to f.

1.e 2.b 3.f 4.a 5.c 6.d

VI. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Legend has, portrait
  2. known, as, photographer
  3. think of, as, some/others regard, as
  4. striking resemblance between, self-portraits
  5. was dressed as
  6. No one knows why this painting is so realistic.
  7. Her captivating smile makes it impossible to look away.
  8. The fact that he is deaf and blind does not make his parents love him less.

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第二課

  1. Vocabulary: Fill in each blank with a proper word.
  1. structured 2.relatively 3.recyclable 4.sufficient 5.located

6.transfer 7.atmosphere 8.satisfaction 9.damage 10.indoors

11.conditioner 12.household

II.The following is a summary of the article “Earthships: A New Way of Building and Living.” Fill in each blank with a word from the list.

eco-friendly, recyclable, used, create, regulate, self-sufficient, thus, satisfaction

III. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A

IV. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. numberof odd-looking houses located in the middle of the desert. They are called Earthships.
  2. Earthship is a relatively new type of house. It is primarily built with recyclable materials.
  3. company has many branches in other countries, including Europe, China and Japan.
  4. I don’t want to get involved in this case. You had better find someone else to help you so that you won’t waste your time.
  5. Earthships were not created until the 1970s by a man named Michael Reynolds.

V.Discourse Structure: Fill in each blank with a proper clause listed below.

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第三課

  1. Vocabulary& Derivatives: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

1.tombs 2.pillows 3.average 4.layer 5.pajamas 6.manager 7.sprang

8.stylish 9.possessive 10.wealthiest/wealthy

  1. The following is a summary of the reading. Fill in each blank with a word chosen from the box below.

1.E 2.J 3.B 4.H 5.D 6.F 7.C 8.I 9.G 10.A

  1. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.B

  1. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Put away your stuff just in case people trip over it.

2.People spend/Everyone spends about one third of their lives asleep.

3.She threw me out. Can I stay here for the night?

4.I can survive without TV but not without friends.

5.Can we go to the beach rather than the (swimming) pool this time?

V.Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第四課

I.Vocabulary& Derivativees: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

  1. continent 2.retire 3.pretends 4.sweat 5.surveying 6.burden

7. eager 8.consideration 9.existence 10.criticism 11.fragrant

12.bankruptcy 13.discovery 14.Necessity

II. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C

III.Summary: Choose the correct answer for each blank.

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B

IV.Fill in the blanks with the V-ing or p.p. form of the word given.

  1. discouraged 2.paying 3.waiting 4.shut 5.Gathering 6.loving

7. stricken 8.leading 9.disappointing 10.Increasing 11.skilled

12.retired 13.remaining 14.coveted 15.meant

V. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Maria would rather stay single than marry someone she does not love.
  2. They would rather take a chance than sit and wait to die.
  3. If he hadn’t been driving so fast, he would not have been killed.
  4. If the test had been easier, I would have passed it.

VI.Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第五課

I. . Vocabulary & Derivatives: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

  1. honor 2.nominated 3.effort 4.enlisted 5.heartbreaking 6.diploma

7.daring 8.features 9.regularly 10.budget 11.debut 12.series

13.terrorized 14.performance 15.horrible

II. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B

III.Close Test: Fill in each blank with a proper word from the list.

1.C 2.J 3.G 4.D 5.H 6.B 7.F 8.A 9.I 10.E

IV. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English..

  1. This homeless man bluffed his way into a wedding banquet and enjoyed a big meal.
  2. The clerk is trying to talk Mrs. Wilson into buying a pair of shoes.
  3. He was less than surprised when hearing the news.
  4. Little did Jasmine think of winning first place in the contest.
  5. Scientists claimed (that) they had found the largest dinosaur ever to live on the earth/walk the earth.

V. Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第六課

I. Vocabulary, Derivatives & Phrases

  1. 1.mature 2.proverb 3.elders 4.pearl 5.Oftentimes 6.endless
  1. lean 8.Generally 9.caution 10.wariness
  1. 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C

II. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C

III.The following passages are based on the lesson. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

(A)1.At 2.say 3.again 4.from/of 5.cost/cause 6.Take/Follow

  1. or 8.too 9.use 10.How

(B) 11.falling 12.pays 13.to 14.who 15.away 16.As 17.with

18.to 19.let 20.for

IV.What advice would you give your brother if he were in the following situations? Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate adverb from the box below. Each of the adverbs will be used only once.

  1. seriously 2.calmly 3.lightly 4.well 5.easy 6.hard

V. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English..

  1. People in love often have very different ideas about breaking up.
  2. Some people may be heartbroken, full of sorrow and regret.
  3. On the other hand, some may take it easy, learning to become wiser and more mature.
  4. When it comes to breaking up, I think it should be approached with caution.
  5. We should listen more closely to the advice from our elders.

VI.Reading Comprehension: Read the following poem and choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.C 3.D

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第七課

  1. Vocabulary& Derivatives: Fill in each blank with a proper word.
  1. phenomenon 2.vehicles 3.Miraculously 4.alerted 5.potential
  1. monitor 7.essentially 8.outbreaks 9.unexpectedly 10.prone

11.equipment 12.attention 13.destructive 14.awareness 15.tragedy

  1. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C

  1. Summary Writing: Fill in each blank with a proper phrase or clause from


because of their unpredictable nature, exactly when or where, it will take, by following them with heavy-duty vehicles, with frequent tornadoes.

  1. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English using …..
  1. As soon as he entered the house, he found his wife lying on the couch, with her eyes closed.

2.What makes Jack successful is not just his good luck but also his hard work.

3.The fire broke out so unexpectedly that many people were unable to run out of the house in time.

4.A destructive tornado hit this town yesterday, causing great/a great deal of damage.

5.To improve my listening ability, I have been listening to English radio programs every day since last year.

V.Cloze Test: Fill in each blank with a proper word or phrase from the list.

  1. deadliest 2.destroyed 3.fairly 4.eruptions 5.up to 6.hardly

7.shallow 8.until 9.recorded 10.resulting in

VI.Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第八課

I.Vocabulary& Derivatives: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

  1. intelligent 2.gathered 3.skeptical 4.incidents 5.Rumors

6. view 7.disagree 8.slender 9.government 10.annual

11.mythology 12.invaded 13.magnetic 14.suspected 15.universal

II. Summary Writing: Fill in each blank with a proper phrase or clause listed in the box.

which they describe as tall creatures with huge heads, where a famous

UFO sighting took place in 1947, because they are worried about life on Earth, that more intelligent beings exist.

III. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D

IV. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. percent, polled, life, outer space
  2. rather than hostile
  3. based on

4.Rumor has, crashed against

5.suspicious of/skeptical about

6.People would panic if they knew the truth./People would have panicked

if they had known the truth.

7.I didn’t go to bed until two o’clock in the morning./Not until two o’clock

in the morning did I go to bed.

8.These reports lead/led many people to believe in his ability.

V.Cloze Test: Choose the correct answers from the box below.

1.B 2.H 3.E 4.A 5.G 6.I 7.F 8.C 9.J 10.D

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第九課

  1. Vocabulary: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

1.romantic 2.colonized 3.provisions 4.community 5.undergo

6.portions 7.Exhibition 8.destination 9.ideal 10.prosper

  1. Derivatives: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given word.

1.picturesque 2.attractions 3.samples 4.prosperity 5.location

  1. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.D

  1. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition.

1.from 2.to 3.with 4.of 5.of 6.from

  1. Summary: Fill in each blank with a proper sentence or clause from


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.C

VVI.Cloze Test: Choose the correct answer for each blank.

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A

VII. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Chiufen may no longer be rich in gold, but it is still rich in history.
  2. Just as picturesque and romantic as the scenery of Chiufen is the story behind it.
  3. We have to hand in our assignment by next Friday.
  4. Chiufen started out as a remote mountain community with only nine


5.A visit to Chiufen offers a chance to escape from the busy life of the city.

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第十課

I.Vocabulary: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

  1. bowing 2.essential 3.manner 4.proximity 5.diplomatic 6.checked

7.rude 8.guidebook 9.similar 10.daunted

II. Derivatives: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

1.popularity 2.grasp 3.rudeness 4.manners 5.diplomat

III. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C

IV.Summary: Fill in each blank with a proper sentence or clause from


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.E

V.Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D

VI. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. snapping, means, what you hear or see
  2. is less likely to be confused
  3. are standard around the world, while others vary
  4. to know how, get your message across

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第十一課

I.Vocabulary: Fill in each blank with a proper word.

  1. education 2.technician 3.volunteers 4.emergency 5.philosophy
  1. wounds 7.kidnapped 8.experience 9.response 10.advance

11.transportation 12.content 13.educate 14.humanitarian

15.tropical 16.individual 17.targeted 18.highlighted

II. Derivatives: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given word.

  1. well-educated 2.efficiency 3.sanitary 4.arrangement 5.functional/

functioning 6.accomplishments

III. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question.

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B

IV.Summary: Fill in each blank with a proper word or phrase. Make changes if necessary.

  1. regardless of 2.Established 3.hit 4.include 5.as well as 6.face 7.won 8.for

V. Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A

VI. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. The philosophy/belief of MSF is that everyone has/all people have the right to medical care, regardless of race, gender, religion, or nationality.
  2. It requires/takes great bravery to become an MSF worker/member.
  3. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.
  4. My grandma is good not only at flower arrangement but also at cooking.
  5. What he thought of is not himself but his family and friends.
  6. Few of the students in the class were infected with malaria.
  7. Linda has served as Mr. Johnson’s secretary for several years.
  8. Catherine was our class leader at that time.
  9. “The dignity of people” was the topic that we highlighted today.
  10. Let’s talk about/discuss our plan of the next season.

遠東新高中英文(四)習作解答 第十二課

  1. Vocabulary& Derivatives: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word.
  1. constantly 2.schedule 3.cursed 4.harshly 5.spouse 6.errand

7.delay 8.staff 9.focus 10.verbal 11.discouragement 12.reaction

13.totally 14.undeserved 15.trial

  1. Fill in each blank with an appropriate adverb or preposition.
  1. to 2.down 3.off 4.over 5.away 6.on 7.off 8.to
  2. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the given verbs.
  1. should have gone 2.couldn’t have seen 3.should have been

4. could have been killed 5.should have thought 6.could have made

7.shouldn’t have said

IV. Summary: Choose the correct answer for each blank.

1.E 2.D 3.F 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.G

V. Translation: Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. When it comes to
  2. devoted to helping
  3. become adapted to
  4. object to, lead to
  5. Ten percent of life is made up of what happens to you.
  6. You can take control of your life by controlling your reactions.
  7. We all look forward to seeing you soon again.

VI.Reading Comprehension: Read the following story and choose the best answer to each question.

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D