infoBoard iBI-Documentation

Module email functions

All E-Mail functions on infoBoard


1 General 2

2 Email from the infoBoard client 2

2.1 E-Mail send from the standard infoBoard client 2

2.2 E-Mail send from a standard infoBoard client Plugin 5

3 infoBoard Server 6

3.1 Server Configuration 6

3.1.1 Sends once a day reminder E-Mails 6

3.1.2 Sends a E-Mail when the infoBoard Server goes down 6

3.2 New infoBoard Enterprise Server Email Service 7

4 infoBoard SyncExchange 7

4.1 SyncExchange configuration 7

4.2 Sends a E-Mail when the infoBoard Server goes down 8

5 infoBoard SyncTool server 8

5.1 Sends a E-Mail when the infoBoard SyncTool Server goes down 8

6 infoBoard Converter 8

6.1 Converter configuration 8

6.1.1 Sends E-mails, when services are missing on the planning board 8

6.1.2 Sends E-mails, when capacities are missing on the planning board 8

7 infoBoard WebViews 8

7.1 Will send E-Mail on some event 8

1  General

This document explains every the possible E-Mail functions of different infoBoard products.

From the infoBoard client

From infoBoard Server

From infoBoard Enterprise Edition server

From SyncExchange Server

From SyncTool Server

Emails are send from a smtp server, inside the LAN or any other reachable smtp server in the internet, a MS Exchange server in the LAN or an MS Exchange Server in the cloud , for example

The rights must be set correct.

2  Email from the infoBoard client

2.1  E-Mail send from the standard infoBoard client

System requirements:

- client has a administration/mail setting

- row has an row/email address

2 ways to send the email manually:

Right click on the row: send one E-Mail with a time span of task to the e-mail on that row.

Right click on the item: send one E-Mail to the e-mail address of that row and to any other recipient

The alarm function does not send e-mails. It shows an alarm sign and highlights the item and plays a wav.-file with a voice or a tune.

2.2  E-Mail send from a standard infoBoard client Plugin

infoBoard E-Mail plugin sends email for a special purpose to the customer e-mail address from the address administration (only for selected customers)

3  infoBoard Server

3.1  Server Configuration

3.1.1  Sends once a day reminder E-Mails

E-Mail on the infoBoard Server

E-Mail Reminder: send once a day an automatic sended to the e-mails that are on the item

3.1.2  Sends a E-Mail when the infoBoard Server goes down

3.2  New infoBoard Enterprise Server Email Service

New E-Mail service on the infoBoard Enterprise Server:

E-Mail automated send by event of finishing the task

a)  To the employee, that is allocated to the task on the machine in the other dimension

b)  To the employee (row email address), that is the successor of an itemgroup

4  infoBoard SyncExchange

4.1  SyncExchange configuration

You can configure to send an e-mail, when somebody changes an item on the planning board to the Email address on the row.

4.2  Sends a E-Mail when the infoBoard Server goes down

5  infoBoard SyncTool server

5.1  Sends a E-Mail when the infoBoard SyncTool Server goes down

6  infoBoard Converter

6.1  Converter configuration

6.1.1  Sends E-mails, when services are missing on the planning board

6.1.2  Sends E-mails, when capacities are missing on the planning board

7  infoBoard WebViews

7.1  Will send E-Mail on some event

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